Source code for pkgcheck.results

"""Base classes for check results."""

from functools import total_ordering

from pkgcore.ebuild import cpv
from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism

from . import base
from .packages import FilteredPkg, RawCPV

[docs] class InvalidResult(Exception): """Creating a result object failed in some fashion."""
[docs] @total_ordering class Result: """Generic report result returned from a check.""" # all results are shown by default _filtered = False # default to repository level results scope = base.repo_scope # priority level, color, name, and profile type level = None color = None _name = None _profile = None def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Initialize result subclasses and set 'name' class attribute.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) = cls._name if cls._name is not None else cls.__name__ def __str__(self): return f"{}: {self.desc}" @property def desc(self): """Result description.""" @property def _attrs(self): """Return all public result attributes.""" return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith("_")} @classmethod def _create(cls, **kwargs): """Create a new result object from a given attributes dict.""" if issubclass(cls, CategoryResult): category = kwargs.pop("category", None) package = kwargs.pop("package", None) version = kwargs.pop("version", None) if "pkg" not in kwargs: # recreate pkg param from related, separated attributes if category is None: raise InvalidResult("missing category") if issubclass(cls, PackageResult) and package is None: raise InvalidResult("missing package") if issubclass(cls, VersionResult) and version is None: raise InvalidResult("missing version") kwargs["pkg"] = RawCPV(category, package, version) return cls(**kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): return == and self._attrs == other._attrs def __hash__(self): return hash((, tuple(sorted(self._attrs.items())))) def __lt__(self, other): if self.scope == other.scope: if == return self.desc < other.desc return < return self.scope < other.scope
[docs] class AliasResult(Result): """Classes directly inheriting this class can be targeted as scannable keywords."""
[docs] class BaseLinesResult: """Base class for results of multiples lines.""" def __init__(self, lines, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lines = tuple(lines) @property def lines_str(self): s = pluralism(self.lines) lines = ", ".join(map(str, self.lines)) return f"on line{s}: {lines}"
[docs] class Error(Result): """Result with an error priority level.""" level = "error" color = "red"
[docs] class Warning(Result): """Result with a warning priority level.""" level = "warning" color = "yellow"
[docs] class Style(Result): """Result with a coding style priority level.""" level = "style" color = "cyan"
[docs] class Info(Result): """Result with an info priority level.""" level = "info" color = "green"
[docs] class CommitResult(Result): """Result related to a specific git commit.""" scope = base.commit_scope def __init__(self, commit, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.commit = str(commit) self._attr = "commit" def __lt__(self, other): try: # if hashes match, sort by name/desc if self.commit == other.commit: if == return self.desc < other.desc return < except AttributeError: pass return False
[docs] class ProfilesResult(Result): """Result related to profiles.""" scope = base.profiles_scope
[docs] class EclassResult(Result): """Result related to a specific eclass.""" scope = base.eclass_scope def __init__(self, eclass, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.eclass = str(eclass) self._attr = "eclass" def __lt__(self, other): try: # if eclasses match, sort by name/desc if self.eclass == other.eclass: if == return self.desc < other.desc return < return self.eclass < other.eclass except AttributeError: pass return False
[docs] class CategoryResult(Result): """Result related to a specific category.""" scope = base.category_scope def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.category = pkg.category self._attr = "category" def __lt__(self, other): try: if self.category != other.category: return self.category < other.category except AttributeError: pass return super().__lt__(other)
[docs] class PackageResult(CategoryResult): """Result related to a specific package.""" scope = base.package_scope def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs): super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs) self.package = pkg.package self._attr = "package" def __lt__(self, other): try: if self.category == other.category and self.package != other.package: return self.package < other.package except AttributeError: pass return super().__lt__(other)
[docs] class VersionResult(PackageResult): """Result related to a specific version of a package.""" scope = base.version_scope def __init__(self, pkg, **kwargs): if isinstance(pkg, FilteredPkg): self._filtered = True pkg = pkg._pkg super().__init__(pkg, **kwargs) self.version = pkg.fullver self._attr = "version" @klass.jit_attr def ver_rev(self): version, _, revision = self.version.partition("-r") revision = cpv.Revision(revision) return version, revision def __lt__(self, other, cmp=None): try: if self.category == other.category and self.package == other.package: if cmp is None: cmp = cpv.ver_cmp(*(self.ver_rev + other.ver_rev)) if cmp < 0: return True elif cmp > 0: return False except AttributeError: pass return super().__lt__(other)
[docs] class LinesResult(BaseLinesResult, VersionResult): """Result related to multiples lines of an ebuild."""
[docs] class LineResult(VersionResult): """Result related to a specific line of an ebuild.""" def __init__(self, line, lineno, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.line = line self.lineno = lineno def __lt__(self, other): cmp = None try: if self.category == other.category and self.package == other.package: # sort by line number for matching versions cmp = cpv.ver_cmp(*(self.ver_rev + other.ver_rev)) if cmp == 0: if self.lineno < other.lineno: return True elif self.lineno > other.lineno: return False except AttributeError: pass return super().__lt__(other, cmp=cmp)
class _LogResult(Result): """Message caught from a logger instance.""" def __init__(self, msg): super().__init__() self.msg = str(msg) @property def desc(self): return self.msg
[docs] class LogWarning(_LogResult, Warning): """Warning caught from a logger instance."""
[docs] class LogError(_LogResult, Error): """Error caught from a logger instance."""
[docs] class MetadataError(Error): """Problem detected with a package's metadata.""" # specific metadata attributes handled by the result class attr = None # mapping from data attributes to result classes results = {} def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Register metadata attribute error results.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if cls.attr is not None: setting = cls.results.setdefault(cls.attr, cls) if setting != cls: raise ValueError(f"metadata attribute {cls.attr!r} already registered: {setting!r}") else: raise ValueError(f"class missing metadata attributes: {cls!r}") def __init__(self, attr, msg, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.attr = attr self.msg = str(msg) @property def desc(self): return self.msg