Source code for pkgcore.ebuild.processor

low level ebuild processor

This basically is a coprocessor that controls a bash daemon for actual
ebuild execution. Via this, the bash side can reach into the python
side (and vice versa), enabling remote trees (piping data from python
side into bash side for example).

A couple of processors are left lingering while pkgcore is running for
the purpose of avoiding spawning overhead, this (and the general
design) reduces regen time by over 40% compared to portage-2.1

# this needs work. it's been pruned heavily from what ebd used
# originally, but it still isn't what I would define as 'right'

__all__ = (

import contextlib
import errno
import os
import signal
import threading
import traceback
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import chain

from snakeoil import bash, klass
from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin
from snakeoil.process import spawn

from .. import const, os_data
from ..exceptions import PkgcoreException, PkgcoreUserException
from ..log import logger
from . import const as e_const

_global_ebp_lock = threading.Lock()
inactive_ebp_list = []
active_ebp_list = []

def _singled_threaded(functor):
    """Decorator that forces method to run under single thread."""

    def _inner(*args, **kwargs):
        with _global_ebp_lock:
            return functor(*args, **kwargs)

    return _inner

def shutdown_all_processors():
    """Kill all known processors."""
        while active_ebp_list:
            except EnvironmentError:

        while inactive_ebp_list:
            except EnvironmentError:
    except Exception as e:


[docs] @_singled_threaded def request_ebuild_processor(userpriv=False, sandbox=None, fd_pipes=None): """Request a processor instance, creating a new one if needed. :return: :obj:`EbuildProcessor` :param userpriv: should the processor be deprived to :obj:`pkgcore.os_data.portage_gid` and :obj:`pkgcore.os_data.portage_uid`? :param sandbox: should the processor be sandboxed? """ if sandbox is None: sandbox = spawn.is_sandbox_capable() for ebp in inactive_ebp_list: if ebp.userpriv == userpriv and (ebp.sandbox or not sandbox): if not ebp.is_responsive: inactive_ebp_list.remove(ebp) continue inactive_ebp_list.remove(ebp) active_ebp_list.append(ebp) break else: ebp = EbuildProcessor(userpriv, sandbox, fd_pipes=fd_pipes) active_ebp_list.append(ebp) return ebp
[docs] @_singled_threaded def release_ebuild_processor(ebp): """Release a given processor instance and shut it down if necessary. Any processor requested via request_ebuild_processor() B{must} be released via this function once it's no longer in use. :param ebp: :obj:`EbuildProcessor` instance :return: boolean indicating release results- if the processor isn't known as active, False is returned. If a processor isn't known as active, this means either calling error or an internal error. """ try: active_ebp_list.remove(ebp) except ValueError: return False assert ebp not in inactive_ebp_list # shutdown processors that can't be reused if ebp.is_locked or ebp.custom_fds: ebp.shutdown_processor() else: inactive_ebp_list.append(ebp) return True
@_singled_threaded def drop_ebuild_processor(ebp): """Force a given processor to be dropped from active/inactive lists. :param ebp: :obj:`EbuildProcessor` instance """ try: active_ebp_list.remove(ebp) except ValueError: pass try: inactive_ebp_list.remove(ebp) except ValueError: pass @contextlib.contextmanager def reuse_or_request(ebp=None, **kwargs): """Do a processor operation, locking as necessary. If the processor is given, it's assumed to be locked already. If no processor is given, one is allocated, then released upon finishing.""" release_required = ebp is None try: if ebp is None: ebp = request_ebuild_processor(**kwargs) yield ebp finally: if release_required and ebp is not None: release_ebuild_processor(ebp) class ProcessingInterruption(PkgcoreException): """Generic processor exception.""" class FinishedProcessing(ProcessingInterruption): """Signal processor that current command has finished running.""" def __init__(self, val, msg=None): super().__init__(f"Finished processing with val, {val}") self.val, self.msg = val, msg
[docs] class UnhandledCommand(ProcessingInterruption): """Bash processor sent an unknown command.""" def __init__(self, line=None): super().__init__(f"unhandled command, {line}") self.line = line self.args = (line,)
class InternalError(ProcessingInterruption): """Processor encountered an internal error or invalid command.""" def __init__(self, line=None, msg=None): super().__init__(f"Internal error occurred: line={line!r}, msg={msg!r}") self.line, self.msg = line, msg self.args = (line, msg) class TimeoutError(PkgcoreException): """Bash processor timed out.""" class ProcessorError(PkgcoreUserException): """Generic processor error.""" def __init__(self, error): self.error = error super().__init__(self.msg()) def msg(self, verbosity=0): return self.error class EbdError(ProcessorError): """Ebuild daemon received a die() call on the bash side. This highly depends on the die message format and must be updated if that changes substantially. """ def msg(self, verbosity=0): """Extract error message from verbose output depending on verbosity level.""" if verbosity <= 0: # strip ANSI escapes from output lines = (bash.ansi_escape_re.sub("", x) for x in self.error.split("\n")) # pull eerror cmd output and strip prefixes bash_error = [x.lstrip(" *") for x in lines if x.startswith(" *")] try: # output specific error message if it exists in the expected format error = bash_error[1] try: # add non-helper die context if it exists and is from an eclass die_context = next( x for x in reversed(bash_error) if x.endswith("called die") ) if die_context.split(",", 1)[0].endswith(".eclass"): error += f", ({die_context})" except StopIteration: pass return error except IndexError: pass # show full bash output in verbose mode return self.error.strip("\n") def chuck_DyingInterrupt(ebp, logfile=None, *args): """Event handler for bash side 'die' command.""" # read die() error message from bash side error = [] while True: line = if line.strip() == "dead": break error.append(line) drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor(force=True) if logfile: with open(logfile, "at") as f: f.write("".join(error)) raise EbdError("".join(error)) def chuck_KeyboardInterrupt(*args): """Event handler for SIGINT.""" for ebp in chain(active_ebp_list, inactive_ebp_list): drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor(force=True) raise KeyboardInterrupt("ctrl+c encountered") def chuck_TermInterrupt(ebp, *args): """Event handler for SIGTERM.""" if ebp is None: # main python process got SIGTERM-ed, shutdown everything for ebp in chain(active_ebp_list, inactive_ebp_list): drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor() raise SystemExit(128 + signal.SIGTERM) else: # individual ebd got SIGTERM-ed, shutdown corresponding processor drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor() # register signal handlers for ebd cleanup signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, partial(chuck_TermInterrupt, None)) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, chuck_KeyboardInterrupt) def chuck_UnhandledCommand(ebp, line): """Event handler for unhandled commands.""" raise UnhandledCommand(line) def chuck_StoppingCommand(ebp, line): """Event handler for successful phase/command completion.""" args = line.split(" ", 1) if args[0] == "succeeded": raise FinishedProcessing(True) else: # IndexError is explicitly left unhandled to force visibility raise ProcessorError(args[1])
[docs] class EbuildProcessor: """Abstraction of a running ebd instance. Contains the env, functions, etc that ebuilds expect. """ def __init__(self, userpriv, sandbox, fd_pipes=None): """ :param sandbox: enables a sandboxed processor :param userpriv: enables a userpriv'd processor :param fd_pipes: mapping from existing fd to fd inside the ebd process """ self.lock() self.ebd = e_const.EBUILD_DAEMON_PATH self.sandbox = sandbox self.userpriv = userpriv self.custom_fds = fd_pipes self._preloaded_eclasses = {} self._eclass_caching = False self._outstanding_expects = [] self._metadata_paths = None = None spawn_opts = {"umask": 0o002} if self.userpriv: spawn_opts.update( { "uid": os_data.portage_uid, "gid": os_data.portage_gid, "groups": [os_data.portage_gid], } ) elif spawn.is_userpriv_capable(): spawn_opts.update( { "gid": os_data.portage_gid, "groups": [0, os_data.portage_gid], } ) # force invalid bashrc env = {x: "/not/valid" for x in ("BASHRC", "BASH_ENV")} if int(os.environ.get("PKGCORE_PERF_DEBUG", 0)): env["PKGCORE_PERF_DEBUG"] = os.environ["PKGCORE_PERF_DEBUG"] if int(os.environ.get("PKGCORE_DEBUG", 0)): env["PKGCORE_DEBUG"] = os.environ["PKGCORE_DEBUG"] # prepend script dir to PATH for git repo or unpacked tarball, for # installed versions it's empty env["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join( list(const.PATH_FORCED_PREPEND) + [os.environ["PATH"]] ) if self.sandbox: if not spawn.is_sandbox_capable(): raise ValueError("spawn lacks sandbox capabilities") spawn_func = spawn.spawn_sandbox else: spawn_func = spawn.spawn # force to a neutral dir so that sandbox won't explode if # ran from a nonexistent dir spawn_opts["cwd"] = e_const.EBD_PATH # Use high numbered fds for pipes to avoid external usage collisions # starting with max-3 to avoid a bug in older bash versions where it # doesn't check if an fd is in use before claiming it. max_fd = min(spawn.max_fd_limit, 1024) env.update( { "PKGCORE_EBD_READ_FD": str(max_fd - 4), "PKGCORE_EBD_WRITE_FD": str(max_fd - 3), } ) cread = cwrite = dread = dwrite = None # open pipes used for communication try: cread, cwrite = os.pipe() dread, dwrite = os.pipe() # allow pipe overrides except ebd-related ebd_pipes = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2} if fd_pipes: ebd_pipes.update(fd_pipes) ebd_pipes[max_fd - 4] = cread ebd_pipes[max_fd - 3] = dwrite = spawn_func( [spawn.BASH_BINARY, self.ebd, "daemonize"], fd_pipes=ebd_pipes, returnpid=True, env=env, # force each ebd instance to be a process group leader so everything # can be easily terminated pgid=0, **spawn_opts, )[0] except: if cwrite is not None: os.close(cwrite) if dread is not None: os.close(dread) raise finally: if cread is not None: os.close(cread) if dwrite is not None: os.close(dwrite) self.ebd_write = os.fdopen(cwrite, "w") self.ebd_read = os.fdopen(dread, "r") # verify ebd is running self.write("ebd?") if not self.expect("ebd!"): raise InternalError( "expected 'ebd!' response from ebd, which wasn't received" ) if self.sandbox: self.write("sandbox_log?") self.__sandbox_log =[0] else: self.write("no_sandbox") self._readonly_vars = frozenset( # locking isn't used much, but w/ threading this will matter self.unlock()
[docs] def run_phase( self, phase, env, tmpdir=None, logging=None, additional_commands=None, sandbox=True, ): """Utility function, to initialize the processor for a phase. Used to combine multiple calls into one, leaving the processor in a state where all that remains is a call start_processing call, then generic_handler event loop. :param phase: phase to prep for :type phase: str :param env: mapping of the environment to prep the processor with :param sandbox: should the sandbox be enabled? :param logging: None, or a filepath to log the output from the processor to :return: True for success, False for everything else """ self.write(f"process_ebuild {phase}") if not self.send_env(env, tmpdir=tmpdir): return False self.write(f"set_sandbox_state {int(sandbox)}") if logging: if not self.set_logfile(logging): return False self.write("start_processing") return self.generic_handler(additional_commands=additional_commands)
[docs] def write( self, string, flush=True, disable_runtime_exceptions=False, append_newline=True ): """Send something to the bash side. :param string: string to write to the bash processor. All strings written are automatically \\n terminated. :param flush: boolean controlling whether the data is flushed immediately. Disabling flush is useful when dumping large amounts of data. """ string = str(string) try: if append_newline: if string != "\n": string += "\n" self.ebd_write.write(string) if flush: self.ebd_write.flush() except IOError as ie: if ie.errno == errno.EPIPE and not disable_runtime_exceptions: raise RuntimeError(ie) raise
def _consume_async_expects(self): if any(x[0] for x in self._outstanding_expects): self.ebd_write.flush() got = [x.rstrip("\n") for x in self.readlines(len(self._outstanding_expects))] ret = got == [x[1] for x in self._outstanding_expects] self._outstanding_expects = [] return ret def _timeout_ebp(self, signum, frame): raise TimeoutError("ebp for pid '%i' appears dead, timing out" %
[docs] def expect(self, want, async_req=False, flush=False, timeout=0): """Read from the daemon, check if the returned string is expected. :param want: string we're expecting :return: boolean, was what was read == want? """ if timeout: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._timeout_ebp) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, timeout) if async_req: self._outstanding_expects.append((flush, want)) return True if flush: self.ebd_write.flush() if not self._outstanding_expects: try: return want =="\n") except TimeoutError: return False finally: if timeout: signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, 0) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_DFL) self._outstanding_expects.append((flush, want)) return self._consume_async_expects()
[docs] def readlines(self, lines): mydata = [] while lines > 0: mydata.append(self.ebd_read.readline()) cmd, _, args_str = mydata[-1].strip().partition(" ") if cmd == "SIGINT": chuck_KeyboardInterrupt(self, args_str) elif cmd == "SIGTERM": chuck_TermInterrupt(self, args_str) elif cmd == "dying": chuck_DyingInterrupt(self, args_str) lines -= 1 return mydata
[docs] def read(self, lines=1): """Read data from the daemon. Shouldn't be called except internally. """ return "\n".join(self.readlines(lines))
[docs] def sandbox_summary(self, move_log=False): """If the instance is sandboxed, print the sandbox access summary. :param move_log: location to move the sandbox log to if a failure occurred """ if not os.path.exists(self.__sandbox_log): self.write("end_sandbox_summary") return 0 with open(self.__sandbox_log, "r") as f: violations = [x.strip() for x in f if x.strip()] if not violations: self.write("end_sandbox_summary") return 0 if not move_log: move_log = self.__sandbox_log elif move_log != self.__sandbox_log: with open(move_log) as myf: for x in violations: myf.write(x + "\n") # XXX this is fugly, use a colorizer or something # (but it is better than "from output import red" (portage's output)) def red(text): return "\x1b[31;1m%s\x1b[39;49;00m" % (text,) self.write( red( "--------------------------- ACCESS VIOLATION SUMMARY " "---------------------------" ) + "\n" ) self.write(red(f'LOG FILE = "{move_log}"') + "\n\n") for x in violations: self.write(x + "\n") self.write( red( "-----------------------------------------------------" "---------------------------" ) + "\n" ) self.write("end_sandbox_summary") try: os.remove(self.__sandbox_log) except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.error(f"exception caught when cleansing sandbox_log={e}") return 1
[docs] def clear_preloaded_eclasses(self): if self.is_responsive: self.write("clear_preloaded_eclasses") if not self.expect("clear_preload_eclasses succeeded", flush=True): self.shutdown_processor() return False self._preloaded_eclasses.clear() return True
[docs] def preload_eclasses(self, cache, async_req=False, limited_to=None): """Preload an eclass stack's eclasses into bash functions. Avoids the cost of going to disk on inherit. Preloading eutils (which is heavily inherited) speeds up regen times for example. :param ec_file: filepath of eclass to preload :return: boolean, True for success """ ec = cache.eclasses if limited_to: i = ((eclass, ec[eclass]) for eclass in limited_to) else: i = cache.eclasses.items() for eclass, data in i: if data.path != self._preloaded_eclasses.get(eclass): if self._preload_eclass(data.path, async_req=True): self._preloaded_eclasses[eclass] = data.path if not async_req: return self._consume_async_expects() return True
[docs] def allow_eclass_caching(self): self._eclass_caching = True
[docs] def disable_eclass_caching(self): self.clear_preloaded_eclasses() self._eclass_caching = False
def _preload_eclass(self, ec_file, async_req=False): """Preload an eclass into a bash function. Avoids the cost of going to disk on inherit. Preloading eutils (which is heavily inherited) speeds up regen times for example. :param ec_file: filepath of eclass to preload :return: boolean, True for success """ if not os.path.exists(ec_file): logger.error(f"failed: {ec_file}") return False self.write(f"preload_eclass {ec_file}") if self.expect("preload_eclass succeeded", async_req=async_req, flush=True): return True return False
[docs] def lock(self): """Lock the processor. Currently doesn't block any access, but will. """ self.processing_lock = True
[docs] def unlock(self): """Unlock the processor.""" self.processing_lock = False
is_locked = klass.alias_attr("processing_lock") @property def is_alive(self): """Return whether the processor is alive.""" # remember that this function may be invoked from a threaded context, don't # assume won't be changed between under our feet. current_pid = if current_pid is not None: try: if (0, 0) == os.waitpid(current_pid, os.WNOHANG): # still alive. return True except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECHILD: raise # making it here means waitpid reaped, or the pid was already reaped by another thread (two # # threads in is_alive() at the same time) EIther way, the EBD is dead. = False return False @property def is_responsive(self): """Return where the processor is in main control loop and responsive.""" if self.is_alive: self.write("alive", disable_runtime_exceptions=True) if self.expect("yep!", timeout=10): return True return False
[docs] def shutdown_processor(self, force=False, ignore_keyboard_interrupt=False): """Tell the daemon to shut itself down, and mark this instance as dead.""" if is None: return kill = force if not force: try: if self.is_responsive: self.write("shutdown_daemon", disable_runtime_exceptions=True) self.ebd_write.close() self.ebd_read.close() kill = False except (EnvironmentError, ValueError): kill = is not None if if kill: os.killpg(, signal.SIGKILL) # wait for the process group try: os.waitpid(, 0) except KeyboardInterrupt: if not ignore_keyboard_interrupt: raise # currently, this assumes all went well. # which isn't always true. = None
def _generate_env_str(self, env_dict): data = [] for key, val in sorted(env_dict.items()): if key in self._readonly_vars: continue if not key[0].isalpha() and not key.startswith("_"): raise KeyError( f"{key}: bash doesn't allow digits or _ as the first char" ) if not isinstance(val, (str, list, tuple)): raise ValueError( f"_generate_env_str was fed a bad value; key={key}, val={val}" ) if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): data.append( "%s=(%s)" % (key, " ".join(f'[{i}]="{value}"' for i, value in enumerate(val))) ) elif val.isalnum(): data.append(f"{key}={val}") elif "'" not in val: data.append(f"{key}='{val}'") else: data.append("%s=$'%s'" % (key, val.replace("'", "\\'"))) # TODO: Move to using unprefixed lines to avoid leaking internal # variables to spawned commands once builtins are used for all commands # currently using pkgcore-ebuild-helper. return f"export {' '.join(data)}"
[docs] def send_env(self, env_dict, async_req=False, tmpdir=None): """Transfer the ebuild's desired env (env_dict) to the running daemon. :type env_dict: mapping with string keys and values. :param env_dict: the bash env. """ data = self._generate_env_str(env_dict) old_umask = os.umask(0o002) if tmpdir: path = pjoin(tmpdir, "ebd-env-transfer") with open(path, "w") as file: file.write(data) self.write(f"start_receiving_env file {path}") else: self.write( f"start_receiving_env bytes {len(data)}\n{data}", append_newline=False ) os.umask(old_umask) return self.expect("env_received", async_req=async_req, flush=True)
[docs] def set_logfile(self, logfile=""): """Set the logfile (location to log to). Relevant only when the daemon is sandboxed. :param logfile: filepath to log to """ self.write(f"logging {logfile}") return self.expect("logging_ack")
def __del__(self): # Simply attempts to notify the daemon to die. If a processor reaches # this state it shouldn't be in the active or inactive lists anymore so # no need to try to remove itself from them. if self.is_responsive: # I'd love to know why the exception wrapping is required... try: self.shutdown_processor() except TypeError: pass def _ensure_metadata_paths(self, paths): paths = tuple(paths) if self._metadata_paths == paths: return # filter here, so that a screwy default doesn't result in resetting it # every time. data = os.pathsep.join(filter(None, paths)) self.write(f"set_metadata_path {len(data)}\n{data}", append_newline=False) if self.expect("metadata_path_received", flush=True): self._metadata_paths = paths def _run_depend_like_phase( self, command, package_inst, eclass_cache, env=None, extra_commands={} ): # ebuild is not allowed to run any external programs during # depend phases; use /dev/null since "" == "." self._ensure_metadata_paths(("/dev/null",)) env = expected_ebuild_env(package_inst, env, depends=True) data = self._generate_env_str(env) self.write(f"{command} {len(data)}\n{data}", append_newline=False) updates = None if self._eclass_caching: updates = set() commands = extra_commands.copy() commands["request_inherit"] = partial( inherit_handler, eclass_cache, updates=updates ) self.generic_handler(additional_commands=commands) if updates: self.preload_eclasses(eclass_cache, limited_to=updates, async_req=True)
[docs] def get_ebuild_environment(self, package_inst, eclass_cache): """Request a dump of the ebuild environ for a package. This dump is created from doing metadata sourcing. :param package_inst: :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.ebuild_src.package` instance to regenerate :param eclass_cache: :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache` instance to use for eclass access :return: string of the ebuild environment. """ environ = [] def receive_env(self, line): if environ: raise InternalError(line, "receive_env was invoked twice.") line = line.strip() if not line: raise InternalError( line, "During env receive, ebd didn't give us a size." ) elif not line.isdigit(): raise InternalError(line, "Returned size wasn't an integer") # This is a raw transfer, for obvious reasons. environ.append( self._run_depend_like_phase( "gen_ebuild_env", package_inst, eclass_cache, extra_commands={"receive_env": receive_env}, ) if not environ: raise InternalError(None, "receive_env was never invoked.") # Dump any leading/trailing spaces. return environ[0].strip()
[docs] def get_keys(self, package_inst, eclass_cache): """Request the metadata be regenerated from an ebuild. :param package_inst: :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.ebuild_src.package` instance to regenerate :param eclass_cache: :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.eclass_cache` instance to use for eclass access :return: dict when successful, None when failed """ metadata_keys = {} def receive_key(self, line): line = line.split("=", 1) if len(line) != 2: raise FinishedProcessing(True) metadata_keys[line[0]] = line[1] # pass down phase and metadata key lists to avoid hardcoding them on the bash side env = { "PKGCORE_EBUILD_PHASES": tuple(package_inst.eapi.phases.values()), "PKGCORE_METADATA_KEYS": tuple(package_inst.eapi.metadata_keys), } self._run_depend_like_phase( "gen_metadata", package_inst, eclass_cache, env=env, extra_commands={"key": receive_key}, ) return metadata_keys
# this basically handles all hijacks from the daemon, whether # confcache or portageq.
[docs] def generic_handler(self, additional_commands=None): """Internal event handler responding to the running processor's requests. :type additional_commands: mapping from string to callable. :param additional_commands: Extra command handlers. Command names cannot have spaces. The callable is called with the processor as first arg, and remaining string (None if no remaining fragment) as second arg. If you need to split the args to command, whitespace splitting falls to your func. :raise UnhandledCommand: thrown when an unknown command is encountered. """ # note that self is passed in. so... we just pass in the # unbound instance. Specifically, via digging through # __class__ if you don't do it, sandbox_summary (fex) cannot # be overridden, this func will just use this classes version. # so dig through self.__class__ for it. :P handlers = {"request_sandbox_summary": self.__class__.sandbox_summary} f = chuck_UnhandledCommand for x in ("prob", "env_receiving_failed", "failed"): handlers[x] = f del f handlers["SIGINT"] = chuck_KeyboardInterrupt handlers["SIGTERM"] = chuck_TermInterrupt handlers["dying"] = chuck_DyingInterrupt handlers["phases"] = chuck_StoppingCommand if additional_commands is not None: for x in additional_commands: if not callable(additional_commands[x]): raise TypeError(additional_commands[x]) handlers.update(additional_commands) self.lock() try: if self._outstanding_expects: if not self._consume_async_expects(): logger.error("error in daemon") raise UnhandledCommand("expects out of alignment") while True: line = # split on first whitespace cmd, _, args_str = line.partition(" ") if not cmd: raise InternalError( f"Expected command; instead got nothing from {line!r}" ) if cmd in handlers: args = [] if args_str: args.append(args_str) # TODO: handle exceptions raised from handlers better handlers[cmd](self, *args) else: logger.error(f"unhandled command {cmd!r}, line {line!r}") raise UnhandledCommand(line) except FinishedProcessing as fp: v = fp.val return v finally: self.unlock()
def inherit_handler(ecache, ebp, line=None, updates=None): """Callback for implementing inherit digging into eclass_cache. Not for normal consumption. """ if line is None: drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor(force=True) raise ProcessorError("inherit requires eclass specified, got none") line = line.strip() eclass = ecache.get_eclass(line) if eclass is None: drop_ebuild_processor(ebp) ebp.shutdown_processor(force=True) raise ProcessorError(f"inherit requires unknown eclass: {line}.eclass") if eclass.path is not None: ebp.write("path") ebp.write(eclass.path) else: # XXX $10 this doesn't work. value = eclass.text_fileobj().read() ebp.write("transfer") ebp.write(value) if updates is not None: updates.add(line) # TODO: move to base wrapped pkg class once they're reworked
[docs] def expected_ebuild_env(pkg, d=None, env_source_override=None, depends=False): """Setup expected ebuild vars. :param d: if None, generates a dict, else modifies a passed in mapping :return: mapping """ if d is None: d = {} d["CATEGORY"] = pkg.category d["PF"] = pkg.PF d["P"] = pkg.P d["PN"] = pkg.PN d["PV"] = pkg.PV d["PR"] = pkg.PR d["PVR"] = pkg.PVR if env_source_override: path = env_source_override.path if path is not None: d["EBUILD"] = path else: if pkg.ebuild.path is not None: d["EBUILD"] = pkg.ebuild.path else: # binpkgs don't have ebuild paths d["EBUILD"] = "" # add EAPI specific settings d.update(pkg.eapi.ebd_env) if not depends: path = chain.from_iterable( ( const.PATH_FORCED_PREPEND, pkg.eapi.helpers.get("global", ()), d.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep), os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep), ) ) d["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join(filter(None, path)) d["INHERITED"] = " ".join("_eclasses_", ())) d["USE"] = " ".join(sorted(str(x) for x in pkg.use)) d["SLOT"] = pkg.fullslot # temp hack. for x in ("chost", "cbuild", "ctarget"): val = getattr(pkg, x) if val is not None: d[x.upper()] = val # special note... if CTARGET is the same as CHOST, suppress it. # certain ebuilds (nano for example) will misbehave w/ it. if pkg.ctarget is not None and pkg.ctarget == pkg.chost: d.pop("CTARGET") for key in e_const.PKGCORE_DEBUG_VARS: val = os.environ.get(key) if val is not None: d[key] = val return d