Source code for pkgcheck.addons.caches

"""Base cache support."""

import errno
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import shutil
from collections import UserDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from hashlib import blake2b
from operator import attrgetter

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.compatibility import IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS
from snakeoil.fileutils import AtomicWriteFile
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin

from ..base import Addon, PkgcheckException, PkgcheckUserException
from ..log import logger

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class CacheData: """Cache registry data.""" type: str file: str version: int
[docs] class Cache: """Mixin for data caches.""" __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_cache")
[docs] class DictCache(UserDict, Cache): """Dictionary-based cache that encapsulates data.""" def __init__(self, data, cache): super().__init__(data) self._cache = cache
[docs] class CacheDisabled(PkgcheckException): """Exception flagging that a requested cache type is disabled.""" def __init__(self, cache): super().__init__(f"{cache.type} cache support required")
[docs] class CachedAddon(Addon): """Mixin for addon classes that create/use data caches.""" # attributes for cache registry cache = None # registered cache types caches = {} def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Register available caches.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if cls.cache is None: raise ValueError(f"invalid cache registry: {cls!r}") cls.caches[cls] = cls.cache
[docs] def update_cache(self, repo=None, force=False): """Update related cache and push updates to disk.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.update_cache)
[docs] def cache_file(self, repo): """Return the cache file for a given repository. A unique token using the repo's location is used so separate repos using the same identifier don't use the same cache file. """ token = blake2b(repo.location.encode()).hexdigest()[:10] dirname = f"{repo.repo_id.lstrip(os.sep)}-{token}" return pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos", dirname, self.cache.file)
[docs] def load_cache(self, path, fallback=None): cache = fallback try: with open(path, "rb") as f: cache = pickle.load(f) if cache.version != self.cache.version: logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen due to outdated version", self.cache.type) os.remove(path) cache = fallback except IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: raise except FileNotFoundError: pass except Exception as e: logger.debug("forcing %s cache regen: %s", self.cache.type, e) os.remove(path) cache = fallback return cache
[docs] def save_cache(self, data, path): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with AtomicWriteFile(path, binary=True) as f: pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=-1) except IOError as e: msg = f"failed dumping {self.cache.type} cache: {path!r}: {e.strerror}" raise PkgcheckUserException(msg)
@klass.jit_attr def existing_caches(self): """Mapping of all existing cache types to file paths.""" caches_map = {} repos_dir = pjoin(self.options.cache_dir, "repos") for cache in sorted(self.caches.values(), key=attrgetter("type")): caches_map[cache.type] = tuple(sorted(pathlib.Path(repos_dir).rglob(cache.file))) return ImmutableDict(caches_map)
[docs] def remove_caches(self): """Remove all or selected caches.""" if self.options.force_cache: try: shutil.rmtree(self.options.cache_dir) except FileNotFoundError: pass except IOError as e: raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing cache dir: {e}") else: try: for cache_type, paths in self.existing_caches.items(): if self.options.cache.get(cache_type, False): for path in paths: if self.options.dry_run: print(f"Would remove {path}") else: os.unlink(path) # remove empty cache dirs try: while str(path) != self.options.cache_dir: os.rmdir(path.parent) path = path.parent except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOTEMPTY: continue raise except IOError as e: raise PkgcheckUserException(f"failed removing {cache_type} cache: {path!r}: {e}")