Source code for pkgcore.ebuild.profiles

__all__ = (

import os
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

from snakeoil import caching, klass
from snakeoil.bash import iter_read_bash, read_bash_dict
from snakeoil.data_source import local_source
from snakeoil.fileutils import readlines_utf8
from snakeoil.mappings import ImmutableDict
from snakeoil.osutils import abspath, pjoin
from snakeoil.sequences import split_negations, stable_unique

from ..config import errors
from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from ..fs.livefs import sorted_scan
from ..log import logger
from . import const, cpv
from . import errors as ebuild_errors
from . import misc, repo_objs
from .atom import atom
from .eapi import EAPI, get_eapi

[docs] class ProfileError(errors.ParsingError): def __init__(self, path, filename, error): self.path, self.filename, self.error = path, filename, error def __str__(self): if self.filename: return f"failed parsing {self.filename!r} in {self.path!r}: {self.error}" return f"failed parsing {self.path!r}: {self.error}"
class NonexistentProfile(ProfileError): """Profile for a nonexistent directory.""" def __init__(self, path): super().__init__(path, "", "nonexistent profile directory") def _read_profile_files(files, allow_line_cont=False): """Read all the given data files.""" for path in files: # determine file path relative to the profiles dir try: relpath = path.split("/profiles/")[1] except IndexError: # profiles base path relpath = os.path.basename(path) for lineno, line in iter_read_bash( path, allow_line_cont=allow_line_cont, enum_line=True ): yield line, lineno, relpath def load_property( filename, *, read_func=_read_profile_files, fallback=(), parse_func=lambda x: x, allow_line_cont=False, allow_recurse=False, eapi_optional=None, ): """Decorator simplifying parsing profile files to generate a profile property. :param filename: The filename to parse within that profile directory. :keyword read_func: An invokable used to read the specified file. :keyword fallback: What to return if the file does not exist for this profile. Must be immutable. :keyword parse_func: An invokable used to parse the data. :keyword allow_line_cont: Controls whether line continuations are respected. :keyword allow_recurse: Controls whether or not this specific content can be a directory of files, rather than just a file. Only is consulted if we're parsing the profile in non pms strict mode. :keyword eapi_optional: If given, the EAPI for this profile node is checked to see if the given optional evaluates to True; if so, then parsing occurs. If False, then the fallback is returned and no ondisk activity occurs. :return: A :py:`klass.jit.attr_named` property instance. """ def f(func): f2 = klass.jit_attr_named(f"_{func.__name__}") return f2( partial( _load_and_invoke, func, filename, read_func, fallback, allow_recurse, allow_line_cont, parse_func, eapi_optional, ) ) return f def _load_and_invoke( func, filename, read_func, fallback, allow_recurse, allow_line_cont, parse_func, eapi_optional, self, ): if eapi_optional is not None and not getattr( self.eapi.options, eapi_optional, None ): return func(self, fallback) profile_path = self.path.rstrip("/") base = pjoin(profile_path, filename) files = [] if self.pms_strict or not allow_recurse: if os.path.exists(base): files.append(base) else: # Skip hidden files and backup files, those beginning with '.' or # ending with '~', respectively. files.extend(sorted_scan(base, hidden=False, backup=False)) try: if files: if read_func is None: data = parse_func(files) else: data = parse_func(read_func(files, allow_line_cont=allow_line_cont)) else: data = fallback return func(self, data) except (ValueError, IndexError, EnvironmentError) as e: raise ProfileError(profile_path, filename, e) from e except IsADirectoryError as e: raise ProfileError( self.path, filename, "path is a directory, but this profile is PMS format- " "directories aren't allowed. See layout.conf profile-formats " "to enable directory support", ) from e _make_incrementals_dict = partial(misc.IncrementalsDict, const.incrementals) _Packages = namedtuple("_Packages", ("system", "profile"))
[docs] class ProfileNode(metaclass=caching.WeakInstMeta): __inst_caching__ = True _repo_map = None def __init__(self, path, pms_strict=True): self.path = str(path).rstrip(os.path.sep) if not os.path.isdir(self.path): raise NonexistentProfile(self.path) self.pms_strict = pms_strict def __str__(self): return f"profile at {self.path!r}" def __repr__(self): return "<%s path=%r, @%#8x>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path, id(self)) system = klass.alias_attr("packages.system") profile_set = klass.alias_attr("packages.profile") @klass.jit_attr def name(self): """Relative path to the profile from the profiles directory.""" try: return self.path.split("/profiles/")[1] except IndexError: # profiles base path return "" @load_property("packages") def packages(self, data): repo_config = self.repoconfig # TODO: get profile-set support into PMS profile_set = ( repo_config is not None and "profile-set" in repo_config.profile_formats ) sys, neg_sys, pro, neg_pro = [], [], [], [] neg_wildcard = False for line, lineno, relpath in data: try: if line[0] == "-": if line == "-*": neg_wildcard = True elif line[1] == "*": neg_sys.append(self.eapi_atom(line[2:])) elif profile_set: neg_pro.append(self.eapi_atom(line[1:])) else: logger.error( f"{relpath!r}: invalid line format, line {lineno}: {line!r}" ) else: if line[0] == "*": sys.append(self.eapi_atom(line[1:])) elif profile_set: pro.append(self.eapi_atom(line)) else: logger.error( f"{relpath!r}: invalid line format, line {lineno}: {line!r}" ) except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: parsing error: {e}") system = [tuple(neg_sys), tuple(sys)] profile = [tuple(neg_pro), tuple(pro)] if neg_wildcard: system.append(neg_wildcard) profile.append(neg_wildcard) return _Packages(tuple(system), tuple(profile)) @load_property("parent") def parent_paths(self, data): repo_config = self.repoconfig if repo_config is not None and "portage-2" in repo_config.profile_formats: l = [] for line, lineno, relpath in data: repo_id, separator, profile_path = line.partition(":") if separator: if repo_id: try: location = self._repo_map[repo_id] except KeyError: # check if requested repo ID matches the current # repo which could be the case when running against # unconfigured, external repos. if repo_id == repo_config.repo_id: location = repo_config.location else: logger.error( f"repo {repo_config.repo_id!r}: " f"{relpath!r} (line {lineno}), " f"bad profile parent {line!r}: " f"unknown repo {repo_id!r}" ) continue l.append( ( abspath(pjoin(location, "profiles", profile_path)), line, lineno, ) ) else: l.append((abspath(pjoin(self.path, repo_id)), line, lineno)) return tuple(l) return tuple( (abspath(pjoin(self.path, line)), line, lineno) for line, lineno, relpath in data ) @klass.jit_attr def parents(self): kls = getattr(self, "parent_node_kls", self.__class__) parents = [] for path, line, lineno in self.parent_paths: try: parents.append(kls(path)) except ProfileError as e: repo_id = self.repoconfig.repo_id logger.error( f"repo {repo_id!r}: '{}/parent' (line {lineno}), " f"bad profile parent {line!r}: {e.error}" ) continue return tuple(parents) @load_property( "package.provided", allow_recurse=True, eapi_optional="profile_pkg_provided" ) def pkg_provided(self, data): def _parse_cpv(s): try: return cpv.VersionedCPV(s) except cpv.InvalidCPV: logger.error(f"invalid package.provided entry: {s!r}") data = (x[0] for x in data) return split_negations(data, _parse_cpv) def _parse_atom_negations(self, data): """Parse files containing optionally negated package atoms.""" neg, pos = [], [] for line, lineno, relpath in data: if line[0] == "-": line = line[1:] if not line: logger.error( f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: '-' negation without an atom" ) continue l = neg else: l = pos try: l.append(self.eapi_atom(line)) except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: parsing error: {e}") return tuple(neg), tuple(pos) def _package_keywords_splitter(self, iterable): """Parse package keywords files.""" for line, lineno, relpath in iterable: v = line.split() try: yield (atom(v[0]), tuple(stable_unique(v[1:]))) except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: parsing error: {e}") @load_property("package.mask", allow_recurse=True) def masks(self, data): return self._parse_atom_negations(data) @load_property("package.unmask", allow_recurse=True) def unmasks(self, data): return self._parse_atom_negations(data) @load_property("package.deprecated", allow_recurse=True) def pkg_deprecated(self, data): return self._parse_atom_negations(data) @load_property("package.keywords", allow_recurse=True) def keywords(self, data): return tuple(self._package_keywords_splitter(data)) @load_property("package.accept_keywords", allow_recurse=True) def accept_keywords(self, data): return tuple(self._package_keywords_splitter(data)) @load_property("package.use", allow_recurse=True) def pkg_use(self, data): c = misc.ChunkedDataDict() c.update_from_stream( chain.from_iterable(self._parse_package_use(data).values()) ) c.freeze() return c @load_property("deprecated", read_func=None, fallback=None) def deprecated(self, data): if data is not None: data = iter(readlines_utf8(data[0])) try: replacement = next(data).strip() msg = "\n".join(x.lstrip("#").strip() for x in data) data = (replacement, msg) except StopIteration: data = None return data def _parse_package_use(self, data): d = defaultdict(list) # split the data down ordered cat/pkg lines for line, lineno, relpath in data: l = line.split() try: a = self.eapi_atom(l[0]) except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as e: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: parsing error: {e}") continue if len(l) == 1: logger.error( f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: missing USE flag(s): {line!r}" ) continue if any(s.endswith(":") for s in l[1:]): logger.error( f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: USE_EXPAND syntax is invalid in this context: {line!r}" ) continue d[a.key].append(misc.chunked_data(a, *split_negations(l[1:]))) return ImmutableDict( (k, misc._build_cp_atom_payload(v, atom(k))) for k, v in d.items() ) def _parse_use(self, data): c = misc.ChunkedDataDict() data = (x[0] for x in data) neg, pos = split_negations(data) if neg or pos: c.add_bare_global(neg, pos) c.freeze() return c @load_property("use.force", allow_recurse=True) def use_force(self, data): return self._parse_use(data) @load_property( "use.stable.force", allow_recurse=True, eapi_optional="profile_stable_use" ) def use_stable_force(self, data): return self._parse_use(data) @load_property("package.use.force", allow_recurse=True) def pkg_use_force(self, data): return self._parse_package_use(data) @load_property( "package.use.stable.force", allow_recurse=True, eapi_optional="profile_stable_use", ) def pkg_use_stable_force(self, data): return self._parse_package_use(data) @load_property("use.mask", allow_recurse=True) def use_mask(self, data): return self._parse_use(data) @load_property( "use.stable.mask", allow_recurse=True, eapi_optional="profile_stable_use" ) def use_stable_mask(self, data): return self._parse_use(data) @load_property("package.use.mask", allow_recurse=True) def pkg_use_mask(self, data): return self._parse_package_use(data) @load_property( "package.use.stable.mask", allow_recurse=True, eapi_optional="profile_stable_use", ) def pkg_use_stable_mask(self, data): return self._parse_package_use(data) @klass.jit_attr def masked_use(self): c = self.use_mask if self.pkg_use_mask: c = c.clone(unfreeze=True) c.update_from_stream(chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_mask.values())) c.freeze() return c @klass.jit_attr def stable_masked_use(self): c = self.use_mask.clone(unfreeze=True) if self.use_stable_mask: c.merge(self.use_stable_mask) if self.pkg_use_mask: c.update_from_stream(chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_mask.values())) if self.pkg_use_stable_mask: c.update_from_stream(chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_stable_mask.values())) c.freeze() return c @klass.jit_attr def forced_use(self): c = self.use_force if self.pkg_use_force: c = c.clone(unfreeze=True) c.update_from_stream(chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_force.values())) c.freeze() return c @klass.jit_attr def stable_forced_use(self): c = self.use_force.clone(unfreeze=True) if self.use_stable_force: c.merge(self.use_stable_force) if self.pkg_use_force: c.update_from_stream(chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_force.values())) if self.pkg_use_stable_force: c.update_from_stream( chain.from_iterable(self.pkg_use_stable_force.values()) ) c.freeze() return c @load_property("make.defaults", read_func=None, fallback=None) def make_defaults(self, data): d = {} if data is not None: d.update(read_bash_dict(data[0])) return ImmutableDict(d) @load_property("make.defaults", read_func=None, fallback=None) def default_env(self, data): rendered = _make_incrementals_dict() for parent in self.parents: rendered.update(parent.default_env.items()) if data is not None: data = read_bash_dict(data[0], vars_dict=rendered) rendered.update(data.items()) return ImmutableDict(rendered) @klass.jit_attr def bashrc(self): path = pjoin(self.path, "profile.bashrc") if os.path.exists(path): return local_source(path) return None @load_property("package.bashrc", allow_recurse=True) def pkg_bashrc(self, data): repo_config = self.repoconfig if repo_config is None or "profile-bashrcs" not in repo_config.profile_formats: return () d = defaultdict(list) for line, lineno, relpath in data: l = line.split() try: a = self.eapi_atom(l[0]) except ebuild_errors.MalformedAtom as exc: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: parsing error: {exc}") continue if len(l) == 1: logger.error( f"{relpath!r}, line {lineno}: missing bashrc files: {line!r}" ) continue for filename in l[1:]: d[a].append(local_source(pjoin(self.path, "bashrc", filename))) return tuple((k, tuple(v)) for k, v in d.items()) @load_property("eapi", fallback="0") def eapi(self, data): # handle fallback if isinstance(data, str): return get_eapi(data) try: line, lineno, relpath = next(data) except StopIteration: relpath = pjoin(, "eapi") logger.error(f"{relpath!r}: empty file") return get_eapi("0") try: next(data) logger.error(f"{relpath!r}: multiple lines detected") except StopIteration: pass eapi_str = line.strip() if eapi_str not in EAPI.known_eapis: logger.error(f"{relpath!r}: unknown EAPI {eapi_str!r}") return get_eapi(eapi_str) eapi_atom = klass.alias_attr("eapi.atom_kls") @klass.jit_attr def repoconfig(self): return self._load_repoconfig_from_path(self.path) @staticmethod def _load_repoconfig_from_path(path): path = abspath(path) # strip '/' so we don't get '/usr/portage' == ('', 'usr', 'portage') chunks = path.lstrip("/").split("/") try: pindex = max(idx for idx, x in enumerate(chunks) if x == "profiles") except ValueError: # not in a repo... return None repo_path = pjoin("/", *chunks[:pindex]) return repo_objs.RepoConfig(repo_path) @classmethod def _autodetect_and_create(cls, path): repo_config = cls._load_repoconfig_from_path(path) # note while this else seems pointless, we do it this # way so that we're not passing an arg unless needed- instance # caching is a bit overprotective, even if pms_strict defaults to True, # cls(path) is not cls(path, pms_strict=True) if repo_config is not None and "pms" not in repo_config.profile_formats: profile = cls(path, pms_strict=False) else: profile = cls(path) # optimization to avoid re-parsing what we already did. object.__setattr__(profile, "_repoconfig", repo_config) return profile
[docs] class EmptyRootNode(ProfileNode): __inst_caching__ = True parents = () deprecated = None pkg_use = masked_use = stable_masked_use = forced_use = stable_forced_use = ( misc.ChunkedDataDict() ) forced_use.freeze() pkg_bashrc = () pkg_use_force = pkg_use_mask = ImmutableDict() pkg_provided = system = profile_set = ((), ())
class ProfileStack: _node_kls = ProfileNode def __init__(self, profile): self.profile = profile self.node = self._node_kls._autodetect_and_create(profile) @property def arch(self): return self.default_env.get("ARCH") deprecated = klass.alias_attr("node.deprecated") eapi = klass.alias_attr("node.eapi") name = klass.alias_attr("") @klass.jit_attr def stack(self): def f(node): for path, line, lineno in node.parent_paths: try: x = self._node_kls._autodetect_and_create(path) except ProfileError as exc: repo_id = node.repoconfig.repo_id logger.error( f"repo {repo_id!r}: '{}/parent' (line {lineno}), " f"bad profile parent {line!r}: {exc.error}" ) continue yield from f(x) yield node return tuple(f(self.node)) @klass.jit_attr def _system_profile(self): """User-selected system profile. This should map directly to the profile linked to /etc/portage/make.profile. """ # prefer main system profile; otherwise, fallback to custom user profile for profile in reversed(self.stack): if not isinstance(profile, UserProfileNode): break return profile def _collapse_use_dict(self, attr): stack = (getattr(x, attr) for x in self.stack) d = misc.ChunkedDataDict() for mapping in stack: d.merge(mapping) d.freeze() return d @klass.jit_attr def forced_use(self): return self._collapse_use_dict("forced_use") @klass.jit_attr def masked_use(self): return self._collapse_use_dict("masked_use") @klass.jit_attr def stable_forced_use(self): return self._collapse_use_dict("stable_forced_use") @klass.jit_attr def stable_masked_use(self): return self._collapse_use_dict("stable_masked_use") @klass.jit_attr def pkg_use(self): return self._collapse_use_dict("pkg_use") def _collapse_generic(self, attr, clear=False): s = set() for node in self.stack: val = getattr(node, attr) if clear and len(val) > 2 and val[2]: s.clear() s.difference_update(val[0]) s.update(val[1]) return s @klass.jit_attr def default_env(self): d = dict(self.node.default_env.items()) for incremental in const.incrementals: v = d.pop(incremental, "").split() if v: if incremental in const.incrementals_unfinalized: d[incremental] = tuple(v) else: v = misc.incremental_expansion( v, msg_prefix=f"While expanding {incremental}, value {v!r}: " ) if v: d[incremental] = tuple(v) return ImmutableDict(d.items()) @property def profile_only_variables(self): if "PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES", "").split()) @klass.jit_attr def use_expand(self): """USE_EXPAND variables defined by the profile.""" if "USE_EXPAND" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND", "").split()) @klass.jit_attr def use(self): """USE flag settings for the profile.""" return tuple(list(self.default_env.get("USE", ())) + list(self.expand_use())) def expand_use(self, env=None): """Expand USE_EXPAND settings to USE flags.""" if env is None: env = self.default_env use = [] for u in self.use_expand: value = env.get(u) if value is None: continue u2 = u.lower() + "_" use.extend(u2 + x for x in value.split()) return tuple(use) @property def use_expand_hidden(self): if "USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_HIDDEN", "").split()) @property def iuse_implicit(self): if "IUSE_IMPLICIT" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("IUSE_IMPLICIT", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("IUSE_IMPLICIT", "").split()) @property def use_expand_implicit(self): if "USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT", "").split()) @property def use_expand_unprefixed(self): if "USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED" in const.incrementals: return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED", ())) return frozenset(self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED", "").split()) @klass.jit_attr def iuse_effective(self): iuse_effective = [] # EAPI 5 and above allow profile defined IUSE injection (see PMS) if self._system_profile.eapi.options.profile_iuse_injection: iuse_effective.extend(self.iuse_implicit) for v in self.use_expand_implicit.intersection(self.use_expand_unprefixed): iuse_effective.extend( self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_VALUES_" + v, "").split() ) for v in self.use_expand.intersection(self.use_expand_implicit): for x in self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_VALUES_" + v, "").split(): iuse_effective.append(v.lower() + "_" + x) else: iuse_effective.extend(self._system_profile.repoconfig.known_arches) for v in self.use_expand: for x in self.default_env.get("USE_EXPAND_VALUES_" + v, "").split(): iuse_effective.append(v.lower() + "_" + x) return frozenset(iuse_effective) @klass.jit_attr def provides_repo(self): # delay importing to avoid circular imports from .repository import ProvidesRepo pkgs = self._collapse_generic("pkg_provided") try: arches = self._system_profile.repoconfig.known_arches except AttributeError: # TODO: repoconfig is None when using fake repos arches = () return ProvidesRepo(pkgs, arches) @klass.jit_attr def masks(self): return frozenset(chain(self._collapse_generic("masks"))) @klass.jit_attr def unmasks(self): return frozenset(self._collapse_generic("unmasks")) @klass.jit_attr def pkg_deprecated(self): return frozenset(chain(self._collapse_generic("pkg_deprecated"))) @klass.jit_attr def keywords(self): return tuple(chain.from_iterable(x.keywords for x in self.stack)) @klass.jit_attr def accept_keywords(self): return tuple(chain.from_iterable(x.accept_keywords for x in self.stack)) def _incremental_masks(self, stack_override=None): if stack_override is None: stack_override = self.stack return tuple(node.masks for node in stack_override if any(node.masks)) def _incremental_unmasks(self, stack_override=None): if stack_override is None: stack_override = self.stack return tuple(node.unmasks for node in stack_override if any(node.unmasks)) @klass.jit_attr def bashrcs(self): return tuple(x.bashrc for x in self.stack if x.bashrc is not None) @klass.jit_attr def pkg_bashrcs(self): return tuple(chain.from_iterable(x.pkg_bashrc for x in self.stack)) bashrc = klass.alias_attr("bashrcs") path = klass.alias_attr("node.path") @klass.jit_attr def system(self): return frozenset(self._collapse_generic("system", clear=True)) @klass.jit_attr def profile_set(self): return frozenset(self._collapse_generic("profile_set", clear=True))
[docs] class OnDiskProfile(ProfileStack): pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint( types={"basepath": "str", "profile": "str"}, required=("basepath", "profile"), typename="profile", ) def __init__(self, basepath, profile, load_profile_base=True): super().__init__(pjoin(basepath, profile)) self.basepath = basepath self.load_profile_base = load_profile_base
[docs] @staticmethod def split_abspath(path): path = abspath(path) # filter's heavy, but it handles '/' while also # suppressing the leading '/' chunks = [x for x in path.split("/") if x] try: # poor mans rindex. pbase = max(idx for idx, x in enumerate(chunks) if x == "profiles") except ValueError: # no base found. return None return pjoin("/", *chunks[: pbase + 1]), "/".join(chunks[pbase + 1 :])
[docs] @classmethod def from_abspath(cls, path): vals = cls.split_abspath(path) if vals is not None: vals = cls(load_profile_base=True, *vals) return vals
@klass.jit_attr def stack(self): l = ProfileStack.stack.function(self) if self.load_profile_base: l = (EmptyRootNode._autodetect_and_create(self.basepath),) + l return l @klass.jit_attr def _incremental_masks(self): stack = self.stack if self.load_profile_base: stack = stack[1:] return ProfileStack._incremental_masks(self, stack_override=stack) @klass.jit_attr def _incremental_unmasks(self): stack = self.stack if self.load_profile_base: stack = stack[1:] return ProfileStack._incremental_unmasks(self, stack_override=stack)
class UserProfileNode(ProfileNode): parent_node_kls = ProfileNode def __init__(self, path, parent_path): self.override_path = pjoin(path, parent_path) super().__init__(path, pms_strict=False) @klass.jit_attr def parents(self): return (ProfileNode(self.override_path),) @klass.jit_attr def parent_paths(self): return ((self.override_path, None, None),)
[docs] class UserProfile(OnDiskProfile): pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint( types={"user_path": "str", "parent_path": "str", "parent_profile": "str"}, required=("user_path", "parent_path", "parent_profile"), typename="profile", ) def __init__(self, user_path, parent_path, parent_profile, load_profile_base=True): super().__init__(parent_path, parent_profile, load_profile_base) self.node = UserProfileNode(user_path, pjoin(parent_path, parent_profile))