Source code for pkgcore.ebuild.eclass

"""Eclass parsing support."""

import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict, OrderedSet
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism
from snakeoil.version import get_version

from .. import __title__
from ..log import logger
from . import conditionals
from .eapi import EAPI

[docs] class AttrDict(ImmutableDict): """Support accessing dict keys as attributes.""" def __getattr__(self, name): try: object.__getattribute__(self, name) except AttributeError as e: try: return object.__getattribute__(self, "_dict")[name] except KeyError: raise e def __dir__(self): return sorted(dir(self._dict) + list(self._dict))
def _rst_header(char, text, leading=False, newline=False): """Create rST header data from a given character and header text.""" sep = char * len(text) data = [text, sep] if leading: data = [sep] + data if newline: data.append("") return data
[docs] class ParseEclassDoc: """Generic block for eclass docs. See the devmanual [#]_ for the eclass docs specification. .. [#] """ # block tag tag = None # block key name -- None for singular block types key = None # boolean flagging if block attribute defaults should be inserted default = False # mapping from eclass doc blocks to parsing instances blocks = {} def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): """Register known eclass doc block tags.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls.blocks[cls.tag] = cls() def __init__(self, tags): self.tags = tags # regex matching all known tags for the eclass doc block self._block_tags_re = re.compile( rf'^(?P<tag>{"|".join(self.tags)})(?P<value>.*)' ) # regex matching @CODE tags self._code_tag = re.compile(r"^\s*@CODE\s*$") # regex matching @SUBSECTION tags self._subsection_tag = re.compile(r"^\s*@SUBSECTION (?P<title>.+)$") def _tag_bool(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse boolean tags.""" try: args = next(x for x in block if x) logger.warning( f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: tag takes no args, got {repr(args)}" ) except StopIteration: pass return True def _tag_inline_arg(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse tags with inline argument.""" if not block[0]: logger.warning(f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: missing inline arg") elif len(block) > 1: logger.warning(f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: non-inline arg") return block[0] def _tag_inline_list(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse tags with inline, space-separated list argument.""" line = self._tag_inline_arg(block, tag, lineno) return tuple(line.split()) def _tag_multiline_args(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse tags with multiline arguments.""" if block[0]: logger.warning(f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: invalid inline arg") if not block[1:]: logger.warning(f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: missing args") return tuple(block[1:]) def _tag_multiline_str(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse tags with multiline text while handling @CODE/@SUBSECTION tags.""" lines = self._tag_multiline_args(block, tag, lineno) if not lines: return None # use literal blocks for all multiline text data = ["\n\n"] inside_code = False for i, line in enumerate(lines, 1): if self._code_tag.match(line): if not inside_code: data.append("::") data.append("\n\n") inside_code = not inside_code elif mo := self._subsection_tag.match(line): header = _rst_header("~","title")) data.extend(f"{x}\n" for x in header) data.extend(["\n\n"]) elif line: indent = " " if inside_code else "" formatted_line = line data.append(f"{indent}{formatted_line}\n") else: data.append("\n") return "".join(data).rstrip("\n") def _tag_multiline_rst(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse tags with multiline rST formatting.""" lines = self._tag_multiline_args(block, tag, lineno) return "".join(lines).rstrip("\n") def _tag_deprecated(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse deprecated tags.""" arg = self._tag_inline_arg(block, tag, lineno) return True if arg.lower() == "none" else arg @klass.jit_attr def _required(self): """Set of required eclass doc block tags.""" tags = set() for tag, (_name, required, _func, _default) in self.tags.items(): if required: tags.add(tag) return frozenset(tags) @klass.jit_attr def bash_env_vars(self): """The set of all bash variables defined in the default environment.""" variables = [] # use no-op to fake a pipeline so pipeline specific vars are defined p = ["bash", "-c", ":; compgen -A variable"], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf8", ) if p.returncode == 0: variables = p.stdout.splitlines() return frozenset(variables) @property def defaults(self): """Return default field mapping for the block.""" return {name: default for name, _required, _func, default in self.tags.values()}
[docs] def parse(self, lines, line_ind, _next_line): """Parse an eclass block.""" blocks = [] data = self.defaults # track if all required tags are defined missing_tags = set(self._required) # split eclass doc block into separate blocks by tag for i, line in enumerate(lines): if mo := self._block_tags_re.match(line): tag ="tag") missing_tags.discard(tag) value ="value").strip() blocks.append((tag, line_ind + i, [value])) else: blocks[-1][-1].append(line) # parse each tag block for tag, line_ind, block in blocks: name, required, func, _default = self.tags[tag] data[name] = func(block, tag, line_ind) # check if any required tags are missing if missing_tags: missing_tags_str = ", ".join(map(repr, missing_tags)) s = pluralism(missing_tags) logger.warning(f"{repr(lines[0])}: missing tag{s}: {missing_tags_str}") return AttrDict(data)
[docs] class EclassBlock(ParseEclassDoc): """ECLASS doc block.""" tag = "@ECLASS:" def __init__(self): tags = { "@ECLASS:": ("name", True, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@VCSURL:": ("vcsurl", False, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@BLURB:": ("blurb", True, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@DEPRECATED:": ("deprecated", False, self._tag_deprecated, False), "@PROVIDES:": ("raw_provides", False, self._tag_inline_list, ()), "@MAINTAINER:": ("maintainers", True, self._tag_multiline_args, None), "@AUTHOR:": ("authors", False, self._tag_multiline_args, None), "@DESCRIPTION:": ("description", False, self._tag_multiline_str, None), "@EXAMPLE:": ("example", False, self._tag_multiline_str, None), "@SUPPORTED_EAPIS:": ("supported_eapis", False, self._supported_eapis, ()), } super().__init__(tags) self._known_eapis = frozenset(EAPI.known_eapis) def _supported_eapis(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse @SUPPORTED_EAPIS tag arguments.""" eapis = self._tag_inline_list(block, tag, lineno) unknown = set(eapis) - self._known_eapis if unknown: s = pluralism(unknown) unknown_str = " ".join(sorted(unknown)) logger.warning( f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: unknown EAPI{s}: {unknown_str}" ) return OrderedSet(eapis)
[docs] class EclassVarBlock(ParseEclassDoc): """ECLASS_VARIABLE doc block.""" tag = "@ECLASS_VARIABLE:" key = "variables" default = True def __init__(self): tags = { "@ECLASS_VARIABLE:": ("name", True, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@DEPRECATED:": ("deprecated", False, self._tag_deprecated, False), "@DEFAULT_UNSET": ("default_unset", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@INTERNAL": ("internal", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@REQUIRED": ("required", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@PRE_INHERIT": ("pre_inherit", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@USER_VARIABLE": ("user_variable", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@OUTPUT_VARIABLE": ("output_variable", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@DESCRIPTION:": ("description", True, self._tag_multiline_str, None), } super().__init__(tags)
[docs] def parse(self, lines, line_ind, next_line): data = dict(super().parse(lines, line_ind, next_line)) var_name = data["name"] if mo :="{var_name}=(?P<value>.*)", next_line): data["initial_value"] ="value") if mo :=": \${{{var_name}:?=(?P<value>.*)}}", next_line): data["default_value"] ="value") return AttrDict(data)
# For backwards compatibility, can be removed after 2022-12-31
[docs] class EclassVarBlockCompat(ParseEclassDoc): """ECLASS-VARIABLE doc block.""" tag = "@ECLASS-VARIABLE:" key = "variables" default = True def __init__(self): tags = { "@ECLASS-VARIABLE:": ("name", True, self._eclass_variable, None), "@DEPRECATED:": ("deprecated", False, self._tag_deprecated, False), "@DEFAULT_UNSET": ("default_unset", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@INTERNAL": ("internal", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@REQUIRED": ("required", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@PRE_INHERIT": ("pre_inherit", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@USER_VARIABLE": ("user_variable", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@OUTPUT_VARIABLE": ("output_variable", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@DESCRIPTION:": ("description", True, self._tag_multiline_str, None), } super().__init__(tags) def _eclass_variable(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse @ECLASS-VARIABLE tag.""" logger.warning( f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: deprecated, use '@ECLASS_VARIABLE' instead" ) return self._tag_inline_arg(block, tag, lineno)
[docs] class EclassFuncBlock(ParseEclassDoc): """FUNCTION doc block.""" tag = "@FUNCTION:" key = "functions" default = True def __init__(self): tags = { "@FUNCTION:": ("name", True, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@RETURN:": ("returns", False, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@DEPRECATED:": ("deprecated", False, self._tag_deprecated, False), "@INTERNAL": ("internal", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@MAINTAINER:": ("maintainers", False, self._tag_multiline_args, None), "@DESCRIPTION:": ("description", False, self._tag_multiline_str, None), # TODO: The devmanual states this is required, but disabling for now since # many phase override functions don't document usage. "@USAGE:": ("usage", False, self._usage, None), } super().__init__(tags) def _usage(self, block, tag, lineno): """Parse @USAGE tag arguments. Empty usage is allowed for functions with no arguments. """ if len(block) > 1: logger.warning(f"{repr(tag)}, line {lineno}: non-inline arg") return block[0]
[docs] def parse(self, *args): data = super().parse(*args) if not (data.returns or data.description): logger.warning( f"'{self.tag}:{}', @RETURN or @DESCRIPTION required" ) return data
[docs] class EclassFuncVarBlock(ParseEclassDoc): """VARIABLE doc block.""" tag = "@VARIABLE:" key = "function_variables" default = True def __init__(self): tags = { "@VARIABLE:": ("name", True, self._tag_inline_arg, None), "@DEPRECATED:": ("deprecated", False, self._tag_deprecated, False), "@DEFAULT_UNSET": ("default_unset", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@INTERNAL": ("internal", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@REQUIRED": ("required", False, self._tag_bool, False), "@DESCRIPTION:": ("description", True, self._tag_multiline_str, None), } super().__init__(tags)
_eclass_blocks_re = re.compile( rf'^(?P<prefix>\s*#) (?P<tag>{"|".join(ParseEclassDoc.blocks)})(?P<value>.*)' )
[docs] class EclassDoc(AttrDict): """Support parsing eclass docs for a given eclass path.""" ABI_VERSION = 5 def __init__(self, path, /, *, sourced=False, repo=None): self.mtime = os.path.getmtime(path) # parse eclass doc data = self.parse(path) data["provides"] = None if repo is not None: data["provides"] = self._get_provides(data["raw_provides"], repo) # inject full lists of exported funcs and vars if sourced: data.update(self._source_eclass(path)) super().__init__(data) @staticmethod def _get_provides(raw_provides, repo): out = OrderedSet() to_process = OrderedSet(raw_provides) while to_process: out.add(next_eclass := to_process.pop()) if (next_eclass_inst := repo.eclass_cache.get_eclass(next_eclass)) is None: logger.warning(f"'@PROVIDES:' eclass {next_eclass} not found") continue next_eclass_doc = EclassDoc(next_eclass_inst.path) to_process.update(set(next_eclass_doc.raw_provides).difference(out)) return tuple(out) @staticmethod def _source_eclass(path): data = {} # TODO: support this via pkgcore's ebd # source eclass to determine PROPERTIES p = [ "env", "-i", "bash", "-c", f"source {shlex.quote(path)}; " f"compgen -A function; " f'echo "#"; ' f"compgen -A variable; " f'echo "#"; ' f"echo ${{PROPERTIES}}", ], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf8", ) if p.returncode == 0: eclass_obj = ParseEclassDoc.blocks["@ECLASS:"] funcs, variables, properties = p.stdout.split("#\n") data["_exported_funcs"] = tuple(funcs.split()) data["_exported_vars"] = tuple( x for x in variables.split() if x not in eclass_obj.bash_env_vars ) data["_properties"] = conditionals.DepSet.parse( properties, str, operators={}, attr="PROPERTIES" ) return data @property def function_names(self): """Set of documented function names in the eclass.""" return frozenset( for x in self.functions) @property def internal_function_names(self): """Set of internal function names in the eclass.""" # include all internal tagged functions s = { for x in self.functions if x.internal} # and all exported, underscore-prefixed functions s.update(x for x in self._dict.get("_exported_funcs", ()) if x.startswith("_")) return frozenset(s) @property def exported_function_names(self): """Set of all exported function names in the eclass.""" return frozenset(self._dict.get("_exported_funcs", ())) @property def variable_names(self): """Set of documented variable names in the eclass.""" return frozenset( for x in self.variables) @property def internal_variable_names(self): """Set of internal variable names in the eclass.""" # include all internal tagged variables s = { for x in self.variables if x.internal} # and all exported, underscore-prefixed variables s.update(x for x in self._dict.get("_exported_vars", ()) if x.startswith("_")) return frozenset(s) @property def exported_variable_names(self): """Set of all exported variable names in the eclass. Ignores variables that start with underscores since it's assumed they are private. """ return frozenset(self._dict.get("_exported_vars", ())) @property def function_variable_names(self): """Set of documented function variable names in the eclass.""" return frozenset( for x in self.function_variables) @property def live(self): """Eclass implements functionality to support a version control system.""" return "live" in self._dict.get("_properties", ())
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(path): """Parse eclass docs.""" blocks = [] with open(path) as f: lines = line_ind = 0 while line_ind < len(lines): if mo := _eclass_blocks_re.match(lines[line_ind]): # Isolate identified doc block by pulling all following # lines with a matching prefix. prefix ="prefix") tag ="tag") block = [] block_start = line_ind + 1 while line_ind < len(lines): next_line = line = lines[line_ind] if not line.startswith(prefix): break line = line[len(prefix) + 1 :] block.append(line) line_ind += 1 blocks.append((tag, block, block_start, next_line)) line_ind += 1 # set default fields data = {} data.update(ParseEclassDoc.blocks["@ECLASS:"].defaults) for block_obj in ParseEclassDoc.blocks.values(): if block_obj.default: data[block_obj.key] = OrderedSet() data.update( { block.key: OrderedSet() for block in ParseEclassDoc.blocks.values() if block.default } ) # @ECLASS block must exist and be first in eclasses if not blocks: logger.error("'@ECLASS:' block missing") return data elif blocks[0][0] != "@ECLASS:": logger.warning("'@ECLASS:' block not first") # track duplicate tags duplicates = {k: set() for k in ParseEclassDoc.blocks} # parse identified blocks for tag, block, block_start, next_line in blocks: block_obj = ParseEclassDoc.blocks[tag] block_data = block_obj.parse(block, block_start, next_line) # check if duplicate blocks exist and merge data if block_obj.key is None: # main @ECLASS block if duplicates[tag]: logger.warning(f"'@ECLASS:', line {block_start}: duplicate block") duplicates[tag] = True # verify name is correct file_name = os.path.basename(path) if != file_name: logger.warning( f"'@ECLASS:' invalid name {!r} (should be {file_name!r})" ) data.update(block_data) else: # item block name = block_data["name"] if name in duplicates[tag]: logger.warning( f"{repr(block[0])}, line {block_start}: duplicate block" ) duplicates[tag].add(name) data[block_obj.key].add(block_data) return data
[docs] def to_rst(self): """Convert eclassdoc object to reStructuredText.""" if is None: raise ValueError("eclass lacking doc support") _header_only = partial(_rst_header, newline=True) rst = _header_only("=",, leading=True) if self.blurb: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Name")) rst.append(f"``{}`` -- {self.blurb}") rst.append("") if self.description: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Description")) rst.append(self.description) rst.append("") if self.deprecated: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Deprecated")) if isinstance(self.deprecated, bool): replacement = "none" else: replacement = self.deprecated rst.append(f"Replacement: {replacement}") rst.append("") if self.supported_eapis: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Supported EAPIs")) rst.append(" ".join(self.supported_eapis)) rst.append("") if self.raw_provides: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Transitively Provided Eclasses")) rst.extend(f"- ``{provide}``" for provide in self.raw_provides) rst.append("") if self.example: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Example")) rst.append(self.example) rst.append("") raw_eclass_name =[: -len(".eclass")] latest_eapi = EAPI.known_eapis[sorted(EAPI.known_eapis)[-1]] if exported_phases := [ x for x in latest_eapi.phases.values() if f"{raw_eclass_name}_{x}" in self.exported_function_names ]: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Exported Phases")) rst.extend(f"- ``{phase}``" for phase in exported_phases) rst.append("") if external_funcs := [x for x in self.functions if not x.internal]: rst.extend(_header_only("-", "Functions")) for func in external_funcs: header = [] if func.usage: header.append(func.usage) rst.append(f'**{" ".join(header)}**') if func.description: rst.append( " " + func.description.lstrip("\n").replace("\n", "\n ") ) if func.returns: if func.description: rst.append(" ") rst.append(f" **Return value**: {func.returns}") rst.append("") if external_vars := [x for x in self.variables if not x.internal]: rst.extend(_header_only("-", "Variables")) for var in external_vars: vartype = "" var_value = "" if default_value := getattr(var, "default_value", None): var_value = f" ?= *{default_value}*" elif initial_value := getattr(var, "initial_value", None): var_value = f" = *{initial_value}*" if var.required: vartype += " (REQUIRED)" if var.pre_inherit: vartype += " (SET BEFORE INHERIT)" if var.user_variable: vartype += " (USER VARIABLE)" if var.output_variable: vartype += " (GENERATED BY ECLASS)" rst.append(f"**{}**{var_value}{vartype}") if var.description: rst.append( " " + var.description.lstrip("\n").replace("\n", "\n ") ) rst.append("") if external_func_vars := [x for x in self.function_variables if not x.internal]: rst.extend(_header_only("-", "Function Variables")) for var in external_func_vars: vartype = "" if var.required: vartype += " (REQUIRED)" rst.append(f"**{}**{vartype}") if var.description: rst.append( " " + var.description.lstrip("\n").replace("\n", "\n ") ) rst.append("") if self.authors: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Authors")) rst.append("\n".join(f"| {x}" for x in self.authors)) rst.append("") if self.maintainers: rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Maintainers")) rst.append("\n".join(f"| {x}" for x in self.maintainers)) rst.append("") rst.extend(_rst_header("-", "Reporting Bugs")) rst.append("Please report bugs via") rst.append("") return "\n".join(rst)
def _to_docutils(self, writer): """Convert eclassdoc object using docutils.""" from docutils.core import publish_string return publish_string( source=self.to_rst(), writer=writer, settings_overrides={ "input_encoding": "unicode", "output_encoding": "unicode", }, )
[docs] def to_man(self): """Convert eclassdoc object to a man page.""" from docutils.writers import manpage man_data = { "manual_section": "5", "manual_group": "eclass-manpages", "date": datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "version": "Gentoo Linux", } if self.blurb: man_data["subtitle"] = self.blurb # add pkgcore version to header comment pkgcore_version = get_version(__title__, __file__).split(" --")[0] header_comment = f"\nCreated by {pkgcore_version}." class Translator(manpage.Translator): """Override docutils man page metadata defaults.""" document_start = manpage.Translator.document_start + header_comment def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._docinfo.update(man_data) self.blurb = None # skip addition of blurb as man page header already holds it writer = manpage.Writer() writer.translator_class = Translator return self._to_docutils(writer)
[docs] def to_html(self): """Convert eclassdoc object to an HTML 5 document.""" from docutils.writers import html5_polyglot return self._to_docutils(html5_polyglot.Writer())
[docs] def to_devbook(self): """Convert eclassdoc object to an HTML 5 document.""" from pkgcore.util.rst2devbook import DevBookWriter return self._to_docutils(DevBookWriter(