Source code for pkgcheck.addons.profiles

"""Profile specific support and addon."""

import os
import stat
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

from pkgcore.ebuild import domain, misc
from pkgcore.ebuild import profiles as profiles_mod
from pkgcore.restrictions import packages, values
from snakeoil.cli import arghparse
from snakeoil.containers import ProtectedSet
from snakeoil.decorators import coroutine
from snakeoil.klass import jit_attr
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin

from .. import base
from ..base import PkgcheckUserException
from . import ArchesAddon, caches

[docs] class ProfileData: def __init__( self, repo, profile_name, key, provides, vfilter, iuse_effective, use, pkg_use, masked_use, forced_use, lookup_cache, insoluble, status, deprecated, ): self.repo = repo = profile_name self.key = key self.provides_repo = provides self.provides_has_match = getattr(provides, "has_match", provides.match) self.iuse_effective = iuse_effective self.use = use self.pkg_use = pkg_use self.masked_use = masked_use self.forced_use = forced_use self.cache = lookup_cache self.insoluble = insoluble self.visible = vfilter.match self.status = status self.deprecated = deprecated
[docs] def identify_use(self, pkg, known_flags): # note we're trying to be *really* careful about not creating # pointless intermediate sets unless required # kindly don't change that in any modifications, it adds up. enabled = known_flags.intersection(self.forced_use.pull_data(pkg)) immutable = enabled.union(filter(known_flags.__contains__, self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg))) if force_disabled := self.masked_use.pull_data(pkg): enabled = enabled.difference(force_disabled) return immutable, enabled
[docs] class ProfileNode(profiles_mod.ProfileNode): """Re-inherited to disable instance caching."""
[docs] class ProfilesArgs(arghparse.CommaSeparatedNegations): """Parse profiles args for the ProfileAddon."""
[docs] @staticmethod def norm_name(repo, s): """Expand status keywords and format paths.""" if s in ("dev", "exp", "stable", "deprecated"): yield from repo.profiles.get_profiles(status=s) elif s == "all": yield from repo.profiles else: try: yield repo.profiles[os.path.normpath(s)] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"nonexistent profile: {s!r}")
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): disabled, enabled = self.parse_values(values) namespace.ignore_deprecated_profiles = "deprecated" not in enabled # Expand status keywords, e.g. 'stable' -> set of stable profiles, and # translate selections into profile objs. norm_name = partial(self.norm_name, namespace.target_repo) try: disabled = set().union(*map(norm_name, disabled)) enabled = set().union(*map(norm_name, enabled)) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # If no profiles are enabled, then all that are defined in # profiles.desc are scanned except ones that are explicitly disabled. if not enabled: enabled = set(namespace.target_repo.profiles) profiles = enabled.difference(disabled) setattr(namespace, self.dest, profiles) namespace.profiles = profiles
[docs] class ProfileAddon(caches.CachedAddon): """Addon supporting ebuild repository profiles.""" required_addons = (ArchesAddon,) # non-profile dirs found in the profiles directory, generally only in # the gentoo repo, but could be in overlays as well non_profile_dirs = frozenset(["desc", "updates"]) # cache registry cache = caches.CacheData(type="profiles", file="profiles.pickle", version=2)
[docs] @classmethod def mangle_argparser(cls, parser): group = parser.add_argument_group("profiles") group.add_argument( "-p", "--profiles", metavar="PROFILE", dest="selected_profiles", action=arghparse.Delayed, target=ProfilesArgs, priority=101, help="comma separated list of profiles to enable/disable", docs=""" Comma separated list of profiles to enable and disable for scanning. Any profiles specified in this fashion will be the only profiles that get scanned, skipping any disabled profiles. In addition, if no profiles are explicitly enabled, all profiles defined in the target repo's profiles.desc file will be scanned except those marked as experimental (exp). To specify disabled profiles prefix them with ``-`` which removes the from the list of profiles to be considered. Note that when starting the argument list with a disabled profile an equals sign must be used, e.g. ``-p=-path/to/profile``, otherwise the disabled profile argument is treated as an option. The special keywords of ``stable``, ``dev``, ``exp``, and ``deprecated`` correspond to the lists of stable, development, experimental, and deprecated profiles, respectively. Therefore, to only scan all stable profiles pass the ``stable`` argument to --profiles. Additionally the keyword ``all`` can be used to scan all defined profiles in the target repo. """, ) parser.bind_delayed_default(1001, "profiles")(cls._default_profiles)
@staticmethod def _default_profiles(namespace, attr): """Determine set of profiles to enable by default.""" # Disable experimental profiles by default if no profiles are # selected and no keywords or arches have been explicitly selected # that require them to operate properly. target_repo = namespace.target_repo profiles = set(target_repo.profiles) if not getattr(namespace, "exp_profiles_required", False): profiles -= set(ProfilesArgs.norm_name(target_repo, "exp")) setattr(namespace, attr, profiles) def __init__(self, *args, arches_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.global_insoluble = set() self.profile_filters = {} self.profile_evaluate_dict = {} self.arch_profiles = defaultdict(list) self.target_repo = self.options.target_repo ignore_deprecated = getattr(self.options, "ignore_deprecated_profiles", True) for p in sorted(self.options.profiles): if p.deprecated and ignore_deprecated: continue try: profile = self.target_repo.profiles.create_profile(p, load_profile_base=False) except profiles_mod.ProfileError as e: # Only throw errors if the profile was selected by the user, bad # repo profiles will be caught during repo metadata scans. if self.options.selected_profiles is not None: raise PkgcheckUserException(f"invalid profile: {e.path!r}: {e.error}") continue self.arch_profiles[p.arch].append((profile, p)) @coroutine def _profile_files(self): """Given a profile object, return its file set and most recent mtime.""" cache = {} while True: profile = yield profile_mtime = 0 profile_files = [] for node in profile.stack: mtime, files = cache.get(node.path, (0, [])) if not mtime: for f in os.listdir(node.path): p = pjoin(node.path, f) st_obj = os.lstat(p) if stat.S_ISREG(st_obj.st_mode): files.append(p) if st_obj.st_mtime > mtime: mtime = st_obj.st_mtime cache[node.path] = (mtime, files) if mtime > profile_mtime: profile_mtime = mtime profile_files.extend(files) yield profile_mtime, frozenset(profile_files) @jit_attr def profile_data(self): """Mapping of profile age and file sets used to check cache viability.""" data = {} gen_profile_data = self._profile_files() for profile_obj, profile in chain.from_iterable(self.arch_profiles.values()): mtime, files = gen_profile_data.send(profile_obj) data[profile] = (mtime, files) next(gen_profile_data) return ImmutableDict(data)
[docs] def update_cache(self, force=False): """Update related cache and push updates to disk.""" cached_profiles = defaultdict(dict) official_arches = self.target_repo.known_arches with base.ProgressManager(verbosity=self.options.verbosity) as progress: for repo in self.target_repo.trees: cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) # add profiles-base -> repo mapping to ease storage procedure cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]["repo"] = repo if not force: cache = self.load_cache(cache_file, fallback={}) cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base].update(cache) chunked_data_cache = {} for arch in sorted(self.options.arches): stable_key, unstable_key = arch, f"~{arch}" stable_r = packages.PackageRestriction( "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2((stable_key,)) ) unstable_r = packages.PackageRestriction( "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch2( ( stable_key, unstable_key, ) ), ) default_masked_use = tuple(set(x for x in official_arches if x != stable_key)) # padding for progress output padding = max(len(x) for x in self.options.arches) for profile_obj, profile in self.arch_profiles.get(arch, []): files = self.profile_data.get(profile) try: cached_profile = cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base][ profile.path ] if files != cached_profile["files"]: # force refresh of outdated cache entry raise KeyError masks = cached_profile["masks"] unmasks = cached_profile["unmasks"] immutable_flags = cached_profile["immutable_flags"] stable_immutable_flags = cached_profile["stable_immutable_flags"] enabled_flags = cached_profile["enabled_flags"] stable_enabled_flags = cached_profile["stable_enabled_flags"] pkg_use = cached_profile["pkg_use"] iuse_effective = cached_profile["iuse_effective"] use = cached_profile["use"] provides_repo = cached_profile["provides_repo"] except KeyError: try: progress( f"{repo} -- updating profiles cache: {profile.arch:<{padding}}" ) masks = profile_obj.masks unmasks = profile_obj.unmasks immutable_flags = profile_obj.masked_use.clone(unfreeze=True) immutable_flags.add_bare_global((), default_masked_use) immutable_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) immutable_flags.freeze() stable_immutable_flags = profile_obj.stable_masked_use.clone( unfreeze=True ) stable_immutable_flags.add_bare_global((), default_masked_use) stable_immutable_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) stable_immutable_flags.freeze() enabled_flags = profile_obj.forced_use.clone(unfreeze=True) enabled_flags.add_bare_global((), (stable_key,)) enabled_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) enabled_flags.freeze() stable_enabled_flags = profile_obj.stable_forced_use.clone( unfreeze=True ) stable_enabled_flags.add_bare_global((), (stable_key,)) stable_enabled_flags.optimize(cache=chunked_data_cache) stable_enabled_flags.freeze() pkg_use = profile_obj.pkg_use iuse_effective = profile_obj.iuse_effective provides_repo = profile_obj.provides_repo # finalize enabled USE flags use = frozenset( misc.incremental_expansion( profile_obj.use, msg_prefix="while expanding USE" ) ) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: # unsupported EAPI or other issue, profile checks will catch this continue cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base]["update"] = True cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base][profile.path] = { "files": files, "masks": masks, "unmasks": unmasks, "immutable_flags": immutable_flags, "stable_immutable_flags": stable_immutable_flags, "enabled_flags": enabled_flags, "stable_enabled_flags": stable_enabled_flags, "pkg_use": pkg_use, "iuse_effective": iuse_effective, "use": use, "provides_repo": provides_repo, } # used to interlink stable/unstable lookups so that if # unstable says it's not visible, stable doesn't try # if stable says something is visible, unstable doesn't try. stable_cache = set() unstable_insoluble = ProtectedSet(self.global_insoluble) # few notes. for filter, ensure keywords is last, on the # offchance a non-metadata based restrict foregos having to # access the metadata. # note that the cache/insoluble are inversly paired; # stable cache is usable for unstable, but not vice versa. # unstable insoluble is usable for stable, but not vice versa vfilter = domain.generate_filter( self.target_repo.pkg_masks | masks, unmasks ) self.profile_filters.setdefault(stable_key, []).append( ProfileData( repo.repo_id, profile.path, stable_key, provides_repo, packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, stable_r), iuse_effective, use, pkg_use, stable_immutable_flags, stable_enabled_flags, stable_cache, ProtectedSet(unstable_insoluble), profile.status, profile.deprecated, ) ) self.profile_filters.setdefault(unstable_key, []).append( ProfileData( repo.repo_id, profile.path, unstable_key, provides_repo, packages.AndRestriction(vfilter, unstable_r), iuse_effective, use, pkg_use, immutable_flags, enabled_flags, ProtectedSet(stable_cache), unstable_insoluble, profile.status, profile.deprecated, ) ) # dump updated profile filters for k, v in cached_profiles.items(): if v.pop("update", False): repo = v.pop("repo") cache_file = self.cache_file(repo) cache = caches.DictCache(cached_profiles[repo.config.profiles_base], self.cache) self.save_cache(cache, cache_file) for key, profile_list in self.profile_filters.items(): similar = self.profile_evaluate_dict[key] = [] for profile in profile_list: for existing in similar: if ( existing[0].masked_use == profile.masked_use and existing[0].forced_use == profile.forced_use ): existing.append(profile) break else: similar.append([profile])
[docs] def identify_profiles(self, pkg): # yields groups of profiles; the 'groups' are grouped by the ability to share # the use processing across each of 'em. groups = [] keywords = pkg.keywords unstable_keywords = (f"~{x}" for x in keywords if x[0] != "~") for key in chain(keywords, unstable_keywords): if profile_grps := self.profile_evaluate_dict.get(key): for profiles in profile_grps: if group := [x for x in profiles if x.visible(pkg)]: groups.append(group) return groups
def __getitem__(self, key): """Return profiles matching a given keyword.""" return self.profile_filters[key]
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Return profiles matching a given keyword with a fallback if none exist.""" try: return self.profile_filters[key] except KeyError: return default
[docs] def items(self): """Iterate over all keywords and profiles.""" return self.profile_filters.items()
def __iter__(self): """Iterate over all profile data objects.""" return chain.from_iterable(self.profile_filters.values()) def __len__(self): return len([x for x in self])