Source code for pkgcheck.addons.git

"""Git specific support and addon."""

import argparse
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from itertools import takewhile
import tempfile

from pathspec import PathSpec
from pkgcore.ebuild import cpv
from pkgcore.ebuild.atom import MalformedAtom
from pkgcore.ebuild.atom import atom as atom_cls
from pkgcore.repository import multiplex
from pkgcore.repository.util import SimpleTree
from pkgcore.restrictions import packages
from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from snakeoil.contexts import GitStash
from snakeoil.klass import jit_attr
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict, OrderedSet
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin
from snakeoil.process import CommandNotFound, find_binary
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism

from .. import base
from ..base import PkgcheckUserException
from ..checks import GitCommitsCheck
from ..log import logger
from . import caches

[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False) class GitCommit: """Git commit objects.""" hash: str commit_time: int author: str committer: str message: tuple pkgs: ImmutableDict = ImmutableDict() def __str__(self): return self.hash def __hash__(self): return hash(self.hash) def __eq__(self, other): return self.hash == other.hash
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class GitPkgChange: """Git package change objects.""" atom: atom_cls status: str commit: str commit_time: int old: atom_cls = None
[docs] class GitError(Exception): """Generic git-related error."""
[docs] class GitCache(caches.DictCache): """Dictionary-based cache that encapsulates git commit data.""" def __init__(self, *args, commit): super().__init__(*args) self.commit = commit
[docs] class GitConfig: """Manages temporary file which holds git config for disabling safe directory feature of git.""" def __init__(self): fd, self.path = tempfile.mkstemp() os.write(fd, b"[safe]\n\tdirectory = *\n") os.close(fd) @property def config_env(self): # ignore global user and system git config, but disable return ImmutableDict( { "GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL": self.path, "GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM": "", } )
[docs] def close(self): os.unlink(self.path)
[docs] class GitLog: """Iterator for decoded `git log` line output.""" def __init__(self, cmd, path): self._running = False self.git_config = GitConfig() self.proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, cwd=path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.git_config.config_env, ) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): # use replacement character for non-UTF8 decoding issues (issue #166) line = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8", "replace") # verify git log is running as expected after pulling the first line if not self._running: if self.proc.poll() or not line: error = raise GitError(f"failed running git log: {error}") self._running = True self.git_config.close() # EOF has been reached when readline() returns an empty string if not line: raise StopIteration return line.rstrip()
class _ParseGitRepo: """Generic iterator for custom git log output parsing support.""" # git command to run on the targeted repo _git_cmd = "git log --name-status --diff-filter=ARMD -z" # custom git log format lines, see the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of # the git log man page for details _format = () # path regexes for git log parsing, validation is handled on instantiation _ebuild_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+/(?P<package>[^/]+)\.ebuild$") def __init__(self, path, commit_range): self.path = os.path.realpath(path) cmd = shlex.split(self._git_cmd) cmd.append(f"--pretty=tformat:%n{'%n'.join(self._format)}") cmd.append(commit_range) cmd.extend(("--no-find-copies-harder", "--find-renames")) self.git_log = GitLog(cmd, self.path) # discard the initial newline next(self.git_log) def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): raise NotImplementedError(self.__next__) @property def changes(self): """Generator of file change status with changed packages.""" changes = deque(next(self.git_log).strip("\x00").split("\x00")) while changes: status = changes.popleft() if status.startswith("R"): # matched R status change status = "R" old = changes.popleft() new = changes.popleft() if (mo := self._ebuild_re.match(old)) and (mn := self._ebuild_re.match(new)): try: old_pkg = atom_cls(f"={'category')}/{'package')}") new_pkg = atom_cls(f"={'category')}/{'package')}") yield status, [old_pkg, new_pkg] except MalformedAtom: continue else: # matched ADM status change path = changes.popleft() if mo := self._ebuild_re.match(path): try: pkg = atom_cls(f"={'category')}/{'package')}") yield status, [pkg] except MalformedAtom: continue
[docs] class GitRepoCommits(_ParseGitRepo): """Parse git log output into an iterator of commit objects.""" _format = ( "%h", # abbreviated commit hash "%ct", # commit timestamp "%an <%ae>", # Author Name <> "%cn <%ce>", # Committer Name <> "%B", # commit message ) def __next__(self): commit_hash = next(self.git_log) commit_time = int(next(self.git_log)) author = next(self.git_log) committer = next(self.git_log) message = list(takewhile(lambda x: x != "\x00", self.git_log)) pkgs = defaultdict(set) for status, atoms in self.changes: if status == "R": old, new = atoms pkgs["A"].add(new) pkgs["D"].add(old) else: pkgs[status].update(atoms) return GitCommit(commit_hash, commit_time, author, committer, message, ImmutableDict(pkgs))
[docs] class GitRepoPkgs(_ParseGitRepo): """Parse git log output into an iterator of package change objects.""" _format = ( "%h", # abbreviated commit hash "%ct", # commit time ) def __init__(self, *args, local=False): super().__init__(*args) self.local = local self._pkgs = deque() def __next__(self): while True: try: return self._pkgs.popleft() except IndexError: commit_hash = next(self.git_log) commit_time = int(next(self.git_log).rstrip("\x00")) self._pkg_changes(commit_hash, commit_time) def _pkg_changes(self, commit_hash, commit_time): """Queue package change objects from git log file changes.""" for status, pkgs in self.changes: if status == "R": old, new = pkgs if not self.local: # treat rename as addition and removal self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "A", commit_hash, commit_time)) self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(old, "D", commit_hash, commit_time)) else: # renames are split into add/remove ops at # the check level for the local commits repo self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(new, "R", commit_hash, commit_time, old)) else: self._pkgs.append(GitPkgChange(pkgs[0], status, commit_hash, commit_time))
class _GitCommitPkg(cpv.VersionedCPV): """Fake packages encapsulating commits parsed from git log.""" __slots__ = ("commit", "old", "status", "time") # set multiple defaults for the fake package live = False slot = "0" def __init__(self, category, package, status, version, time, commit, old=None): super().__init__(category, package, version) # add additional attrs sf = object.__setattr__ sf(self, "time", time) sf(self, "status", status) sf(self, "commit", commit) sf(self, "old", old) def old_pkg(self): """Create a new object from a rename commit's old atom.""" return self.__class__( self.old.category, self.old.package, self.status, self.old.fullver, self.time, self.commit, )
[docs] class GitChangedRepo(SimpleTree): """Historical git repo consisting of the latest changed packages.""" # selected pkg status filter _status_filter = {"A", "R", "M", "D"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("pkg_klass", _GitCommitPkg) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _get_versions(self, cp): versions = [] for status, data in self.cpv_dict[cp[0]][cp[1]].items(): if status in self._status_filter: for commit in data: versions.append((status, commit)) return versions def _internal_gen_candidates(self, candidates, sorter, raw_pkg_cls, **kwargs): for cp in sorter(candidates): yield from sorter( raw_pkg_cls(cp[0], cp[1], status, *commit) for status, commit in self.versions.get(cp, ()) )
[docs] class GitModifiedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of the latest modified packages.""" _status_filter = {"A", "M"}
[docs] class GitAddedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of added packages.""" _status_filter = {"A"}
[docs] class GitRemovedRepo(GitChangedRepo): """Historical git repo consisting of removed packages.""" _status_filter = {"D"}
class _ScanGit(argparse.Action): """Argparse action that enables scanning against git commits or staged changes.""" def __init__(self, *args, staged=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if staged: diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-index", "--name-only", "--cached", "-z"] else: diff_cmd = ["git", "diff-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "-z"] self.staged = staged self.diff_cmd = diff_cmd def default_ref(self, remote): return "HEAD" if self.staged else f"{remote}..HEAD" def _try_git_remote(self, parser, namespace): """Try to catch case of missing git remote HEAD ref.""" try: ["git", "rev-parse", namespace.git_remote], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=namespace.target_repo.location, check=True, encoding="utf8", ) except FileNotFoundError as exc: parser.error(str(exc)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: error = exc.stderr.splitlines()[0] if "ambiguous argument" in error and "unknown revision" in error: parser.error( f"failed running git: {error}\nSuggested to configure the remote by running 'git remote set-head {namespace.git_remote} -a'" ) def generate_restrictions(self, parser, namespace, ref): """Generate restrictions for a given diff command.""" try: p = self.diff_cmd + [ref], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=namespace.target_repo.location, check=True, encoding="utf8", ) except FileNotFoundError as exc: parser.error(str(exc)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: error = exc.stderr.splitlines()[0] if "ambiguous argument" in error and "unknown revision" in error: self._try_git_remote(parser, namespace) parser.error(f"failed running git: {error}") if not p.stdout: # no changes exist, exit early parser.exit() eclass_re = re.compile(r"^eclass/(?P<eclass>\S+)\.eclass$") eclasses, profiles, pkgs = OrderedSet(), OrderedSet(), OrderedSet() for path in p.stdout.strip("\x00").split("\x00"): path_components = path.split(os.sep) if mo := eclass_re.match(path): eclasses.add("eclass")) elif path_components[0] == "profiles": profiles.add(path) elif path_components[0] in namespace.target_repo.categories: try: pkgs.add(atom_cls(os.sep.join(path_components[:2]))) except MalformedAtom: continue restrictions = [] if pkgs: restrict = packages.OrRestriction(*pkgs) restrictions.append((base.package_scope, restrict)) if eclasses: restrictions.append((base.eclass_scope, eclasses)) if profiles: restrictions.append((base.profile_node_scope, profiles)) # no relevant targets, exit early if not restrictions: parser.exit() return restrictions def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): if namespace.targets: targets = " ".join(namespace.targets) s = pluralism(namespace.targets) parser.error(f"{option_string} is mutually exclusive with target{s}: {targets}") if not self.staged: # avoid circular import issues from .. import objects # enable git checks namespace.enabled_checks.update( # determine target ref ref = value if value is not None else self.default_ref(namespace.git_remote) setattr(namespace, self.dest, ref) # generate scanning restrictions namespace.restrictions = self.generate_restrictions(parser, namespace, ref) # ignore irrelevant changes during scan namespace.contexts.append(GitStash(namespace.target_repo.location, staged=self.staged))
[docs] class GitAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Git repo support for various checks. Pkgcheck can create virtual package repos from a given git repo's history in order to provide more info for checks relating to stable requests, outdated blockers, or local commits. These virtual repos are cached and updated every run if new commits are detected. Git repos must have a supported config in order to work properly. Specifically, pkgcheck assumes that the origin branch exists and tracks upstream. Additionally, the origin/HEAD ref must exist. If it doesn't, running ``git remote set-head origin master`` or similar for other branches will create it. You can override the default git remote used for all git comparison using ``--git-remote``. """ # cache registry cache = caches.CacheData(type="git", file="git.pickle", version=5)
[docs] @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): group: argparse.ArgumentParser = parser.add_argument_group("git", docs=cls.__doc__) git_opts = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() git_opts.add_argument( "--commits", nargs="?", default=False, metavar="tree-ish", action=arghparse.Delayed, target=_ScanGit, priority=10, help="determine scan targets from unpushed commits", docs=""" Targets are determined from the committed changes compared to a given reference that defaults to the repo's origin. For example, to scan all the packages that have been changed in the current branch compared to the branch named 'old' use ``pkgcheck scan --commits old``. For two separate branches named 'old' and 'new' use ``pkgcheck scan --commits``. """, ) git_opts.add_argument( "--staged", nargs="?", default=False, metavar="tree-ish", action=arghparse.Delayed, target=partial(_ScanGit, staged=True), priority=10, help="determine scan targets from staged changes", docs=""" Targets are determined using all staged changes for the git repo. Unstaged changes and untracked files are ignored by temporarily stashing them during the scanning process. """, ) group.add_argument( "--git-remote", default="origin", metavar="REMOTE", help="git remote used for all git comparison and operations", docs=""" The git remote to be used for all operations by pkgcheck. The default value, and the recommended value is ``origin``, but you can use any valid git remote name. """, )
def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) try: find_binary("git") except CommandNotFound: raise caches.CacheDisabled(self.cache) # mapping of repo locations to their corresponding git repo caches self._cached_repos = {} @jit_attr def _gitignore(self): """Load a repo's .gitignore and .git/info/exclude files for path matching.""" patterns = [] paths = ( pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, ".gitignore"), pjoin(self.options.target_repo.location, ".git/info/exclude"), pjoin(os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.path.expanduser("~/.config")), "git/ignore"), ) for path in paths: try: with open(path) as f: patterns.extend(f) except (FileNotFoundError, IOError): pass if patterns: return PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", patterns) return None
[docs] def gitignored(self, path): """Determine if a given path in a repository is matched by .gitignore settings.""" if self._gitignore is not None: if path.startswith(self.options.target_repo.location): repo_prefix_len = len(self.options.target_repo.location) + 1 path = path[repo_prefix_len:] return self._gitignore.match_file(path) return False
@staticmethod def _get_commit_hash(path, commit): """Retrieve a git repo's commit hash for a specific commit object.""" try: p = ["git", "rev-parse", commit], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=path, check=True, encoding="utf8", ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise GitError(f"failed retrieving commit hash for git repo: {path!r}") return p.stdout.strip() @staticmethod def _get_current_branch(path, commit="HEAD"): """Retrieve a git repo's current branch for a specific commit object.""" try: p = ["git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", commit], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=path, check=True, encoding="utf8", ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}") return p.stdout.strip() @staticmethod def _get_default_branch(path, remote): """Retrieve a git repo's default branch used with origin remote.""" try: p = ["git", "symbolic-ref", f"refs/remotes/{remote}/HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, cwd=path, check=True, encoding="utf8", ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: raise GitError(f"failed retrieving branch for git repo: {path!r}") return p.stdout.strip().split("/")[-1]
[docs] @staticmethod def pkg_history(repo, commit_range, data=None, local=False, verbosity=-1): """Create or update historical package data for a given commit range.""" if data is None: data = {} seen = set() with base.ProgressManager(verbosity=verbosity) as progress: for pkg in GitRepoPkgs(repo.location, commit_range, local=local): atom = pkg.atom key = (atom, pkg.status) if key not in seen: seen.add(key) if local: commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit, pkg.old) else: date = datetime.fromtimestamp(pkg.commit_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") progress(f"{repo} -- updating git cache: commit date: {date}") commit = (atom.fullver, pkg.commit_time, pkg.commit) data.setdefault(atom.category, {}).setdefault(atom.package, {}).setdefault( pkg.status, [] ).append(commit) return data
[docs] def update_cache(self, force=False): """Update related cache and push updates to disk.""" remote = self.options.git_remote for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees: try: branch = self._get_current_branch(repo.location) default_branch = self._get_default_branch(repo.location, remote) # skip cache usage when not running on the default branch if branch != default_branch: logger.debug( "skipping %s git repo cache update on " "non-default branch %r", repo, branch, ) continue commit = self._get_commit_hash(repo.location, f"{remote}/HEAD") except GitError: continue # initialize cache file location cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) git_cache = None cache_repo = True if not force: git_cache = self.load_cache(cache_file) if git_cache is None or commit != git_cache.commit: logger.debug("updating %s git repo cache to %s", repo, commit[:13]) if git_cache is None: data = {} commit_range = f"{remote}/HEAD" else: data = commit_range = f"{git_cache.commit}..{remote}/HEAD" try: self.pkg_history( repo, commit_range, data=data, verbosity=self.options.verbosity ) except GitError as exc: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(exc)) git_cache = GitCache(data, self.cache, commit=commit) else: cache_repo = False if git_cache: self._cached_repos[repo.location] = git_cache # push repo to disk if it was created or updated if cache_repo: self.save_cache(git_cache, cache_file)
[docs] def cached_repo(self, repo_cls): git_repos = [] for repo in self.options.target_repo.trees: git_cache = self._cached_repos.get(repo.location, {}) git_repos.append(repo_cls(git_cache, repo_id=f"{repo.repo_id}-history")) if len(git_repos) > 1: return multiplex.tree(*git_repos) return git_repos[0]
[docs] def commits_repo(self, repo_cls): target_repo = self.options.target_repo remote = self.options.git_remote data = {} try: origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, f"{remote}/HEAD") head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD") if origin != head: data = self.pkg_history(target_repo, f"{remote}/HEAD..HEAD", local=True) except GitError as exc: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(exc)) repo_id = f"{target_repo.repo_id}-commits" return repo_cls(data, repo_id=repo_id)
[docs] def commits(self): target_repo = self.options.target_repo remote = self.options.git_remote commits = () try: origin = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, f"{remote}/HEAD") head = self._get_commit_hash(target_repo.location, "HEAD") if origin != head: commits = GitRepoCommits(target_repo.location, f"{remote}/HEAD..HEAD") except GitError as exc: raise PkgcheckUserException(str(exc)) return iter(commits)