Source code for pkgcheck.checks.whitespace

"""Various whitespace-related checks."""

import re
from typing import NamedTuple

from .. import results, sources
from . import Check, OptionalCheck

class _Whitespace(results.LinesResult, results.Style): ...

[docs] class WhitespaceFound(_Whitespace): """Leading or trailing whitespace found.""" def __init__(self, leadtrail, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.leadtrail = leadtrail @property def desc(self): return f"ebuild has {self.leadtrail} whitespace {self.lines_str}"
[docs] class WrongIndentFound(_Whitespace): """Incorrect indentation whitespace found.""" @property def desc(self): return f"ebuild has whitespace in indentation {self.lines_str}"
[docs] class DoubleEmptyLine(_Whitespace): """Unneeded blank lines found.""" @property def desc(self): return f"ebuild has unneeded empty line {self.lines_str}"
[docs] class TrailingEmptyLine(results.VersionResult, results.Style): """Unneeded trailing blank lines found.""" desc = "ebuild has trailing blank line(s)"
[docs] class NoFinalNewline(results.VersionResult, results.Style): """Ebuild's last line does not have a final newline.""" desc = "ebuild lacks an ending newline"
[docs] class BadWhitespaceCharacter(results.LineResult, results.Warning): """Ebuild uses whitespace that isn't a tab, newline, or single space. Bash does not treat unicode whitespace characters as regular whitespace so commands or operators separated by such characters will be treated as one string. This usually causes execution errors if the characters are used for separation purposes outside of comments or regular strings. """ def __init__(self, char, position, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.char = char self.position = position @property def desc(self): return ( f"bad whitespace character {self.char} on line {self.lineno}" f", char {self.position}: {self.line}" )
[docs] class MissingEAPIBlankLine(results.VersionResult, results.Style): """Missing blank line after ``EAPI=`` assignment.""" desc = "missing blank line after EAPI= assignment"
[docs] class WhitespaceData(NamedTuple): """Data format to register hardcoded list of bad whitespace characters.""" unicode_version: str chars: tuple
whitespace_data = WhitespaceData( unicode_version="12.1.0", chars=( "\x0b", "\x0c", "\r", "\x1c", "\x1d", "\x1e", "\x1f", "\x85", "\xa0", "\u1680", "\u2000", "\u2001", "\u2002", "\u2003", "\u2004", "\u2005", "\u2006", "\u2007", "\u2008", "\u2009", "\u200a", "\u2028", "\u2029", "\u202f", "\u205f", "\u3000", ), )
[docs] class WhitespaceCheck(Check): """Scan ebuild for useless whitespace.""" _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource known_results = frozenset( { WhitespaceFound, WrongIndentFound, DoubleEmptyLine, TrailingEmptyLine, NoFinalNewline, BadWhitespaceCharacter, } ) _indent_regex = re.compile("^\t* \t+") def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) bad_whitespace = "".join(whitespace_data.chars) self.bad_whitespace_regex = re.compile(rf"(?P<char>[{bad_whitespace}])")
[docs] def feed(self, pkg): lastlineempty = False trailing = [] leading = [] indent = [] double_empty = [] for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): for match in self.bad_whitespace_regex.finditer(line): yield BadWhitespaceCharacter( repr("char")), match.end("char"), line=repr(line), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg, ) if line != "\n": lastlineempty = False if line[-2:-1] == " " or line[-2:-1] == "\t": trailing.append(lineno) elif line[0] == " ": leading.append(lineno) if self._indent_regex.match(line): indent.append(lineno) elif lastlineempty: double_empty.append(lineno) else: lastlineempty = True if trailing: yield WhitespaceFound("trailing", lines=trailing, pkg=pkg) if leading: yield WhitespaceFound("leading", lines=leading, pkg=pkg) if indent: yield WrongIndentFound(indent, pkg=pkg) if double_empty: yield DoubleEmptyLine(double_empty, pkg=pkg) if lastlineempty: yield TrailingEmptyLine(pkg=pkg) # Dealing with empty ebuilds is just paranoia if pkg.lines and not pkg.lines[-1].endswith("\n"): yield NoFinalNewline(pkg=pkg)
[docs] class MissingWhitespaceCheck(OptionalCheck): """Scan ebuild for missing whitespace.""" _source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource known_results = frozenset( { MissingEAPIBlankLine, } )
[docs] def feed(self, pkg): eapi_lineno = None for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1): if line.startswith("EAPI="): eapi_lineno = lineno elif eapi_lineno is not None and lineno == eapi_lineno + 1 and line != "\n": yield MissingEAPIBlankLine(pkg=pkg)