Source code for pkgcheck.pipeline

"""Pipeline that parallelizes check running."""

import multiprocessing
import os
import signal
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from itertools import chain
from operator import attrgetter

from . import base
from .checks import init_checks
from .sources import UnversionedSource, VersionedSource

[docs] class Pipeline: """Check-running pipeline leveraging scope-based parallelism. All results are pushed into the results queue as lists of result objects or exception traceback strings. This iterator forces exceptions to be handled explicitly by outputting the serialized traceback and signaling the process group to end when an exception is raised. """ def __init__(self, options): self.options = options # results flagged as errors by the --exit option self.errors = [] # pkgcheck currently requires the fork start method (#254) self._mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context("fork") self._results_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue() # create checkrunners self._pipes = self._create_runners() # initialize settings used by iterator support self._runner = self._mp_ctx.Process(target=self._run) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._kill_pipe) self._results_iter = iter(self._results_q.get, None) self._results = deque() if self.options.pkg_scan: # package level scans sort all returned results self._ordered_results = { scope: [] for scope in base.scopes.values() if scope >= base.package_scope } else: # scoped mapping for caching repo and location specific results self._ordered_results = { scope: [] for scope in reversed(list(base.scopes.values())) if scope <= base.repo_scope } def _filter_checks(self, scope): """Verify check scope against given scope to determine activation.""" for check in sorted(self.options.enabled_checks, key=attrgetter("__name__")): if isinstance(check.scope, base.ConditionalScope): # conditionally enabled check yield check elif isinstance(check.scope, base.LocationScope): if not self.options.selected_scopes: if scope == base.repo_scope or check.scope in scope: # allow repo scans or cwd scope to trigger location specific checks yield check elif check.scope in self.options.selected_scopes: # Allow checks with special scopes to be run when specifically # requested, e.g. eclass-only scanning. yield check elif isinstance(scope, base.PackageScope) and check.scope >= scope: # Only run pkg-related checks at or below the current scan scope level, if # pkg scanning is requested, e.g. skip repo level checks when scanning at # package level. yield check def _create_runners(self): """Initialize and categorize checkrunners for results pipeline.""" pipes = {"async": [], "sync": [], "sequential": []} # use addon/source caches to avoid re-initializing objects addons_map = {} source_map = {} for scope, restriction in self.options.restrictions: # initialize enabled checks addons = list(base.get_addons(self._filter_checks(scope))) if not addons: raise base.PkgcheckUserException( f"no matching checks available for {scope.desc} scope" ) checks = init_checks( addons, self.options, self._results_q, addons_map=addons_map, source_map=source_map ) # Initialize checkrunners per source type using separate runner for # async checks and categorize them for parallelization based on the # scan and source scope. runners = { "async": defaultdict(list), "sync": defaultdict(list), "sequential": defaultdict(list), } for (source, runner_cls), check_objs in checks.items(): runner = runner_cls(self.options, source, check_objs) if not self.options.pkg_scan and source.scope >= base.package_scope: runners[runner_cls.type][base.package_scope].append(runner) else: runners[runner_cls.type][source.scope].append(runner) for exec_type in pipes.keys(): if runners[exec_type]: pipes[exec_type].append((scope, restriction, runners[exec_type])) return pipes def _kill_pipe(self, *args, error=None): """Handle terminating the pipeline process group.""" if self._runner.is_alive(): os.killpg(, signal.SIGKILL) if error is not None: # propagate exception raised during parallel scan raise base.PkgcheckUserException(error) raise KeyboardInterrupt def __iter__(self): # start running the check pipeline self._runner.start() return self def __next__(self): while True: try: result = self._results.popleft() if not result._filtered and result.__class__ in self.options.filtered_keywords: if result.__class__ in self.options.exit_keywords: self.errors.append(result) return result except IndexError: try: results = next(self._results_iter) except StopIteration: if self._ordered_results is None: raise self._runner.join() # output cached results in registered order results = chain.from_iterable(map(sorted, self._ordered_results.values())) self._results.extend(results) self._ordered_results = None continue # Catch propagated, serialized exceptions, output their # traceback, and signal the scanning process to end. if isinstance(results, str): self._kill_pipe(error=results.strip()) # cache registered result scopes to forcibly order output try: self._ordered_results[results[0].scope].extend(results) except KeyError: self._results.extend(results) def _queue_work(self, sync_pipes, work_q): """Producer that queues scanning tasks against granular scope restrictions.""" versioned_source = VersionedSource(self.options) unversioned_source = UnversionedSource(self.options) for i, (scan_scope, restriction, pipes) in enumerate(sync_pipes): for scope, runners in pipes.items(): num_runners = len(runners) if base.version_scope in (scope, scan_scope): for restrict in versioned_source.itermatch(restriction): for j in range(num_runners): work_q.put((scope, restrict, i, [j])) elif scope == base.package_scope: for restrict in unversioned_source.itermatch(restriction): work_q.put((scope, restrict, i, range(num_runners))) else: for j in range(num_runners): work_q.put((scope, restriction, i, [j])) # notify consumers that no more work exists for i in range( work_q.put(None) def _run_checks(self, pipes, work_q): """Consumer that runs scanning tasks, queuing results for output.""" try: for scope, restrict, i, runners in iter(work_q.get, None): if results := sorted( chain.from_iterable(pipes[i][-1][scope][j].run(restrict) for j in runners) ): self._results_q.put(results) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # traceback can't be pickled so serialize it tb = traceback.format_exc() self._results_q.put(tb) def _schedule_async(self, async_pipes): """Schedule asynchronous checks.""" try: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.options.tasks) as executor: # schedule any existing async checks futures = {} for _scope, restriction, pipes in async_pipes: for runner in chain.from_iterable(pipes.values()): runner.schedule(executor, futures, restriction) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # traceback can't be pickled so serialize it tb = traceback.format_exc() self._results_q.put(tb) def _run(self): """Run the scanning pipeline in parallel by check and scanning scope.""" try: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) os.setpgrp() # schedule asynchronous checks in a separate process async_proc = None if async_pipes := self._pipes["async"]: async_proc = self._mp_ctx.Process(target=self._schedule_async, args=(async_pipes,)) async_proc.start() # run synchronous checks using a process pool if sync_pipes := self._pipes["sync"]: work_q = self._mp_ctx.SimpleQueue() pool = self._mp_ctx.Pool(, self._run_checks, (sync_pipes, work_q)) pool.close() self._queue_work(sync_pipes, work_q) pool.join() if sequential_pipes := self._pipes["sequential"]: for _scope, restriction, pipes in sequential_pipes: for runner in chain.from_iterable(pipes.values()): if results := tuple( self._results_q.put(results) if async_proc is not None: async_proc.join() # notify iterator that no more results exist self._results_q.put(None) except Exception: # pragma: no cover # traceback can't be pickled so serialize it tb = traceback.format_exc() self._results_q.put(tb)