Source code for pkgcore.ebuild.atom

# "More than one statement on a single line"
# pylint: disable-msg=C0321

gentoo ebuild atom, should be generalized into an agnostic base

__all__ = ("atom", "transitive_use_atom")

import string

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.compatibility import cmp

from ..restrictions import boolean, packages, restriction, values
from ..restrictions.packages import AndRestriction as PkgAndRestriction
from ..restrictions.packages import Conditional
from ..restrictions.values import ContainmentMatch
from . import cpv
from . import eapi as eapi_mod
from . import errors, restricts

# namespace compatibility...
MalformedAtom = errors.MalformedAtom

alphanum = set(string.digits)

valid_repo_chars = set(alphanum)
valid_slot_chars = set(alphanum)
alphanum = frozenset(alphanum)
valid_repo_chars = frozenset(valid_repo_chars)
valid_slot_chars = frozenset(valid_slot_chars)
valid_ops = frozenset(["<", "<=", "=", "~", ">=", ">"])

[docs] class atom(boolean.AndRestriction, metaclass=klass.generic_equality): """Currently implements gentoo ebuild atom parsing. Should be converted into an agnostic dependency base. """ # note we don't need _hash __slots__ = ( "blocks", "blocks_strongly", "op", "cpvstr", "negate_vers", "use", "slot_operator", "slot", "subslot", "repo_id", "_cpv", "_restrictions", ) type = restriction.package_type negate = False _evaluate_collapse = True __attr_comparison__ = ( "cpvstr", "op", "blocks", "negate_vers", "use", "slot", "subslot", "slot_operator", "repo_id", ) klass.inject_richcmp_methods_from_cmp(locals()) # hack; combine these 2 metaclasses at some point... locals().pop("__eq__", None) locals().pop("__ne__", None) __inst_caching__ = True # overrided in child class if it's supported evaluate_depset = None def __init__(self, atom: str, negate_vers: bool = False, eapi: str = "-1"): """ :param atom: string, see gentoo ebuild atom syntax :keyword negate_vers: boolean controlling whether the version should be inverted for restriction matching :keyword eapi: string/int controlling what eapi to enforce for this atom """ if not atom: raise errors.MalformedAtom(atom) sf = object.__setattr__ orig_atom = atom override_kls = False use_start = atom.find("[") # ensure slot or repo anchoring is left of use flags. slot_start = atom.find(":", 0, use_start) eapi_obj = eapi_mod.get_eapi( eapi if eapi != "-1" else eapi_mod.LATEST_PMS_EAPI_VER ) if use_start != -1: # use dep use_end = atom.find("]", use_start) if use_start < slot_start: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "slot restriction must proceed use" ) elif use_end == -1: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "use restriction isn't completed") elif use_end != len(atom) - 1: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "trailing garbage after use dep") sf(self, "use", tuple(sorted(atom[use_start + 1 : use_end].split(",")))) for x in self.use: # stripped purely for validation reasons try: if x[-1] in "=?": override_kls = True x = x[:-1] if x[0] == "!": x = x[1:] if x[0] == "-": raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"malformed use flag: {x}" ) elif x[0] == "-": x = x[1:] if x[-1] == ")": if not eapi_obj.options.has_use_dep_defaults: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"use dep defaults are not allowed in EAPI {eapi}", ) # use defaults. if x[-3:] in ("(+)", "(-)"): x = x[:-3] if not x: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "empty use dep detected") if not eapi_obj.is_valid_use_flag(x): raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"invalid USE flag: {x!r}" ) except IndexError: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "empty use dep detected") if override_kls: sf(self, "__class__", transitive_use_atom) atom = atom[0:use_start] + atom[use_end + 1 :] else: sf(self, "use", None) if slot_start != -1: i2 = atom.find("::", slot_start) if i2 != -1: repo_id = atom[i2 + 2 :] if not repo_id: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "repo_id must not be empty") elif repo_id[0] in "-": raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"invalid first char of repo_id '{repo_id}' (must not begin with a hyphen)", ) elif not valid_repo_chars.issuperset(repo_id): raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"repo_id may contain only [a-Z0-9_-/], found {repo_id!r}", ) atom = atom[:i2] sf(self, "repo_id", repo_id) else: sf(self, "repo_id", None) # slot dep. slot = atom[slot_start + 1 :] slot_operator = subslot = None if not slot: # if the slot char came in only due to repo_id, force slots to None if i2 == -1: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "Empty slot targets aren't allowed" ) slot = None else: slots = (slot,) if eapi_obj.options.sub_slotting: if slot[0:1] in ("*", "="): if len(slot) > 1: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "Slot operators '*' and '=' do not take slot targets", ) slot_operator = slot slot, slots = None, () else: if slot.endswith("="): slot_operator = "=" slot = slot[:-1] slots = slot.split("/", 1) elif not eapi_obj.options.has_slot_deps: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"slot dependencies aren't allowed in EAPI {eapi}" ) for chunk in slots: if not chunk: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "Empty slot targets aren't allowed" ) if chunk[0] in "-.": raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "Slot targets must not start with a hypen or dot: {chunk!r}", ) elif not valid_slot_chars.issuperset(chunk): invalid_chars = ", ".join( map(repr, sorted(set(chunk).difference(valid_slot_chars))) ) raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"Invalid character(s) in slot target: {invalid_chars}", ) if len(slots) == 2: slot, subslot = slots sf(self, "slot_operator", slot_operator) sf(self, "slot", slot) sf(self, "subslot", subslot) atom = atom[:slot_start] else: sf(self, "slot_operator", None) sf(self, "slot", None) sf(self, "subslot", None) sf(self, "repo_id", None) sf(self, "blocks", atom[0] == "!") if self.blocks: atom = atom[1:] # hackish/slow, but lstrip doesn't take a 'prune this many' arg # open to alternatives if atom.startswith("!"): if not eapi_obj.options.strong_blockers: raise MalformedAtom( f"strong blockers are not supported in EAPI {eapi}" ) atom = atom[1:] sf(self, "blocks_strongly", True) else: sf(self, "blocks_strongly", False) else: sf(self, "blocks_strongly", False) if atom[0] in ("<", ">"): if atom[1] == "=": sf(self, "op", atom[:2]) atom = atom[2:] else: sf(self, "op", atom[0]) atom = atom[1:] elif atom[0] == "=": if atom[-1] == "*": sf(self, "op", "=*") atom = atom[1:-1] else: atom = atom[1:] sf(self, "op", "=") elif atom[0] == "~": sf(self, "op", "~") atom = atom[1:] else: sf(self, "op", "") sf(self, "cpvstr", atom) if self.slot is not None and not eapi_obj.options.has_slot_deps: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"{x} SLOT dep atoms aren't supported in EAPI {eapi}" ) elif self.use is not None and not eapi_obj.options.has_use_deps: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "use atoms aren't supported for EAPI < 2" ) # note that we're checking eapi, not eapi_obj. eapi_obj defaults to latest PMS if eapi != "-1": if self.repo_id is not None: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, f"repo_id atoms aren't supported for EAPI {eapi}" ) try: sf(self, "_cpv", cpv.CPV(self.cpvstr, versioned=bool(self.op))) except errors.InvalidCPV as e: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom) from e if self.op: if self.version is None: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "operator requires a version") elif self.op == "~" and self.revision: raise errors.MalformedAtom( orig_atom, "~ revision operator cannot be combined with a revision" ) elif self.version is not None: raise errors.MalformedAtom(orig_atom, "versioned atom requires an operator") sf(self, "_hash", hash(orig_atom)) sf(self, "negate_vers", negate_vers) __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("_cpv") __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("_cpv") @property def blocks_temp_ignorable(self): return not self.blocks_strongly weak_blocker = klass.alias_attr("blocks_temp_ignorable") def __repr__(self): if self.op == "=*": atom = f"={self.cpvstr}*" else: atom = self.op + self.cpvstr if self.blocks: atom = "!" + atom if self.blocks: if self.blocks_strongly: atom = "!!" + atom else: atom = "!" + atom attrs = [atom] if self.use: attrs.append(f"use={self.use!r}") if self.slot is not None: attrs.append(f"slot={self.slot!r}") if self.subslot is not None: attrs.append(f"subslot={self.subslot!r}") if self.repo_id is not None: attrs.append(f"repo_id={self.repo_id!r}") return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {" ".join(attrs)} @#{id(self):x}>' def __reduce__(self): return (atom, (str(self), self.negate_vers))
[docs] def iter_dnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False): if full_solution_expansion: return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_dnf_solutions(self, True) return iter([[self]])
[docs] def iter_cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False): if full_solution_expansion: return boolean.AndRestriction.iter_cnf_solutions(self, True) return iter([[self]])
[docs] def cnf_solutions(self, full_solution_expansion=False): if full_solution_expansion: return boolean.AndRestriction.cnf_solutions(self, True) return [[self]]
@property def is_simple(self): return len(self.restrictions) == 2 @klass.jit_attr def restrictions(self): # ordering here matters; against 24702 ebuilds for # a non matchable atom with package as the first restriction # 10 loops, best of 3: 206 msec per loop # with category as the first(the obvious ordering) # 10 loops, best of 3: 209 msec per loop # why? because category is more likely to collide; # at the time of this profiling, there were 151 categories. # over 11k packages however. r = [restricts.PackageDep(self.package), restricts.CategoryDep(self.category)] if self.repo_id is not None: r.insert(0, restricts.RepositoryDep(self.repo_id)) if self.fullver is not None: if self.op == "=*": r.append( packages.PackageRestriction( "fullver", values.StrGlobMatch(self.fullver) ) ) else: r.append( restricts.VersionMatch( self.op, self.version, self.revision, negate=self.negate_vers ) ) if self.slot is not None: r.append(restricts.SlotDep(self.slot)) if self.subslot is not None: r.append(restricts.SubSlotDep(self.subslot)) if self.use is not None: r.extend(restricts._parse_nontransitive_use(self.use)) return tuple(r) def __str__(self): if self.op == "=*": s = f"={self.cpvstr}*" else: s = self.op + self.cpvstr if self.blocks: if self.blocks_strongly: s = "!!" + s else: s = "!" + s if self.slot: s += f":{self.slot}" if self.subslot: s += f"/{self.subslot}" if self.slot_operator == "=": s += self.slot_operator elif self.slot_operator: s += f":{self.slot_operator}" if self.repo_id: s += f"::{self.repo_id}" if self.use: use = ",".join(self.use) s += f"[{use}]" return s __hash__ = klass.reflective_hash("_hash") def __iter__(self): return iter(self.restrictions) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.restrictions[index] def __cmp__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, atom): raise TypeError(f"other isn't of {atom!r} type, is {other.__class__}") c = cmp(self.category, other.category) if c: return c c = cmp(self.package, other.package) if c: return c c = cmp(self.op, other.op) if c: return c c = cpv.ver_cmp(self.version, self.revision, other.version, other.revision) if c: return c c = cmp(self.blocks, other.blocks) if c: # invert it; cmp(True, False) == 1 # want non blockers then blockers. return -c c = cmp(self.blocks_strongly, other.blocks_strongly) if c: # want !! prior to ! return c c = cmp(self.negate_vers, other.negate_vers) if c: return c def f(v): return "" if v is None else v c = cmp(f(self.slot), f(other.slot)) if c: return c c = cmp(self.use, other.use) if c: return c return cmp(self.repo_id, other.repo_id) no_usedeps = klass.alias_attr("get_atom_without_use_deps") @property def get_atom_without_use_deps(self): """Return atom object stripped of USE dependencies.""" if not self.use: return self if self.op == "=*": s = f"={self.cpvstr}*" else: s = self.op + self.cpvstr if self.blocks: s = "!" + s if not self.blocks_temp_ignorable: s = "!" + s if self.slot: s += f":{self.slot}" if self.subslot: s += f"/{self.subslot}" return atom(s)
[docs] def intersects(self, other): """Check if a passed in atom "intersects" this restriction's atom. Two atoms "intersect" if a package can be constructed that matches both: - if you query for just "dev-lang/python" it "intersects" both "dev-lang/python" and ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" - if you query for "=dev-lang/python-2.4" it "intersects" ">=dev-lang/python-2.4" and "dev-lang/python" but not "<dev-lang/python-2.3" USE and slot deps are also taken into account. The block/nonblock state of the atom is ignored. """ # Our "key" (cat/pkg) must match exactly: if self.key != other.key: return False # Slot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they # must be identical: if self.slot is not None and other.slot is not None and self.slot != other.slot: return False # Subslot dep only matters if we both have one. If we do they # must be identical: if ( self.subslot is not None and other.subslot is not None and self.subslot != other.subslot ): return False if ( self.repo_id is not None and other.repo_id is not None and self.repo_id != other.repo_id ): return False # Use deps are similar: if one of us forces a flag on and the # other forces it off we do not intersect. If only one of us # cares about a flag it is irrelevant. # Skip the (very common) case of one of us not having use deps: if self.use and other.use: # Set of flags we do not have in common: flags = set(self.use) ^ set(other.use) for flag in flags: # If this is unset and we also have the set version we fail: if flag[0] == "-" and flag[1:] in flags: return False # Remaining thing to check is version restrictions. Get the # ones we can check without actual version comparisons out of # the way first. # If one of us is unversioned we intersect: if not self.op or not other.op: return True # If we are both "unbounded" in the same direction we intersect: if ("<" in self.op and "<" in other.op) or (">" in self.op and ">" in other.op): return True # Trick used here: just use the atoms as sufficiently # package-like object to pass to these functions (all that is # needed is a version and revision attr). # If one of us is an exact match we intersect if the other matches it: if self.op == "=": if other.op == "=*": return self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver) return restricts.VersionMatch( other.op, other.version, other.revision ).match(self) if other.op == "=": if self.op == "=*": return other.fullver.startswith(self.fullver) return restricts.VersionMatch(self.op, self.version, self.revision).match( other ) # If we are both ~ matches we match if we are identical: if self.op == other.op == "~": return self.version == other.version and self.revision == other.revision # If we are both glob matches we match if one of us matches the other. if self.op == other.op == "=*": return self.fullver.startswith(other.fullver) or other.fullver.startswith( self.fullver ) # If one of us is a glob match and the other a ~ we match if the glob # matches the ~ (ignoring a revision on the glob): if self.op == "=*" and other.op == "~": return other.fullver.startswith(self.version) if other.op == "=*" and self.op == "~": return self.fullver.startswith(other.version) # If we get here at least one of us is a <, <=, > or >=: if self.op in ("<", "<=", ">", ">="): ranged, other = self, other else: ranged, other = other, self if "<" in other.op or ">" in other.op: # We are both ranged, and in the opposite "direction" (or # we would have matched above). We intersect if we both # match the other's endpoint (just checking one endpoint # is not enough, it would give a false positive on <=2 vs >2) return restricts.VersionMatch( other.op, other.version, other.revision ).match(ranged) and restricts.VersionMatch( ranged.op, ranged.version, ranged.revision ).match( other ) if other.op == "~": # Other definitely matches its own version. If ranged also # does we're done: if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version, ranged.revision).match( other ): return True # The only other case where we intersect is if ranged is a # > or >= on other's version and a nonzero revision. In # that case other will match ranged. Be careful not to # give a false positive for ~2 vs <2 here: return ranged.op in (">", ">=") and restricts.VersionMatch( other.op, other.version, other.revision ).match(ranged) if other.op == "=*": # The fun one, since glob matches do not correspond to a # single contiguous region of versions. # a glob match definitely matches its own version, so if # ranged does too we're done: if restricts.VersionMatch(ranged.op, ranged.version, ranged.revision).match( other ): return True if "<" in ranged.op: # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a # package smaller than ranged.fullver and # other.fullver that they both match. # If other.revision is not None or 0 then other does not match # anything smaller than its own fullver: if other.revision: return False # If other.revision is None or 0 then we can always # construct a package smaller than other.fullver by # tagging e.g. an _alpha1 on, since # cat/pkg_beta2_alpha1_alpha1 is a valid version. # (Yes, really. Try it if you don't believe me.) # If and only if other also matches ranged then # ranged will also match one of those smaller packages. # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.) return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version) else: # Remaining cases where this intersects: there is a # package greater than ranged.fullver and # other.fullver that they both match. # We can always construct a package greater than # other.fullver by adding a digit to it. # If and only if other also matches ranged then # ranged will match such a larger package # XXX (I think, need to try harder to verify this.) return ranged.fullver.startswith(other.version) # Handled all possible ops. raise NotImplementedError( "Someone added an op to atom without adding it to intersects" )
[docs] def evaluate_conditionals(self, parent_cls, parent_seq, enabled, tristate=None): parent_seq.append(self)
[docs] class transitive_use_atom(atom): __slots__ = () __inst_caching__ = True _nontransitive_use_atom = atom is_simple = False def _stripped_use(self): return str(self).split("[", 1)[0] @staticmethod def _mk_conditional(flag, payload, negate=False): return Conditional("use", ContainmentMatch(flag, negate=negate), payload) def _recurse_transitive_use_conds(self, atom_str, forced_use, varied): if not varied: s = ",".join(forced_use) if s: s = f"[{s}]" return (self._nontransitive_use_atom(atom_str + s),) flag = varied[0] use = flag.lstrip("!").rstrip("?=") varied = varied[1:] if flag[-1] == "?": # a[x?] == x? ( a[x] ) !x? ( a ) # a[!x?] == x? ( a ) !x? ( a[-x] ) if flag[0] != "!": return ( self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( atom_str, forced_use + [use], varied ), ), self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( atom_str, forced_use, varied ), negate=True, ), ) return ( self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds(atom_str, forced_use, varied), ), self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( atom_str, forced_use + ["-" + use], varied ), negate=True, ), ) # a[x=] == x? ( a[x] ) !x? ( a[-x] ) # a[!x=] == x? ( a[-x] ) !x? ( a[x] ) if flag[0] != "!": use_states = [[use], ["-" + use]] else: use_states = [["-" + use], [use]] return ( self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( atom_str, forced_use + use_states[0], varied ), ), self._mk_conditional( use, self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( atom_str, forced_use + use_states[1], varied ), negate=True, ), ) @klass.jit_attr def restrictions(self): return self.convert_to_conditionals()
[docs] def convert_to_conditionals(self): static_use = [use for use in self.use if use[-1] not in "?="] variable = [use for use in self.use if use[-1] in "?="] return PkgAndRestriction( *self._recurse_transitive_use_conds( self._stripped_use(), static_use, variable ) )
def _evaluate_depset_qa_in_place(self, flags, variable_flags, enabled, tristate): # note this mutates flags for flag in variable_flags: conditional = flag[-1] negated = flag[0] == "!" if negated: flag = flag[1:-1] else: flag = flag[:-1] real_flag = flag if flag[-1] == ")": flag = flag[:-3] if conditional == "=": # if it's locked to a state, take that state; else use whatever # the default state was. if flag in tristate: # it's locked; take the allowed state, and force it, take that bool # and use it to decide if the target dep gets a disabled assertion. # roughly if locked to enabled: x= == x, !x= == -x # if locked to disabled: x= == -x , !x= == x if (flag in enabled) == negated: real_flag = "-" + real_flag else: if flag in tristate: # if the flag was on, but it was !x?, then skip it. # if the flag was off, but it was x?, then skip it. if (flag in enabled) == negated: continue # enforce the allowed state. if flag not in enabled: real_flag = "-" + real_flag else: # enforce the state that gets us a flag to test on the target. # thus if !x?, we want -x, or +x; take the negation basically. if negated: real_flag = "-" + real_flag flags.append(real_flag)
[docs] def evaluate_conditionals( self, parent_cls, parent_seq, enabled, tristate_filter=None ): new_flags = [use for use in self.use if use[-1] not in "?="] variable_flags = [use for use in self.use if use[-1] in "?="] if tristate_filter is not None: # note this updates the flags in place. self._evaluate_depset_qa_in_place( new_flags, variable_flags, enabled, tristate_filter ) else: for flag in variable_flags: conditional = flag[-1] negated = flag[0] == "!" if negated: flag = raw_flag = flag[1:-1] else: flag = raw_flag = flag[:-1] if raw_flag[-1] == ")": # use default... strip "(+)" raw_flag = raw_flag[:-3] if conditional == "=": # given '!x=', if x is off, force x on for the target, # and vice versa. render out a non relative - or ''. negated = (raw_flag in enabled) == negated if negated: flag = "-" + flag else: # enforce the flag only if our state matches. !x? and x is on, means no dep. # for !x? with -x, the assertion becomes !x; conditionally transitive basically. if (raw_flag in enabled) == negated: continue flag = "%s%s" % (negated and "-" or "", flag) new_flags.append(flag) if not new_flags: a = self._nontransitive_use_atom(self._stripped_use()) else: a = self._nontransitive_use_atom( "%s[%s]" % (self._stripped_use(), ",".join(new_flags)) ) parent_seq.append(a)
iter_dnf_solutions = boolean.AndRestriction.iter_dnf_solutions cnf_solutions = boolean.AndRestriction.cnf_solutions