Source code for pkgcheck.reporters

"""Basic result reporters."""

import csv
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from string import Formatter
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as xml_escape

from snakeoil.decorators import coroutine

from . import base
from .results import BaseLinesResult, InvalidResult, Result

[docs] class Reporter: """Generic result reporter.""" def __init__(self, out): """Initialize :type out: L{snakeoil.formatters.Formatter} """ self.out = out # initialize result processing coroutines = self._process_report().send def __enter__(self): self._start() return self def __exit__(self, *excinfo): self._finish() # flush output buffer @coroutine def _process_report(self): """Render and output a report result..""" raise NotImplementedError(self._process_report) def _start(self): """Initialize reporter output.""" def _finish(self): """Finalize reporter output."""
[docs] class StrReporter(Reporter): """Simple string reporter, pkgcheck-0.1 behaviour. Example:: sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2: sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2.ebuild has whitespace in indentation on line 169 sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2: rdepend ppc-macos: unsolvable default-darwin/macos/10.4, solutions: [ >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.13 ] sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2: no change in 75 days, keywords [ ~x86-fbsd ] """ priority = 0 @coroutine def _process_report(self): # scope to result prefix mapping scope_prefix_map = { base.version_scope: "{category}/{package}-{version}: ", base.package_scope: "{category}/{package}: ", base.category_scope: "{category}: ", } while True: result = yield prefix = scope_prefix_map.get(result.scope, "").format(**vars(result)) self.out.write(f"{prefix}{result.desc}")
[docs] class FancyReporter(Reporter): """Colored output grouped by result scope. Example:: sys-apps/portage WrongIndentFound: sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2.ebuild has whitespace in indentation on line 169 NonsolvableDeps: sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2: rdepend ppc-macos: unsolvable default-darwin/macos/10.4, solutions: [ >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.13 ] StableRequest: sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2: no change in 75 days, keywords [ ~x86 ] """ priority = 1 @coroutine def _process_report(self): prev_key = None while True: result = yield if result.scope in (base.version_scope, base.package_scope): key = f"{result.category}/{result.package}" elif result.scope == base.category_scope: key = result.category else: key = result.scope.desc if key != prev_key: if prev_key is not None: self.out.write() self.out.write(self.out.bold, self.out.fg("blue"), key, self.out.reset) prev_key = key self.out.first_prefix.append(" ") self.out.later_prefix.append(" ") s = "" if result.scope == base.version_scope: s = f"version {result.version}: " self.out.write( self.out.fg(result.color),, self.out.reset, ": ", s, result.desc ) self.out.first_prefix.pop() self.out.later_prefix.pop()
[docs] class JsonReporter(Reporter): """Feed of newline-delimited JSON records. Note that the format is newline-delimited JSON with each line being related to a separate report. To merge the objects together a tool such as jq can be leveraged similar to the following: .. code:: jq -c -s 'reduce.[]as$x({};.*$x)' orig.json > new.json """ priority = -1000 @coroutine def _process_report(self): # arbitrarily nested defaultdicts json_dict = lambda: defaultdict(json_dict) # scope to data conversion mapping scope_map = { base.version_scope: lambda data, r: data[r.category][r.package][r.version], base.package_scope: lambda data, r: data[r.category][r.package], base.category_scope: lambda data, r: data[r.category], } while True: result = yield data = json_dict() d = scope_map.get(result.scope, lambda x, y: x)(data, result) d["_" + result.level][] = result.desc self.out.write(json.dumps(data)) # flush output so partial objects aren't written
[docs] class XmlReporter(Reporter): """Feed of newline-delimited XML reports.""" priority = -1000 def _start(self): self.out.write("<checks>") def _finish(self): self.out.write("</checks>") @coroutine def _process_report(self): result_template = "<result><class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" cat_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" ) pkg_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" "<package>%(package)s</package><class>%(class)s</class>" "<msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" ) ver_template = ( "<result><category>%(category)s</category>" "<package>%(package)s</package><version>%(version)s</version>" "<class>%(class)s</class><msg>%(msg)s</msg></result>" ) scope_map = { base.category_scope: cat_template, base.package_scope: pkg_template, base.version_scope: ver_template, } while True: result = yield d = {k: getattr(result, k, "") for k in ("category", "package", "version")} d["class"] = xml_escape( d["msg"] = xml_escape(result.desc) self.out.write(scope_map.get(result.scope, result_template) % d)
[docs] class CsvReporter(Reporter): """Comma-separated value reporter, convenient for shell processing. Example:: ,,,"global USE flag 'big-endian' is a potential local, used by 1 package: dev-java/icedtea-bin" sys-apps,portage,2.1-r2,sys-apps/portage-2.1-r2.ebuild has whitespace in indentation on line 169 sys-apps,portage,2.1-r2,"rdepend ppc-macos: unsolvable default-darwin/macos/10.4, solutions: [ >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.13 ]" sys-apps,portage,2.1-r2,"no change in 75 days, keywords [ ~x86-fbsd ]" """ priority = -1001 @coroutine def _process_report(self): writer = csv.writer(self.out, doublequote=False, escapechar="\\", lineterminator="") while True: result = yield writer.writerow( ( getattr(result, "category", ""), getattr(result, "package", ""), getattr(result, "version", ""), result.desc, ) )
class _ResultFormatter(Formatter): """Custom string formatter that collapses unmatched variables.""" def get_value(self, key, args, kwds): """Retrieve a given field value, an empty string is returned for unmatched fields.""" if isinstance(key, str): try: return kwds[key] except KeyError: return "" raise base.PkgcheckUserException("FormatReporter: integer indexes are not supported")
[docs] class FormatReporter(Reporter): """Custom format string reporter. This formatter uses custom format string passed using the ``--format`` command line argument.""" priority = -1001 def __init__(self, format_str, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.format_str = format_str @coroutine def _process_report(self): formatter = _ResultFormatter() # provide expansions for result desc, level, and output name properties properties = ("desc", "level", "name") while True: result = yield attrs = vars(result) attrs.update((k, getattr(result, k)) for k in properties) s = formatter.format(self.format_str, **attrs) # output strings with at least one valid expansion or non-whitespace character if s.strip(): self.out.write(s)
[docs] class DeserializationError(Exception): """Exception occurred while deserializing a data stream."""
[docs] class JsonStream(Reporter): """Generate a stream of result objects serialized in JSON.""" priority = -1001
[docs] @staticmethod def to_json(obj): """Serialize results and other objects to JSON.""" if isinstance(obj, Result): d = {"__class__": obj.__class__.__name__} d.update(obj._attrs) return d return str(obj)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_iter(iterable): """Deserialize results from a given iterable.""" # avoid circular import issues from . import objects try: for data in map(json.loads, iterable): cls = objects.KEYWORDS[data.pop("__class__")] yield cls._create(**data) except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, UnicodeDecodeError, DeserializationError) as e: raise DeserializationError("failed loading") from e except (KeyError, InvalidResult): raise DeserializationError("unknown result")
@coroutine def _process_report(self): while True: result = yield self.out.write(json.dumps(result, default=self.to_json))
[docs] class FlycheckReporter(Reporter): """Simple line reporter done for easier integration with flycheck [#]_ . .. [#] """ priority = -1001 @coroutine def _process_report(self): while True: result = yield file = f'{getattr(result, "package", "")}-{getattr(result, "version", "")}.ebuild' message = f'{getattr(result, "name")}: {getattr(result, "desc")}' if isinstance(result, BaseLinesResult): message = message.replace(result.lines_str, "").strip() for lineno in result.lines: self.out.write(f'{file}:{lineno}:{getattr(result, "level")}:{message}') else: lineno = getattr(result, "lineno", 0) self.out.write(f'{file}:{lineno}:{getattr(result, "level")}:{message}')