Source code for pkgcore.cache.flat_hash

per key file based backend

__all__ = ("database",)

import os
import stat

from snakeoil.fileutils import readlines_utf8
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin

from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from . import errors, fs_template

[docs] class database(fs_template.FsBased): """Stores cache entries in key=value form, stripping newlines.""" # TODO: different way of passing in default auxdbkeys and location pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint( types={ "readonly": "bool", "location": "str", "label": "str", "auxdbkeys": "list", }, required=["location"], positional=["location"], typename="cache", ) autocommits = True mtime_in_entry = True eclass_chf_types = ("eclassdir", "mtime") def _getitem(self, cpv): path = pjoin(self.location, cpv) try: data = readlines_utf8(path, True, True, True) if data is None: raise KeyError(cpv) return self._parse_data(data, data.mtime) except (EnvironmentError, ValueError) as e: raise errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) from e def _parse_data(self, data, mtime): d = self._cdict_kls() known = self._known_keys for x in data: k, v = x.split("=", 1) if k in known: d[k] = v if self._mtime_used: if self.mtime_in_entry: d[self._chf_key] = self._chf_deserializer(d[self._chf_key]) else: d[self._chf_key] = int(mtime) else: d[self._chf_key] = self._chf_deserializer(d[self._chf_key]) return d def _setitem(self, cpv, values): # might seem weird, but we rely on the trailing +1; this # makes it behave properly for any cache depth (including no depth) s = cpv.rfind("/") + 1 fp = pjoin(self.location, cpv[:s], f".update.{os.getpid()}.{cpv[s:]}") try: myf = open(fp, "w", 32768) except FileNotFoundError: if not self._ensure_dirs(cpv): raise errors.CacheCorruption( cpv, f"error creating directory for {fp!r}" ) try: myf = open(fp, "w", 32768) except EnvironmentError as e: raise errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) from e except OSError as e: raise errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) from e if self._mtime_used: if not self.mtime_in_entry: mtime = values["_mtime_"] for k, v in sorted(values.items()): myf.writelines(f"{k}={v}\n") myf.close() if self._mtime_used and not self.mtime_in_entry: self._ensure_access(fp, mtime=mtime) else: self._ensure_access(fp) # update written, now we move it new_fp = pjoin(self.location, cpv) try: os.rename(fp, new_fp) except EnvironmentError as e: os.remove(fp) raise errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) from e def _delitem(self, cpv): try: os.remove(pjoin(self.location, cpv)) except FileNotFoundError: raise KeyError(cpv) except OSError as e: raise errors.CacheCorruption(cpv, e) from e def __contains__(self, cpv): return os.path.exists(pjoin(self.location, cpv))
[docs] def keys(self): """generator for walking the dir struct""" dirs = [self.location] len_base = len(self.location) # Note: the misc try/except clauses are to protect against concurrent # modification of the cache resulting in transient errors. while dirs: d = dirs.pop(0) try: subdirs = os.listdir(d) except FileNotFoundError: continue except EnvironmentError as e: raise KeyError(cpv, f"access failure: {e}") for l in os.listdir(d): if l.endswith(".cpickle"): continue p = pjoin(d, l) try: st = os.lstat(p) except FileNotFoundError: continue except EnvironmentError as e: raise KeyError(cpv, f"Unhandled IO error: {e}") if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): dirs.append(p) continue yield p[len_base + 1 :]
class md5_cache(database): chf_type = "md5" eclass_chf_types = ("md5",) chf_base = 16 def __init__(self, location, **config): location = pjoin(location, "metadata", "md5-cache") super().__init__(location, **config)