Source code for pkgcore.config.basics

configuration subsystem primitives

all callables can/may throw a :class:`pkgcore.config.errors.ConfigurationError`

__all__ = (

import typing
from functools import partial

from snakeoil import modules
from snakeoil.compatibility import IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS

from . import errors
from .hint import configurable

type_names = ("list", "str", "bool", "int")

# Copied from which copied it from compile.h.
# Also documented in

[docs] class ConfigType: """A configurable type. :ivar name: string specifying the protocol the instantiated object conforms to. :ivar callable: callable used to instantiate this type. :ivar types: dict mapping key names to type strings. :ivar positional: container holding positional arguments. :ivar required: container holding required arguments. :ivar allow_unknowns: controls whether unknown settings should error. """ callable: typing.Callable types: dict[str, str] positional: tuple[str] required: tuple[str] allow_unknowns: bool def __init__(self, func_obj: typing.Callable) -> None: """Create from a callable (function, member function, class). It uses the defaults to determine type: - True or False mean it's a boolean - a tuple means it's a list (of strings) - a str means it's a string Arguments with a default of a different type are ignored. If an argument has no default, it is assumed to be a string- exception to this is if the callable has a pkgcore_config_type attr that is a :obj:`ConfigHint` instance, in which case those override. """ original_func_obj = func_obj = func_obj.__name__ self.callable = func_obj self.doc = getattr(func_obj, "__doc__", None) if not hasattr(func_obj, "__code__"): # No function or method, should be a class so grab __init__. func_obj = func_obj.__init__ # We do not use the inspect module because that is a heavy # thing to import and we can pretty easily get the data we # need without it. Most of the code in its getargs function # deals with tuples inside argument definitions, which we do # not support anyway. # # TODO: use the inspect module, speed is less of an issue in 2023. self.types = {} varargs, args, defaults, varkw = (), (), (), () hint_overrides = getattr(self.callable, "pkgcore_config_type", None) # if it's not authorative, do introspection; the getattr is to protect # against the case where there is no Hint if not getattr(hint_overrides, "authorative", None): try: code = getattr(func_obj, "__code__") except AttributeError as e: if func_obj != object.__init__: raise TypeError( f"func {original_func_obj!r} isn't usable; likely a " "builtin object which can't be introspected without hints" ) from e else: if code.co_argcount and code.co_varnames[0] == "self": args = code.co_varnames[1 : code.co_argcount] else: args = code.co_varnames[: code.co_argcount] varargs = bool(code.co_flags & CO_VARARGS) varkw = bool(code.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) defaults = func_obj.__defaults__ if defaults is None: defaults = () # iterate through defaults backwards, so they match up to argnames for i, default in enumerate(reversed(defaults)): argname = args[-1 - i] for typeobj, typename in [ (bool, "bool"), (tuple, "list"), (str, "str"), (int, "int"), ]: if isinstance(default, typeobj): self.types[argname] = typename break # just [:-len(defaults)] doesn't work if there are no defaults self.positional = args[: len(args) - len(defaults)] # no defaults to determine the type from -> default to str. for arg in self.positional: self.types[arg] = "str" self.required = tuple(self.positional) self.allow_unknowns = False self.requires_config = False self.raw_class = False # Process ConfigHint (if any) if hint_overrides is not None: self.types.update(hint_overrides.types) if hint_overrides.required: self.required = tuple(hint_overrides.required) if hint_overrides.positional: self.positional = tuple(hint_overrides.positional) if hint_overrides.typename: = hint_overrides.typename if hint_overrides.doc: self.doc = hint_overrides.doc self.allow_unknowns = hint_overrides.allow_unknowns self.requires_config = hint_overrides.requires_config self.raw_class = hint_overrides.raw_class if self.requires_config: if self.requires_config in self.required: self.required = tuple( x for x in self.required if x != self.requires_config ) elif varargs or varkw: raise TypeError( f"func {self.callable} accepts *args or **kwargs, " "and no ConfigHint is provided" ) for var in ("class", "inherit", "default"): if var in self.types: raise errors.TypeDefinitionError( f"{self.callable}: you cannot change the type of {var!r}" ) for var in self.positional: if var not in self.required and var != self.requires_config: raise errors.TypeDefinitionError( f"{self.callable}: {var!r} is in positionals but not in required" )
[docs] class LazySectionRef: """Abstract base class for lazy-loaded section references.""" typename: str def __init__(self, central, typename: str) -> None: self.central = central self.typename = typename.split(":", 1)[1] self.cached_config = None def _collapse(self): """Override this in a subclass.""" raise NotImplementedError(self._collapse)
[docs] def collapse(self): """:return: :obj:`pkgcore.config.central.CollapsedConfig`.""" if self.cached_config is None: config = self.cached_config = self._collapse() if self.typename is not None and != self.typename: raise errors.ConfigurationError( f"reference {!r} should be of type " f"{self.typename!r}, got {!r}" ) return self.cached_config
[docs] def instantiate(self) -> typing.Any: """Convenience method returning the instantiated section.""" return self.collapse().instantiate()
[docs] class LazyNamedSectionRef(LazySectionRef): name: str def __init__(self, central, typename: str, name: str) -> None: super().__init__(central, typename) = name def _collapse(self): return self.central.collapse_named_section(
class LazyUnnamedSectionRef(LazySectionRef): def __init__(self, central, typename: str, section) -> None: super().__init__(central, typename) self.section = section def _collapse(self): return self.central.collapse_section([self.section])
[docs] class ConfigSection: """Single Config section, returning typed values from a key. Not much of an object this, if we were using zope.interface it'd be an Interface. """ def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: """Check if a key is in this section.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.__contains__)
[docs] def keys(self) -> list[str]: """Return a list of keys.""" raise NotImplementedError(self.keys)
[docs] def render_value(self, central, name: str, arg_type): """Return a setting, converted to the requested type.""" raise NotImplementedError(self, "render_value")
[docs] class DictConfigSection(ConfigSection): """Turns a dict and a conversion function into a ConfigSection.""" func: typing.Callable dict: dict[str, typing.Any] def __init__( self, conversion_func: typing.Callable, source_dict: dict[str, typing.Any] ) -> None: """Initialize. The conversion func should return a single sequence for list types and in repr for list types. :type conversion_func: callable. :param conversion_func: called with a ConfigManager, a value from the dict and a type name. :type source_dict: dict with string keys and arbitrary values. """ super().__init__() self.func = conversion_func self.dict = source_dict def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool: return name in self.dict
[docs] def keys(self) -> list[str]: return list(self.dict.keys())
[docs] def render_value( self, central, name: str, arg_type: str ) -> typing.Union[typing.Any, tuple[str, typing.Any]]: try: return self.func(central, self.dict[name], arg_type) except IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS: raise except Exception as e: raise errors.ConfigurationError( f"Failed converting argument {name!r} to {arg_type}" ) from e
[docs] def str_to_list(string: str) -> list[str]: """Split on whitespace honoring quoting for new tokens.""" # TODO: replace this with shlex or equivalent parsing. l = [] i = 0 e = len(string) # check for stringness because we return something interesting if # feeded a sequence of strings if not isinstance(string, str): raise TypeError(f"expected a string, got {string!r}") while i < e: if not string[i].isspace(): if string[i] in ("'", '"'): q = i i += 1 res = [] while i < e and string[i] != string[q]: if string[i] == "\\": i += 1 res.append(string[i]) i += 1 if i >= e: raise errors.QuoteInterpretationError(string) l.append("".join(res)) else: res = [] while i < e and not (string[i].isspace() or string[i] in ("'", '"')): if string[i] == "\\": i += 1 res.append(string[i]) i += 1 if i < e and string[i] in ("'", '"'): raise errors.QuoteInterpretationError(string) l.append("".join(res)) i += 1 return l
[docs] def str_to_str(string: str) -> str: """Yank leading/trailing whitespace and quotation, along with newlines.""" # TODO: replace these with shlex s = string.strip() if len(s) > 1 and s[0] in "\"'" and s[0] == s[-1]: s = s[1:-1] return s.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ")
[docs] def str_to_bool(string: str) -> bool: """Convert a string to a boolean.""" s = str_to_str(string).lower() if s in ("no", "false", "0"): return False if s in ("yes", "true", "1"): return True raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{s!r} is not a boolean")
[docs] def str_to_int(string: str) -> int: """Convert a string to a integer.""" string = str_to_str(string) try: return int(string) except ValueError: raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{string!r} is not an integer")
_str_converters = { "list": str_to_list, "str": str_to_str, "bool": str_to_bool, "int": str_to_int, }
[docs] def convert_string(central, value, arg_type: str): """Conversion func for a string-based DictConfigSection.""" if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError( "convert_string invoked with non str instance: " f"val({value!r}), arg_type({arg_type!r})" ) if arg_type == "callable": try: func = modules.load_attribute(value) except modules.FailedImport as e: raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"cannot import {value!r}") from e if not callable(func): raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{value!r} is not callable") return func elif arg_type.startswith("refs:"): return list( LazyNamedSectionRef(central, arg_type, ref) for ref in str_to_list(value) ) elif arg_type.startswith("ref:"): return LazyNamedSectionRef(central, arg_type, str_to_str(value)) elif arg_type == "repr": return "str", value func = _str_converters.get(arg_type) if func is None: raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"unknown type {arg_type!r}") return func(value)
[docs] def convert_asis(central, value, arg_type: str): """ "Conversion" func assuming the types are already correct.""" if arg_type == "callable": if not callable(value): raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{value!r} is not callable") return value elif arg_type.startswith("ref:"): if not isinstance(value, ConfigSection): raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{value!r} is not a config section") return LazyUnnamedSectionRef(central, arg_type, value) elif arg_type.startswith("refs:"): l = [] for section in value: if not isinstance(section, ConfigSection): raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{value!r} is not a config section") l.append(LazyUnnamedSectionRef(central, arg_type, section)) return l elif arg_type == "repr": if callable(value): return "callable", value if isinstance(value, ConfigSection): return "ref", value if isinstance(value, str): return "str", value if isinstance(value, bool): return "bool", value if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if not value or isinstance(value[0], str): return "list", value if isinstance(value[0], ConfigSection): return "refs", value raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"unsupported type for {value!r}") elif not isinstance( value, {"list": (list, tuple), "str": str, "bool": bool}[arg_type] ): raise errors.ConfigurationError(f"{value!r} does not have type {arg_type!r}") return value
[docs] def convert_hybrid(central, value, arg_type: str): """Automagically switch between :obj:`convert_string` and :obj:`convert_asis`. :obj:`convert_asis` is used for arg_type str and if value is not a string. :obj:`convert_string` is used for the rest. Be careful about handing in escaped strings: they are not unescaped (for arg_type str). """ if arg_type != "str" and isinstance(value, str): return convert_string(central, value, arg_type) return convert_asis(central, value, arg_type)
# "Invalid name" (pylint thinks these are module-level constants) # pylint: disable-msg=C0103 HardCodedConfigSection = partial(DictConfigSection, convert_asis) ConfigSectionFromStringDict = partial(DictConfigSection, convert_string) AutoConfigSection = partial(DictConfigSection, convert_hybrid)
[docs] def section_alias(target, typename: str) -> AutoConfigSection: """Build a ConfigSection that instantiates a named reference. Because of central's caching our instantiated value will be identical to our target's. """ @configurable(types={"target": "ref:" + typename}, typename=typename) def section_alias(target): return target return AutoConfigSection({"class": section_alias, "target": target})
[docs] @configurable(types={"path": "str", "parser": "callable"}, typename="configsection") def parse_config_file(path: str, parser): try: f = open(path, "r") except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise errors.InstantiationError(f"failed opening {path!r}") from e try: return parser(f) finally: f.close()
class ConfigSource: description = "No description available" def sections(self): raise NotImplementedError(self, "sections") class GeneratedConfigSource(ConfigSource): def __init__(self, section_data, description: str) -> None: self.description = description self.section_data = section_data def sections(self): return self.section_data