Source code for pkgcheck.checks.profiles

"""Various profile-related checks."""

from datetime import datetime
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterable

from pkgcore.ebuild import misc
from pkgcore.ebuild import profiles as profiles_mod
from pkgcore.ebuild.atom import atom as atom_cls
from pkgcore.ebuild.repo_objs import Profiles
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin
from snakeoil.sequences import iflatten_instance
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism

from .. import addons, base, results, sources
from . import Check, RepoCheck

[docs] class OutdatedProfilePackage(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile files includes package entry that doesn't exist in the repo for a mentioned period of time. This is only reported if the version was removed more than 3 months ago, or all versions of this package were removed (i.e. last-rite). """ def __init__(self, path, atom, age): super().__init__() self.path = path self.atom = str(atom) self.age = float(age) @property def desc(self): return f"{self.path!r}: outdated package entry: {self.atom!r}, last match removed {self.age} years ago"
[docs] class UnknownProfilePackage(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile files includes package entry that doesn't exist in the repo.""" def __init__(self, path, atom): super().__init__() self.path = path self.atom = str(atom) @property def desc(self): return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package: {self.atom!r}"
[docs] class UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """The profile's files include a package.unmask (or similar) entry which negates a non-existent mask, i.e. it undoes a mask which doesn't exist in the parent profile. No atoms matching this entry were found in the parent profile to unmask.""" def __init__(self, path, atom): super().__init__() self.path = path self.atom = str(atom) @property def desc(self): return f"{self.path!r}: unmask of not masked package: {self.atom!r}"
[docs] class UnknownProfilePackageUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile files include entries with USE flags that aren't used on any matching packages.""" def __init__(self, path, atom, flags): super().__init__() self.path = path self.atom = str(atom) self.flags = tuple(flags) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) flags = ", ".join(self.flags) atom = f"{self.atom}[{flags}]" return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package USE flag{s}: {atom!r}"
[docs] class UnknownProfileUse(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile files include USE flags that don't exist.""" def __init__(self, path, flags): super().__init__() self.path = path self.flags = tuple(flags) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.flags) flags = ", ".join(map(repr, self.flags)) return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE flag{s}: {flags}"
[docs] class UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile files include package keywords that don't exist.""" def __init__(self, path, atom, keywords): super().__init__() self.path = path self.atom = str(atom) self.keywords = tuple(keywords) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.keywords) keywords = ", ".join(map(repr, self.keywords)) return f"{self.path!r}: unknown package keyword{s}: {self.atom}: {keywords}"
[docs] class UnknownProfileUseExpand(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile includes nonexistent USE_EXPAND group(s).""" def __init__(self, path: str, var: str, groups: Iterable[str]): super().__init__() self.path = path self.var = var self.groups = tuple(groups) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.groups) groups = ", ".join(self.groups) return f"{self.path!r}: unknown USE_EXPAND group{s} in {self.var!r}: {groups}"
[docs] class UnknownProfileUseExpandValue(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile defines unknown default values for USE_EXPAND group.""" def __init__(self, path: str, group: str, values: Iterable[str]): super().__init__() self.path = path = group self.values = tuple(values) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.values) values = ", ".join(self.values) return f"{self.path!r}: unknown value{s} for {!r}: {values}"
[docs] class ProfileMissingImplicitExpandValues(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile is missing USE_EXPAND_VALUES for implicit USE_EXPAND group.""" def __init__(self, path: str, groups: Iterable[str]): super().__init__() self.path = path self.groups = tuple(groups) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.groups) groups = ", ".join(self.groups) return f"{self.path!r}: missing USE_EXPAND_VALUES for USE_EXPAND group{s}: {groups}"
[docs] class UnknownProfileArch(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile includes unknown ARCH.""" def __init__(self, path: str, arch: str): super().__init__() self.path = path self.arch = arch @property def desc(self): return f"{self.path!r}: unknown ARCH {self.arch!r}"
[docs] class ProfileWarning(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogWarning): """Badly formatted data in various profile files."""
[docs] class ProfileError(results.ProfilesResult, results.LogError): """Erroneously formatted data in various profile files."""
# mapping of profile log levels to result classes _logmap = ( base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.warning", ProfileWarning), base.LogMap("pkgcore.log.logger.error", ProfileError), )
[docs] def verify_files(*files): """Decorator to register file verification methods.""" class decorator: """Decorator with access to the class of a decorated function.""" def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __set_name__(self, owner, name): for file, attr in files: owner.known_files[file] = (attr, self.func) setattr(owner, name, self.func) return decorator
[docs] class ProfilesCheck(Check): """Scan repo profiles for unknown flags/packages.""" _source = sources.ProfilesRepoSource required_addons = (addons.UseAddon, addons.KeywordsAddon, addons.git.GitAddon) known_results = frozenset( { OutdatedProfilePackage, UnknownProfilePackage, UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask, UnknownProfilePackageUse, UnknownProfileUse, UnknownProfilePackageKeywords, UnknownProfileUseExpand, UnknownProfileUseExpandValue, ProfileMissingImplicitExpandValues, UnknownProfileArch, ProfileWarning, ProfileError, } ) # mapping between known files and verification methods known_files = {} def __init__( self, *args, use_addon: addons.UseAddon, keywords_addon: addons.KeywordsAddon, git_addon: addons.git.GitAddon, ): super().__init__(*args) repo = self.options.target_repo self.keywords = keywords_addon self.search_repo = self.options.search_repo self.profiles_dir = repo.config.profiles_base = self.existence_repo = git_addon.cached_repo(addons.git.GitRemovedRepo) self.use_expand_groups = { use.upper(): frozenset({val.removeprefix(f"{use}_") for val, _desc in vals}) for use, vals in repo.config.use_expand_desc.items() } local_iuse = {use for _pkg, (use, _desc) in repo.config.use_local_desc} self.available_iuse = frozenset( local_iuse | use_addon.global_iuse | use_addon.global_iuse_expand | use_addon.global_iuse_implicit ) def _report_unknown_atom(self, path, atom): if not isinstance(atom, atom_cls): atom = atom_cls(atom) if matches := self.existence_repo.match(atom): removal = max(x.time for x in matches) removal = datetime.fromtimestamp(removal) years = ( - removal).days / 365.2425 # show years value if it's greater than 3 month, or if the package was removed if years > 0.25 or not self.search_repo.match(atom.unversioned_atom): return OutdatedProfilePackage(path, atom, round(years, 2)) return UnknownProfilePackage(path, atom) @verify_files(("parent", "parents"), ("eapi", "eapi")) def _pull_attr(self, *args): """Verification only needs to pull the profile attr.""" yield from () @verify_files(("deprecated", "deprecated")) def _deprecated(self, filename, node, vals): # make sure replacement profile exists if vals is not None: replacement, _msg = vals try: addons.profiles.ProfileNode(pjoin(self.profiles_dir, replacement)) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: yield ProfileError( f"nonexistent replacement {replacement!r} " f"for deprecated profile: {!r}" ) # non-spec files @verify_files(("package.keywords", "keywords"), ("package.accept_keywords", "accept_keywords")) def _pkg_keywords(self, filename, node, vals): for atom, keywords in vals: if invalid := sorted(set(keywords) - self.keywords.valid): yield UnknownProfilePackageKeywords(pjoin(, filename), atom, invalid) @verify_files( ("use.force", "use_force"), ("use.stable.force", "use_stable_force"), ("use.mask", "use_mask"), ("use.stable.mask", "use_stable_mask"), ) def _use(self, filename, node, vals): # TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods d = vals.render_to_dict() for _, entries in d.items(): for _, disabled, enabled in entries: if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - self.available_iuse: flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled) yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(, filename), sorted(flags)) if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - self.available_iuse: yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(, filename), sorted(unknown_enabled)) @verify_files( ("packages", "packages"), ("package.unmask", "unmasks"), ("package.deprecated", "pkg_deprecated"), ) def _pkg_atoms(self, filename, node, vals): for x in iflatten_instance(vals, atom_cls): if not isinstance(x, bool) and not self.search_repo.match(x): yield self._report_unknown_atom(pjoin(, filename), x) @verify_files( ("package.mask", "masks"), ) def _pkg_masks(self, filename, node, vals): all_masked = set().union( *(masked[1] for p in profiles_mod.ProfileStack(node.path).stack if (masked := p.masks)) ) unmasked, masked = vals for x in masked: if not self.search_repo.match(x): yield self._report_unknown_atom(pjoin(, filename), x) for x in unmasked: if not self.search_repo.match(x): yield self._report_unknown_atom(pjoin(, filename), x) elif x not in all_masked: yield UnmatchedProfilePackageUnmask(pjoin(, filename), x) @verify_files( ("package.use", "pkg_use"), ("package.use.force", "pkg_use_force"), ("package.use.stable.force", "pkg_use_stable_force"), ("package.use.mask", "pkg_use_mask"), ("package.use.stable.mask", "pkg_use_stable_mask"), ) def _pkg_use(self, filename, node, vals): # TODO: give ChunkedDataDict some dict view methods d = vals if isinstance(d, misc.ChunkedDataDict): d = vals.render_to_dict() for _pkg, entries in d.items(): for a, disabled, enabled in entries: if pkgs := self.search_repo.match(a): available = {u for pkg in pkgs for u in pkg.iuse_stripped} if unknown_disabled := set(disabled) - available: flags = ("-" + u for u in unknown_disabled) yield UnknownProfilePackageUse(pjoin(, filename), a, flags) if unknown_enabled := set(enabled) - available: yield UnknownProfilePackageUse( pjoin(, filename), a, unknown_enabled ) else: yield self._report_unknown_atom(pjoin(, filename), a) @verify_files(("make.defaults", "make_defaults")) def _make_defaults(self, filename: str, node: sources.ProfileNode, vals: dict[str, str]): if use_flags := { use.removeprefix("-") for use_group in ("USE", "IUSE_IMPLICIT") for use in vals.get(use_group, "").split() }: if unknown := use_flags - self.available_iuse: yield UnknownProfileUse(pjoin(, filename), sorted(unknown)) implicit_use_expands = set(vals.get("USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT", "").split()) for use_group in ( "USE_EXPAND", "USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN", "USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED", ): values = {use.removeprefix("-") for use in vals.get(use_group, "").split()} if unknown := values - self.use_expand_groups.keys() - implicit_use_expands: yield UnknownProfileUseExpand( pjoin(, filename), use_group, sorted(unknown) ) for key, val in vals.items(): if key.startswith("USE_EXPAND_VALUES_"): use_group = key[18:] if use_group in implicit_use_expands: continue elif allowed_values := self.use_expand_groups.get(use_group, None): if unknown := set(val.split()) - allowed_values: yield UnknownProfileUseExpandValue( pjoin(, filename), key, sorted(unknown) ) else: yield UnknownProfileUseExpand(pjoin(, filename), key, [use_group]) for key in vals.keys() & self.use_expand_groups.keys(): if unknown := set(vals.get(key, "").split()) - self.use_expand_groups[key]: yield UnknownProfileUseExpandValue(pjoin(, filename), key, sorted(unknown)) if missing_values := { use_group for use_group in implicit_use_expands if f"USE_EXPAND_VALUES_{use_group}" not in vals }: yield ProfileMissingImplicitExpandValues( pjoin(, filename), sorted(missing_values) ) if arch := vals.get("ARCH", None): if arch not in self.keywords.arches: yield UnknownProfileArch(pjoin(, filename), arch)
[docs] def feed(self, profile: sources.Profile): for f in profile.files.intersection(self.known_files): attr, func = self.known_files[f] with base.LogReports(*_logmap) as log_reports: data = getattr(profile.node, attr) yield from func(self, f, profile.node, data) yield from log_reports
[docs] class UnusedProfileDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Unused profile directories detected.""" def __init__(self, dirs): super().__init__() self.dirs = tuple(dirs) @property def desc(self): s = pluralism(self.dirs) dirs = ", ".join(map(repr, self.dirs)) return f"unused profile dir{s}: {dirs}"
[docs] class ArchesWithoutProfiles(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Arches without corresponding profile listings.""" def __init__(self, arches): super().__init__() self.arches = tuple(arches) @property def desc(self): es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es") arches = ", ".join(self.arches) return f"arch{es} without profiles: {arches}"
[docs] class NonexistentProfilePath(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error): """Specified profile path in profiles.desc doesn't exist.""" def __init__(self, path): super().__init__() self.path = path @property def desc(self): return f"nonexistent profile path: {self.path!r}"
[docs] class LaggingProfileEapi(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Profile has an EAPI that is older than one of its parents.""" def __init__(self, profile, eapi, parent, parent_eapi): super().__init__() self.profile = profile self.eapi = eapi self.parent = parent self.parent_eapi = parent_eapi @property def desc(self): return ( f"{self.profile!r} profile has EAPI {self.eapi}, " f"{self.parent!r} parent has EAPI {self.parent_eapi}" )
class _ProfileEapiResult(results.ProfilesResult): """Generic profile EAPI result.""" _type = None def __init__(self, profile, eapi): super().__init__() self.profile = profile self.eapi = str(eapi) @property def desc(self): return f"{self.profile!r} profile is using {self._type} EAPI {self.eapi}"
[docs] class BannedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Error): """Profile has an EAPI that is banned in the repository.""" _type = "banned"
[docs] class DeprecatedProfileEapi(_ProfileEapiResult, results.Warning): """Profile has an EAPI that is deprecated in the repository.""" _type = "deprecated"
[docs] class UnknownCategoryDirs(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Category directories that aren't listed in a repo's categories. Or the categories of the repo's masters as well. """ def __init__(self, dirs): super().__init__() self.dirs = tuple(dirs) @property def desc(self): dirs = ", ".join(self.dirs) s = pluralism(self.dirs) return f"unknown category dir{s}: {dirs}"
[docs] class NonexistentCategories(results.ProfilesResult, results.Warning): """Category entries in profiles/categories that don't exist in the repo.""" def __init__(self, categories): super().__init__() self.categories = tuple(categories) @property def desc(self): categories = ", ".join(self.categories) ies = pluralism(self.categories, singular="y", plural="ies") return f"nonexistent profiles/categories entr{ies}: {categories}"
[docs] class ArchesOutOfSync(results.ProfilesResult, results.Error): """``profiles/arches.desc`` is out of sync with ``arch.list``.""" def __init__(self, arches): super().__init__() self.arches = tuple(arches) @property def desc(self): es = pluralism(self.arches, plural="es") arches = ", ".join(self.arches) return f"'profiles/arches.desc' is out of sync with 'arch.list', arch{es}: {arches}"
[docs] def dir_parents(path): """Yield all directory path parents excluding the root directory. Example: >>> list(dir_parents('/root/foo/bar/baz')) ['root/foo/bar', 'root/foo', 'root'] """ path = os.path.normpath(path.strip("/")) while path: yield path dirname, _basename = os.path.split(path) path = dirname.rstrip("/")
[docs] class RepoProfilesCheck(RepoCheck): """Scan repo for various profiles directory issues. Including unknown arches in profiles, arches without profiles, and unknown categories. """ _source = (sources.EmptySource, (base.profiles_scope,)) required_addons = (addons.profiles.ProfileAddon,) known_results = frozenset( { ArchesWithoutProfiles, UnusedProfileDirs, NonexistentProfilePath, UnknownCategoryDirs, NonexistentCategories, LaggingProfileEapi, ProfileError, ProfileWarning, BannedProfileEapi, DeprecatedProfileEapi, ArchesOutOfSync, } ) # known profile status types for the gentoo repo known_profile_statuses = frozenset({"stable", "dev", "exp"}) unknown_categories_whitelist = ("scripts",) def __init__(self, *args, profile_addon): super().__init__(*args) self.arches = self.options.target_repo.known_arches self.repo = self.options.target_repo self.profiles_dir = self.repo.config.profiles_base self.non_profile_dirs = profile_addon.non_profile_dirs
[docs] def finish(self): if unknown_category_dirs := set(self.repo.category_dirs).difference( self.repo.categories, self.unknown_categories_whitelist ): yield UnknownCategoryDirs(sorted(unknown_category_dirs)) if nonexistent_categories := set(self.repo.config.categories).difference( self.repo.category_dirs ): yield NonexistentCategories(sorted(nonexistent_categories)) if arches_without_profiles := set(self.arches) - set(self.repo.profiles.arches()): yield ArchesWithoutProfiles(sorted(arches_without_profiles)) root_profile_dirs = {"embedded"} available_profile_dirs = set() for root, _dirs, _files in os.walk(self.profiles_dir): if d := root[len(self.profiles_dir) :].lstrip("/"): available_profile_dirs.add(d) available_profile_dirs -= self.non_profile_dirs | root_profile_dirs # don't check for acceptable profile statuses on overlays if self.options.gentoo_repo: known_profile_statuses = self.known_profile_statuses else: known_profile_statuses = None # forcibly parse profiles.desc and convert log warnings/errors into reports with base.LogReports(*_logmap) as log_reports: profiles = Profiles.parse( self.profiles_dir, self.repo.repo_id, known_status=known_profile_statuses, known_arch=self.arches, ) yield from log_reports banned_eapis = self.repo.config.profile_eapis_banned deprecated_eapis = self.repo.config.profile_eapis_deprecated seen_profile_dirs = set() banned_profile_eapi = set() deprecated_profile_eapi = set() lagging_profile_eapi = defaultdict(list) for p in profiles: try: profile = profiles_mod.ProfileStack(pjoin(self.profiles_dir, p.path)) except profiles_mod.ProfileError: yield NonexistentProfilePath(p.path) continue for parent in profile.stack: seen_profile_dirs.update(dir_parents( if profile.eapi is not parent.eapi and profile.eapi in parent.eapi.inherits: lagging_profile_eapi[profile].append(parent) if str(parent.eapi) in banned_eapis: banned_profile_eapi.add(parent) if str(parent.eapi) in deprecated_eapis: deprecated_profile_eapi.add(parent) for profile, parents in lagging_profile_eapi.items(): parent = parents[-1] yield LaggingProfileEapi(, str(profile.eapi),, str(parent.eapi)) for profile in banned_profile_eapi: yield BannedProfileEapi(, profile.eapi) for profile in deprecated_profile_eapi: yield DeprecatedProfileEapi(, profile.eapi) if unused_profile_dirs := available_profile_dirs - seen_profile_dirs: yield UnusedProfileDirs(sorted(unused_profile_dirs)) if arches_desc := frozenset().union(*self.repo.config.arches_desc.values()): if arches_mis_sync := self.repo.known_arches ^ arches_desc: yield ArchesOutOfSync(sorted(arches_mis_sync))