"""Various line-based checks."""
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pkgcore.ebuild.eapi import EAPI, common_mandatory_metadata_keys
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict
from snakeoil.sequences import stable_unique
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism
from .. import addons, bash
from .. import results, sources
from . import Check
class _CommandResult(results.LineResult):
"""Generic command result."""
def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
self.command = command
def usage_desc(self):
return f"{self.command!r}"
def desc(self):
s = f"{self.usage_desc}, used on line {self.lineno}"
if self.line != self.command:
s += f": {self.line!r}"
return s
class _EapiCommandResult(_CommandResult):
"""Generic EAPI command result."""
_status = None
def __init__(self, *args, eapi, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.eapi = str(eapi)
def usage_desc(self):
return f"{self.command!r} {self._status} in EAPI {self.eapi}"
class DeprecatedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses a deprecated EAPI command."""
_status = "deprecated"
class BannedEapiCommand(_EapiCommandResult, results.Error):
"""Ebuild uses a banned EAPI command."""
_status = "banned"
class BannedPhaseCall(results.Error, results.LineResult):
"""Ebuild calls a phase function directly."""
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: calling phase function {self.line!r} directly is invalid"
class BadCommandsCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for various deprecated and banned command usage."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({DeprecatedEapiCommand, BannedEapiCommand, BannedPhaseCall})
extra_banned_commands = frozenset(
# commands that modify user/group databases, not portable
def feed(self, pkg):
for func_node in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("func", ()):
for node in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node).get("call", ()):
call = pkg.node_str(node)
name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
if name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_banned:
yield BannedEapiCommand(
name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
elif name in pkg.eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated:
yield DeprecatedEapiCommand(
name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
elif name in pkg.eapi.phases.values():
yield BannedPhaseCall(line=name, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
elif name in ("has_version", "best_version"):
if not pkg.eapi.options.query_host_root and any(
pkg.node_str(n) == "--host-root"
for n in node.children_by_field_name("argument")
name = f"{name} --host-root"
yield BannedEapiCommand(
name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
elif name in self.extra_banned_commands:
yield BannedEapiCommand(
name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, eapi=pkg.eapi, pkg=pkg
class EendMissingArg(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild calls eend with no arguments."""
def desc(self):
return f"eend with no arguments, on line {self.lineno}"
class EendMissingArgCheck(Check):
"""Scan an ebuild for calls to eend with no arguments."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([EendMissingArg])
def feed(self, pkg):
for func_node in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("func", ()):
for node in bash.cmd_query.captures(func_node).get("call", ()):
line = pkg.node_str(node)
if line == "eend":
lineno, _ = node.start_point
yield EendMissingArg(line=line, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
class MissingSlash(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
"""Ebuild uses a path variable missing a trailing slash."""
def __init__(self, match, **kwargs):
self.match = match
def desc(self):
return f"{self.match} missing trailing slash {self.lines_str}"
class UnnecessarySlashStrip(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
"""Ebuild uses a path variable that strips a nonexistent slash."""
def __init__(self, match, **kwargs):
self.match = match
def desc(self):
return f"{self.match} unnecessary slash strip {self.lines_str}"
class DoublePrefixInPath(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
"""Ebuild uses two consecutive paths including EPREFIX.
Ebuild combines two path variables (or a variable and a getter), both
of which include EPREFIX, resulting in double prefixing. This is the case
when combining many pkg-config-based or alike getters with ED or EROOT.
For example, ``${ED}$(python_get_sitedir)`` should be replaced
with ``${D}$(python_get_sitedir)``.
def __init__(self, match, **kwargs):
self.match = match
def desc(self):
return f"{self.match}: concatenates two paths containing EPREFIX {self.lines_str}"
class PathVariablesCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for path variables with various issues."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([MissingSlash, UnnecessarySlashStrip, DoublePrefixInPath])
prefixed_dir_functions = (
# java-pkg-2
# python-utils-r1
# TODO: add variables to mark this status in the eclasses in order to pull
# this data from parsed eclass docs
prefixed_getters = (
# bash-completion-r1.eclass
# db-use.eclass
# golang-base.eclass
# llvm.eclass
# python-utils-r1.eclass
# qmake-utils.eclass
# s6.eclass
# systemd.eclass
prefixed_rhs_variables = (
# catch silly ${ED}${EPREFIX} mistake ;-)
# python-utils-r1.eclass
def __init__(self, *args):
self.missing_regex = re.compile(r'(\${(%s)})"?\w+/' % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES))
self.unnecessary_regex = re.compile(r"(\${(%s)%%/})" % r"|".join(PATH_VARIABLES))
self.double_prefix_regex = re.compile(
% (
self.double_prefix_func_regex = re.compile(
% (
# do not catch ${foo#${EPREFIX}} and similar
self.double_prefix_func_false_positive_regex = re.compile(
% (r"|".join(self.prefixed_getters), r"|".join(self.prefixed_rhs_variables))
def feed(self, pkg):
missing = defaultdict(list)
unnecessary = defaultdict(list)
double_prefix = defaultdict(list)
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
# flag double path prefix usage on uncommented lines only
if line[0] != "#":
if mo := self.double_prefix_regex.search(line):
if mo := self.double_prefix_func_regex.search(line):
if not self.double_prefix_func_false_positive_regex.match(mo.group(0)):
# skip EAPIs that don't require trailing slashes
if pkg.eapi.options.trailing_slash:
if mo := self.missing_regex.search(line):
if mo := self.unnecessary_regex.search(line):
for match, lines in missing.items():
yield MissingSlash(match, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
for match, lines in unnecessary.items():
yield UnnecessarySlashStrip(match, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
for match, lines in double_prefix.items():
yield DoublePrefixInPath(match, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
class AbsoluteSymlink(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses dosym with absolute paths instead of relative."""
def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs):
self.cmd = cmd
def desc(self):
return f"dosym called with absolute path on line {self.lineno}: {self.cmd}"
class AbsoluteSymlinkCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for dosym absolute path usage instead of relative."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([AbsoluteSymlink])
DIRS = ("bin", "etc", "lib", "opt", "sbin", "srv", "usr", "var")
def __init__(self, *args):
dirs = "|".join(self.DIRS)
path_vars = "|".join(PATH_VARIABLES)
prefixed_regex = rf'"\${{({path_vars})(%/)?}}(?P<cp>")?(?(cp)\S*|.*?")'
non_prefixed_regex = rf'(?P<op>["\'])?/({dirs})(?(op).*?(?P=op)|\S*)'
self.regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>dosym\s+({prefixed_regex}|{non_prefixed_regex}))")
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if not line.strip():
if mo := self.regex.match(line):
yield AbsoluteSymlink(mo.group("cmd"), line=line, lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
class DeprecatedInsinto(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses insinto where more compact commands exist."""
def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs):
self.cmd = cmd
def desc(self):
return (
f"deprecated insinto usage (use {self.cmd} instead), "
f"line {self.lineno}: {self.line}"
class InsintoCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for deprecated insinto usage."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([DeprecatedInsinto])
path_mapping = ImmutableDict(
"/etc/conf.d": "doconfd or newconfd",
"/etc/env.d": "doenvd or newenvd",
"/etc/init.d": "doinitd or newinitd",
"/etc/pam.d": "dopamd or newpamd from pam.eclass",
"/usr/lib/systemd/system": "systemd_dounit or systemd_newunit from systemd.eclass",
"/usr/lib/systemd/user": "systemd_douserunit or systemd_newuserunit from systemd.eclass",
"/usr/share/applications": "domenu or newmenu from desktop.eclass",
"/usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d": "dofishcomp or newfishcomp from shell-completion.eclass",
"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions": "dozshcomp or newzshcomp from shell-completion.eclass",
def __init__(self, *args):
paths = "|".join(s.replace("/", "/+") + "/?" for s in self.path_mapping)
self._insinto_re = re.compile(
rf"(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+(?P<path>{paths})(?!/\w+))(?:$|[/ \t])"
self._insinto_doc_re = re.compile(
r'(?P<insinto>insinto[ \t]+/usr/share/doc/(")?\$\{PF?\}(?(2)\2)(/\w+)*)(?:$|[/ \t])'
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if not line.strip():
matches = self._insinto_re.search(line)
if matches is not None:
path = re.sub("//+", "/", matches.group("path"))
cmd = self.path_mapping[path.rstrip("/")]
yield DeprecatedInsinto(cmd, line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg)
# Check for insinto usage that should be replaced with
# docinto/dodoc [-r] under supported EAPIs.
if pkg.eapi.options.dodoc_allow_recursive:
matches = self._insinto_doc_re.search(line)
if matches is not None:
yield DeprecatedInsinto(
"docinto/dodoc", line=matches.group("insinto"), lineno=lineno, pkg=pkg
class ObsoleteUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
"""URI used is obsolete.
The URI used to fetch distfile is obsolete and can be replaced
by something more modern. Note that the modern replacement usually
results in different file contents, so you need to rename it (to
avoid mirror collisions with the old file) and update the ebuild
(for example, by removing no longer necessary vcs-snapshot.eclass).
def __init__(self, line, uri, replacement, **kwargs):
self.line = line
self.uri = uri
self.replacement = replacement
def desc(self):
return (
f"obsolete fetch URI: {self.uri} on line "
f"{self.line}, should be replaced by: {self.replacement}"
class ObsoleteUriCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for obsolete URIs."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([ObsoleteUri])
def __init__(self, *args):
self.regexes = tuple((re.compile(regexp), repl) for regexp, repl in self.REGEXPS)
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"):
# searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow
for regexp, repl in self.regexes:
if mo := regexp.match(line):
uri = mo.group("uri")
yield ObsoleteUri(lineno, uri, regexp.sub(repl, uri), pkg=pkg)
class BetterCompressionUri(results.LineResult, results.Style):
"""URI provider has better compression suggestion.
The URI used to fetch distfile doesn't use the best compression
available from the provider. Using better compression can save
bandwidth for the users and mirrors.
def __init__(self, replacement, **kwargs):
self.replacement = replacement
def desc(self):
return (
f"line {self.lineno}: better compression URI using extension "
f"{self.replacement!r} for {self.line!r}"
class BetterCompressionCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for URIs with better compression."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([BetterCompressionUri])
def __init__(self, *args):
self.regexes = tuple((re.compile(regexp), repl) for regexp, repl in self.REGEXPS)
def feed(self, pkg):
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if not line.strip() or line.startswith("#"):
# searching for multiple matches on a single line is too slow
for regexp, replacement in self.regexes:
if mo := regexp.match(line):
uri = mo.group("uri")
yield BetterCompressionUri(replacement, lineno=lineno, line=uri, pkg=pkg)
class HomepageInSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
"""${HOMEPAGE} is referenced in SRC_URI.
SRC_URI is built on top of ${HOMEPAGE}. This is discouraged since HOMEPAGE
is multi-valued by design, and is subject to potential changes that should
not accidentally affect SRC_URI.
def desc(self):
return "${HOMEPAGE} in SRC_URI"
class StaticSrcUri(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
"""SRC_URI contains static value instead of the dynamic equivalent.
For example, using static text to relate to the package version in SRC_URI
instead of ${P} or ${PV} where relevant.
def __init__(self, static_str: str, replacement: str, **kwargs):
self.static_str = static_str
self.replacement = replacement
def desc(self):
return f"{self.static_str!r} in SRC_URI, replace with {self.replacement}"
class MultipleKeywordsLines(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
"""KEYWORDS is specified across multiple lines in global scope.
Due to limitations of ekeyword it's advised to specify KEYWORDS once on a
single line in global scope [#]_.
.. [#] https://projects.gentoo.org/qa/policy-guide/ebuild-format.html#pg0105
def desc(self):
return f"KEYWORDS specified {self.lines_str}"
class EmptyGlobalAssignment(results.LineResult, results.Style):
"""Global scope useless empty assignment."""
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: empty global assignment: {self.line}"
class SelfAssignment(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Global scope useless empty assignment."""
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: self assignment: {self.line}"
def verify_vars(*variables):
"""Decorator to register raw variable verification methods."""
class decorator:
"""Decorator with access to the class of a decorated function."""
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
for v in variables:
owner.known_variables[v] = self.func
setattr(owner, name, self.func)
return decorator
class MissingInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses function from eclass that isn't inherited."""
def __init__(self, eclass, lineno, usage, **kwargs):
self.eclass = eclass
self.lineno = lineno
self.usage = usage
def desc(self):
return f"{self.eclass}: missing inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class IndirectInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses function from indirectly inherited eclass.
That doesn't allow indirect inherit usage via the @INDIRECT_INHERITS eclass
doc tag in a parent eclass.
def __init__(self, eclass, lineno, usage, **kwargs):
self.eclass = eclass
self.lineno = lineno
self.usage = usage
def desc(self):
return f"{self.eclass}: indirect inherit usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class UnusedInherits(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild inherits eclasses that are unused."""
def __init__(self, eclasses, **kwargs):
self.eclasses = tuple(eclasses)
def desc(self):
es = pluralism(self.eclasses, plural="es")
eclasses = ", ".join(self.eclasses)
return f"unused eclass{es}: {eclasses}"
class InternalEclassUsage(results.VersionResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild uses internal functions or variables from eclass."""
def __init__(self, eclass, lineno, usage, **kwargs):
self.eclass = eclass
self.lineno = lineno
self.usage = usage
def desc(self):
return f"{self.eclass}: internal usage: {repr(self.usage)}, line {self.lineno}"
class InheritsCheck(Check):
"""Scan for ebuilds with missing or unused eclass inherits.
Note that this requires using ``pmaint regen`` to generate repo metadata in
order for direct inherits to be correct.
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset(
[MissingInherits, IndirectInherits, UnusedInherits, InternalEclassUsage]
required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,)
def __init__(self, *args, eclass_addon):
self.eclass_cache = eclass_addon.eclasses
self.internals = {}
self.exported = {}
# register internal and exported funcs/vars for all eclasses
for eclass, eclass_obj in self.eclass_cache.items():
self.internals[eclass] = (
eclass_obj.internal_function_names | eclass_obj.internal_variable_names
for name in eclass_obj.exported_function_names:
self.exported.setdefault(name, set()).add(eclass)
# Don't use all exported vars in order to avoid
# erroneously exported temporary loop variables that
# should be flagged via EclassDocMissingVar.
for name in eclass_obj.variable_names:
self.exported.setdefault(name, set()).add(eclass)
# collect all @USER_VARIABLEs, which are excluded from MissingInherits
user_variables = frozenset(
for eclass_obj in self.eclass_cache.values()
for x in eclass_obj.variables
if x.user_variable
self.exclude_missing_inherit = user_variables | {"CTARGET", "BUILD_DIR"}
# register EAPI-related funcs/cmds to ignore
self.eapi_funcs = {}
for eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.values():
s = set(eapi.bash_cmds_internal | eapi.bash_cmds_deprecated)
s.update(x for x in (eapi.bash_funcs | eapi.bash_funcs_global) if not x.startswith("_"))
self.eapi_funcs[eapi] = frozenset(s)
# register EAPI-related vars to ignore
# TODO: add ebuild env vars via pkgcore setting, e.g. PN, PV, P, FILESDIR, etc
self.eapi_vars = {eapi: frozenset(eapi.eclass_keys) for eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.values()}
self.unused_eclass_skiplist = frozenset(common_mandatory_metadata_keys) - {"IUSE"}
self.weak_eclass_usage = {"elisp": ("readme.gentoo-r1",)}
def get_eclass(self, export, pkg):
"""Return the eclass related to a given exported variable or function name."""
eclass = self.exported[export]
except KeyError:
# function or variable not exported by any eclass
# last exporting eclass takes precedence for multiple inheritance
if len(eclass) > 1:
if inherited := pkg.inherited.intersection(eclass):
eclass = (x for x in reversed(pkg.inherited) if x in inherited)
return next(iter(eclass))
def feed(self, pkg):
conditional = set()
# collect globally defined functions in ebuild
defined_funcs = {
for func_node in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("func", ())
# register variables assigned in ebuilds
assigned_vars = dict()
for node in bash.var_assign_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("assign", ()):
name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg):
assigned_vars[name] = eclass
# eclasses which might be used indirectly, so we won't trigger UnusedInherits
weak_used_eclasses = set()
# match captured commands with eclasses
used = defaultdict(list)
for node in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("call", ()):
call = pkg.node_str(node)
name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if name == "inherit":
# register conditional eclasses
eclasses = call.split()[1:]
if not pkg.inherited.intersection(eclasses):
# Also ignore vars since any used in arithmetic expansions, i.e.
# $((...)), are captured as commands.
elif name not in self.eapi_funcs[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys() | defined_funcs:
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg):
used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, call.split("\n", 1)[0]))
for arg in node.children[1:]:
arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip("'\"")
if eclass := self.get_eclass(arg_name, pkg):
# match captured variables with eclasses
for node in bash.var_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("var", ()):
name = pkg.node_str(node)
if node.parent.type == "unset_command":
if name not in self.eapi_vars[pkg.eapi] | assigned_vars.keys():
if name in self.exclude_missing_inherit:
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
if eclass := self.get_eclass(name, pkg):
used[eclass].append((lineno + 1, name, name))
# allowed indirect inherits
indirect_allowed = set().union(*(self.eclass_cache[x].provides for x in pkg.inherit))
all_inherits = set().union(pkg.inherit, indirect_allowed, conditional)
# missing inherits
missing = used.keys() - all_inherits
for eclass in all_inherits:
weak_used_eclasses.update(self.weak_eclass_usage.get(eclass, ()))
unused = set(pkg.inherit) - used.keys() - set(assigned_vars.values()) - weak_used_eclasses
# remove eclasses that use implicit phase functions
if unused and pkg.defined_phases:
phases = [pkg.eapi.phases[x] for x in pkg.defined_phases]
for eclass in list(unused):
if self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names.intersection(
f"{eclass}_{phase}" for phase in phases
for eclass in list(unused):
if self.eclass_cache[eclass].name is None:
# ignore eclasses with parsing failures
exported_eclass_keys: set[str] = pkg.eapi.eclass_keys.intersection(
if exported_eclass_keys.intersection(self.unused_eclass_skiplist):
elif not self.eclass_cache[eclass].exported_function_names and exported_eclass_keys:
# ignore eclasses that export ebuild metadata (e.g.
# SRC_URI, S, ...) and no functions
for eclass in pkg.inherited.intersection(used):
for lineno, name, usage in used[eclass]:
if name in self.internals[eclass]:
yield InternalEclassUsage(eclass, lineno, usage, pkg=pkg)
for eclass in missing:
lineno, name, usage = used[eclass][0]
if eclass in pkg.inherited:
yield IndirectInherits(eclass, lineno, usage, pkg=pkg)
elif not self.eclass_cache[eclass].live:
# try to ignore probable, conditional vcs eclasses
yield MissingInherits(eclass, lineno, usage, pkg=pkg)
if unused:
yield UnusedInherits(sorted(unused), pkg=pkg)
class ReadonlyVariable(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Ebuild globally assigning value to a readonly variable."""
def __init__(self, variable, **kwargs):
self.variable = variable
def desc(self):
return f"read-only variable {self.variable!r} assigned, line {self.lineno}: {self.line}"
class ReadonlyVariableCheck(Check):
"""Scan for read-only variables that are globally assigned in an ebuild."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([ReadonlyVariable])
# https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/variables/#predefined-read-only-variables
readonly_vars = frozenset(
def feed(self, pkg):
for node in pkg.global_query(bash.var_assign_query):
name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if name in self.readonly_vars:
call = pkg.node_str(node)
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
yield ReadonlyVariable(name, line=call, lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
class VariableScope(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
"""Variable used outside its defined scope."""
_name = "VariableScope"
def __init__(self, variable, func, **kwargs):
self.variable = variable
self.func = func
def desc(self):
return f"variable {self.variable!r} used in {self.func!r} {self.lines_str}"
class EbuildVariableScope(VariableScope, results.VersionResult):
"""Ebuild using variable outside its defined scope."""
class VariableScopeCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuilds for variables that are only allowed in certain scopes."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({EbuildVariableScope})
# see https://projects.gentoo.org/pms/7/pms.html#x1-10900011.1
variable_map = ImmutableDict(
"A": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"),
"AA": ("src_", "pkg_nofetch"),
"FILESDIR": "src_",
"DISTDIR": "src_",
"WORKDIR": "src_",
"S": "src_",
"PORTDIR": "src_",
"ECLASSDIR": "src_",
"ROOT": "pkg_",
"EROOT": "pkg_",
"SYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"),
"ESYSROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup"),
"BROOT": ("src_", "pkg_setup", "pkg_preinst", "pkg_prerm", "pkg_post"),
"D": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst"), # pkg_postinst is forbidden by QA policy PG 107
"ED": ("src_install", "pkg_preinst"), # pkg_postinst is forbidden by QA policy PG 107
"DESTTREE": "src_install",
"INSDESTTREE": "src_install",
"MERGE_TYPE": "pkg_",
"REPLACED_BY_VERSION": ("pkg_prerm", "pkg_postrm"),
not_global_scope = frozenset(
# mapping of bad variables for each EAPI phase function
scoped_vars = {}
for eapi in EAPI.known_eapis.values():
for variable, allowed_scopes in variable_map.items():
for phase in eapi.phases_rev:
if not phase.startswith(allowed_scopes):
scoped_vars.setdefault(eapi, {}).setdefault(phase, set()).add(variable)
scoped_vars = ImmutableDict(scoped_vars)
def feed(self, pkg: bash.ParseTree):
for func_node in bash.func_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("func", ()):
func_name = pkg.node_str(func_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if variables := self.scoped_vars[pkg.eapi].get(func_name):
usage = defaultdict(set)
for var_node in bash.var_query.captures(func_node).get("var", ()):
var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node)
if var_name in variables:
lineno, _colno = var_node.start_point
usage[var_name].add(lineno + 1)
for var, lines in sorted(usage.items()):
yield EbuildVariableScope(var, func_name, lines=sorted(lines), pkg=pkg)
global_usage = defaultdict(set)
for global_node in pkg.tree.root_node.children:
if global_node.type not in ("function_definition", "ERROR"):
for var_node in bash.var_query.captures(global_node).get("var", ()):
var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node)
if var_name in self.not_global_scope:
lineno, _colno = var_node.start_point
global_usage[var_name].add(lineno + 1)
for var, lines in sorted(global_usage.items()):
yield EbuildVariableScope(var, "global scope", lines=sorted(lines), pkg=pkg)
class RedundantDodir(results.LineResult, results.Style):
"""Ebuild using a redundant dodir call."""
def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs):
self.cmd = cmd
def desc(self):
return f"dodir called before {self.cmd}, line {self.lineno}: {self.line}"
class RedundantDodirCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for redundant dodir usage."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([RedundantDodir])
def __init__(self, *args):
cmds = r"|".join(("insinto", "exeinto", "docinto"))
self.cmds_regex = re.compile(rf"^\s*(?P<cmd>({cmds}))\s+(?P<path>\S+)")
self.dodir_regex = re.compile(r"^\s*(?P<call>dodir\s+(?P<path>\S+))")
def feed(self, pkg):
lines = enumerate(pkg.lines, 1)
for lineno, line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if not line or line[0] == "#":
if dodir := self.dodir_regex.match(line):
lineno, line = next(lines)
if cmd := self.cmds_regex.match(line):
if dodir.group("path") == cmd.group("path"):
yield RedundantDodir(
cmd.group("cmd"), line=dodir.group("call"), lineno=lineno - 1, pkg=pkg
class UnquotedVariable(results.BaseLinesResult, results.AliasResult, results.Warning):
"""Variable is used unquoted in a context where it should be quoted.
Variables like D, FILESDIR, etc may not be safe to use unquoted in some
_name = "UnquotedVariable"
def __init__(self, variable, **kwargs):
self.variable = variable
def desc(self):
return f"unquoted variable {self.variable} {self.lines_str}"
class EbuildUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.VersionResult):
__doc__ = UnquotedVariable.__doc__
class EclassUnquotedVariable(UnquotedVariable, results.EclassResult):
__doc__ = UnquotedVariable.__doc__
def desc(self):
return f"{self.eclass}: {super().desc}"
class _UnquotedVariablesCheck(Check):
"""Scan files for variables that should be quoted like D, FILESDIR, etc."""
message_commands = frozenset(
{"die", "echo", "eerror", "einfo", "elog", "eqawarn", "ewarn", ":"}
var_names = frozenset(
# variables for multibuild.eclass
node_types_ok = frozenset(
# Variable is sitting in a string, all good
# Variable is part of a shell assignment, and does not need to be
# quoted. for example S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} is ok.
# Variable is being used in a unset command.
# Variable is part of declaring variables, and does not need to be
# quoted. for example local TMPDIR is ok.
# Variable sits inside a [[ ]] test command and it's OK not to be quoted
# Variable is being used in a heredoc body, no need to specify quotes.
def _var_needs_quotes(self, pkg, node):
pnode = node.parent
while pnode is not None:
if pnode.type in self.node_types_ok:
return False
elif pnode.type == "command":
cmd = pkg.node_str(pnode.child_by_field_name("name"))
return cmd not in self.message_commands
elif pnode.type in "array":
# Variable is sitting unquoted in an array
return True
pnode = pnode.parent
# Default: The variable should be quoted
return True
def _feed(self, item: bash.ParseTree):
if item.tree.root_node.has_error:
# Do not run this check if the parse tree contains errors, as it
# might result in false positives. This check appears to be quite
# expensive though...
hits = defaultdict(set)
for var_node in bash.var_query.captures(item.tree.root_node).get("var", ()):
var_name = item.node_str(var_node)
if var_name in self.var_names:
if self._var_needs_quotes(item, var_node):
lineno, _ = var_node.start_point
hits[var_name].add(lineno + 1)
for var_name, lines in hits.items():
yield var_name, sorted(lines)
class EbuildUnquotedVariablesCheck(_UnquotedVariablesCheck):
"""Scan ebuild for variables that should be quoted like D, FILESDIR, etc."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([EbuildUnquotedVariable])
def feed(self, pkg):
for var_name, lines in self._feed(pkg):
yield EbuildUnquotedVariable(var_name, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
class EclassUnquotedVariablesCheck(_UnquotedVariablesCheck):
"""Scan eclass for variables that should be quoted like D, FILESDIR, etc."""
_source = sources.EclassParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([EclassUnquotedVariable])
required_addons = (addons.eclass.EclassAddon,)
def feed(self, eclass):
for var_name, lines in self._feed(eclass):
yield EclassUnquotedVariable(var_name, lines=lines, eclass=eclass.name)
class ExcessiveLineLength(results.LinesResult, results.Style):
"""Line is longer than 120 characters."""
line_length = 120
word_length = 110
def desc(self):
return f"excessive line length (over {self.line_length} characters) {self.lines_str}"
class LineLengthCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for lines with excessive length."""
_source = sources.EbuildFileRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([ExcessiveLineLength])
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
self.exception = re.compile(r"\s*(?:DESCRIPTION|KEYWORDS|IUSE)=")
str_length = f"[^'\"]{{{ExcessiveLineLength.word_length},}}"
self.long_string = re.compile(rf'"{str_length}"|\'{str_length}\'')
def feed(self, pkg):
lines = []
for lineno, line in enumerate(pkg.lines, 1):
if len(line) <= ExcessiveLineLength.line_length:
if self.exception.match(line):
continue # exception variables which are fine to be long
if max(map(len, line.split())) > ExcessiveLineLength.word_length:
continue # if one part of the line is very long word
if self.long_string.search(line):
continue # skip lines with long quoted string
if lines:
yield ExcessiveLineLength(lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
class InstallCompressedManpage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Compressed manpages are not supported by ``doman`` or ``newman``."""
def __init__(self, func, **kwargs):
self.func = func
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed manpage {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}"
class InstallCompressedInfo(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Compressed manpages are not supported by ``doinfo``."""
def __init__(self, func, **kwargs):
self.func = func
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: compressed info {self.line!r} passed to {self.func}"
class DoCompressedFilesCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for compressed files passed to ``do*`` or ``new**``."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset([InstallCompressedManpage, InstallCompressedInfo])
compresion_extentions = (".Z", ".gz", ".bz2", ".lzma", ".lz", ".lzo", ".lz4", ".xz", ".zst")
functions = ImmutableDict(
"doman": InstallCompressedManpage,
"newman": InstallCompressedManpage,
"doinfo": InstallCompressedInfo,
def feed(self, pkg):
for node in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("call", ()):
call_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if call_name not in self.functions:
for arg in node.children[1:]:
arg_name = pkg.node_str(arg).strip("'\"")
lineno, _ = arg.start_point
if arg_name.endswith(self.compresion_extentions):
yield self.functions[call_name](
call_name, lineno=lineno + 1, line=arg_name, pkg=pkg
class NonPosixHeadTailUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Using of non-POSIX compliant ``head`` or ``tail``.
The numeric argument to ``head`` or ``tail`` without ``-n`` (for example
``head -10``) is deprecated and not POSIX compliant. To fix, prepand ``-n``
before the number [#]_.
.. [#] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/tools-reference/head-and-tail/index.html
def __init__(self, command, **kwargs):
self.command = command
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: non-posix usage of {self.command!r}: {self.line!r}"
class NonConsistentTarUsage(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Using of non-consistent compliant ``tar``.
The ``tar`` command defaults to reading from stdin, unless this default is
changed at compile time or the ``TAPE`` environment variable is set.
To ensure consistent behavior, the ``-f`` or ``--file`` option should
always be given to ensure the input device is chosen explicitly.
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: non-consistent usage of tar without '-f' or '--file': {self.line!r}"
class NonPosixCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuild for non-posix usage, code which might be not portable."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({NonPosixHeadTailUsage, NonConsistentTarUsage})
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
self.re_head_tail = re.compile(r"[+-]\d+")
def check_head_tail(self, pkg, call_node, call_name):
prev_arg = ""
for arg in map(pkg.node_str, call_node.children[1:]):
if self.re_head_tail.match(arg) and not (
prev_arg.startswith("-") and prev_arg.endswith(("n", "c"))
lineno, _ = call_node.start_point
yield NonPosixHeadTailUsage(
f"{call_name} {arg}", lineno=lineno + 1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg
prev_arg = arg
def check_tar(self, pkg, call_node):
for idx, arg in enumerate(map(pkg.node_str, call_node.children[1:])):
if idx == 0 or (arg[:1] == "-" and arg[1:2] != "-"):
if "f" in arg:
elif arg == "--file" or arg.startswith("--file="):
lineno, _ = call_node.start_point
yield NonConsistentTarUsage(lineno=lineno + 1, line=pkg.node_str(call_node), pkg=pkg)
def feed(self, pkg):
for call_node in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("call", ()):
call_name = pkg.node_str(call_node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if call_name in ("head", "tail"):
yield from self.check_head_tail(pkg, call_node, call_name)
elif call_name == "tar":
yield from self.check_tar(pkg, call_node)
class GlobDistdir(results.LineResult, results.Warning):
"""Filename expansion with ``${DISTDIR}`` is unsafe.
Filename expansion could accidentally match irrelevant files in
``${DISTDIR}``, e.g. from other packages or other versions of the
same package.
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: unsafe filename expansion used with DISTDIR: {self.line}"
class GlobCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuilds for unsafe glob usage."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({GlobDistdir})
def __init__(self, options, **kwargs):
super().__init__(options, **kwargs)
self.glob_query = bash.query('(concatenation (word) @word (.match? @word "[*?]")) @usage')
def feed(self, pkg):
for node in self.glob_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("usage", ()):
for var_node in bash.var_query.captures(node).get("var", ()):
var_name = pkg.node_str(var_node)
if var_name == "DISTDIR":
lineno, _colno = node.start_point
yield GlobDistdir(line=pkg.node_str(node), lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
class VariableShadowed(results.LinesResult, results.Warning):
"""Variable is shadowed or repeatedly declared. This is a possible typo."""
def __init__(self, var_name, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.var_name = var_name
def desc(self):
return f"variable {self.var_name!r} may be shadowed, {self.lines_str}"
class DuplicateFunctionDefinition(results.LinesResult, results.Error):
"""Function is defined multiple times. This is a definetly typo."""
def __init__(self, func_name, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.func_name = func_name
def desc(self):
return f"multiple definitions of function {self.func_name!r} were found, {self.lines_str}"
class DeclarationShadowedCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuilds for shadowed variable assignments in global scope."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({VariableShadowed, DuplicateFunctionDefinition})
def feed(self, pkg: bash.ParseTree):
var_assigns = defaultdict(list)
func_declares = defaultdict(list)
for node in pkg.tree.root_node.children:
if node.type == "variable_assignment":
used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if pkg.node_str(node).startswith(used_name + "+="):
if value_node := node.child_by_field_name("value"):
if any(
pkg.node_str(node) == used_name
for node in bash.var_query.captures(value_node).get("var", ())
elif node.type == "function_definition":
used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
for var_name, nodes in var_assigns.items():
if len(nodes) > 1:
lines = sorted(node.start_point[0] + 1 for node in nodes)
yield VariableShadowed(var_name, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
for func_name, nodes in func_declares.items():
if len(nodes) > 1:
lines = sorted(node.start_point[0] + 1 for node in nodes)
yield DuplicateFunctionDefinition(func_name, lines=lines, pkg=pkg)
class InvalidSandboxCall(results.LineResult, results.Error):
"""Invalid call to a sandbox function.
According to PMS and the Devmanual [#]_, only a single item is allowed as
argument for ``addread``, ``addwrite``, ``adddeny``, and ``addpredict``.
Multiple path items should not be passed as a colon-separated list.
.. [#] https://devmanual.gentoo.org/function-reference/sandbox-functions/
def desc(self):
return f"line {self.lineno}: invalid call to sandbox function: {self.line}"
class SandboxCallCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuilds for correct sandbox funcitons usage."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({InvalidSandboxCall})
functions = frozenset({"addread", "addwrite", "adddeny", "addpredict"})
def feed(self, pkg: bash.ParseTree):
for node in bash.cmd_query.captures(pkg.tree.root_node).get("call", ()):
name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if name in self.functions:
args = node.children_by_field_name("argument")
if len(args) != 1 or ":" in pkg.node_str(args[0]):
lineno, _ = node.start_point
yield InvalidSandboxCall(line=pkg.node_str(node), lineno=lineno + 1, pkg=pkg)
class VariableOrderWrong(results.VersionResult, results.Style):
"""Variable were defined in an unexpected error."""
def __init__(self, first_var, second_var, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.first_var = first_var
self.second_var = second_var
def desc(self):
return f"variable {self.first_var} should occur before {self.second_var}"
class VariableOrderCheck(Check):
"""Scan ebuilds for variables defined in a different order than skel.ebuild dictates."""
_source = sources.EbuildParseRepoSource
known_results = frozenset({VariableOrderWrong})
# Order from skel.ebuild
variable_order = (
def feed(self, pkg: bash.ParseTree):
var_assigns = []
for node in pkg.tree.root_node.children:
if node.type == "variable_assignment":
used_name = pkg.node_str(node.child_by_field_name("name"))
if used_name in self.variable_order:
index = 0
for first_var in var_assigns:
if first_var in self.variable_order:
new_index = self.variable_order.index(first_var)
if new_index < index:
yield VariableOrderWrong(first_var, self.variable_order[index], pkg=pkg)
index = new_index