Source code for pkgcore.ebuild.repo_objs

package class for buildable ebuilds

__all__ = (

import contextlib
import errno
import os
import platform
import subprocess
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import chain
from sys import intern

from lxml import etree
from snakeoil import klass, mappings
from snakeoil.bash import BashParseError, iter_read_bash, read_dict
from snakeoil.caching import WeakInstMeta
from snakeoil.currying import post_curry
from snakeoil.fileutils import readfile, readlines
from snakeoil.osutils import listdir, listdir_files, pjoin
from snakeoil.osutils.mount import umount
from snakeoil.process.namespaces import simple_unshare
from snakeoil.sequences import iter_stable_unique
from snakeoil.strings import pluralism

from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from ..exceptions import PermissionDenied
from ..log import logger
from ..repository import errors as repo_errors
from ..repository import syncable
from ..restrictions import packages
from . import atom, pkg_updates, profiles
from .eapi import get_eapi

[docs] class Maintainer: """Data on a single maintainer. At least one of email and name is not C{None}. :type email: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar email: email address. :type name: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar name: full name :type description: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar description: description of maintainership. :type maint_type: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar maint_type: maintainer type (person or project). :type proxied: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar proxied: proxied maintainer status (yes, no, proxy) """ __slots__ = ("email", "description", "name", "maint_type", "proxied") def __init__( self, email=None, name=None, description=None, maint_type=None, proxied=None ): if email is None and name is None: raise ValueError("need at least one of name and email") = email = name self.description = description self.maint_type = maint_type self.proxied = proxied def __str__(self): if is not None: if is not None: res = f"{} <{}>" else: res = else: res = if self.description is not None: return f"{res} ({self.description})" return res def __eq__(self, other): try: return == and == except AttributeError: if isinstance(other, str): return other == or other == return False def __hash__(self): return hash((,
class Upstream: """Data on a single upstream.""" __slots__ = ("type", "name") def __init__(self, type, name): self.type = type = name def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.type == other.type and == except AttributeError: pass return False def __hash__(self): return hash((self.type,
[docs] class MetadataXml: """metadata.xml parsed results Attributes are set to -1 if unloaded, None if no entry, or the value if loaded. """ __slots__ = ( "__weakref__", "_maintainers", "_upstreams", "_local_use", "_longdescription", "_source", "_stabilize_allarches", ) def __init__(self, source): self._source = source def _generic_attr(self, attr): if self._source is not None: self._parse_xml() return getattr(self, attr) for attr in ( "maintainers", "upstreams", "local_use", "longdescription", "stabilize_allarches", ): locals()[attr] = property(post_curry(_generic_attr, "_" + attr)) del attr def _parse_xml(self, source=None): if source is None: source = self._source.bytes_fileobj() try: tree = etree.parse(source) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: self._maintainers = () self._upstreams = () self._local_use = mappings.ImmutableDict() self._longdescription = None self._source = None self._stabilize_allarches = False logger.error(e) return # TODO: handle i18n properly maintainers = [] for x in tree.findall("maintainer"): name = email = description = None for e in x: if e.tag == "name": name = e.text elif e.tag == "email": email = e.text elif e.tag == "description" and e.get("lang", "en") == "en": description = e.text try: maintainers.append( Maintainer( name=name, email=email, description=description, maint_type=x.get("type"), proxied=x.get("proxied"), ) ) except ValueError: # ignore invalid maintainers that should be caught by pkgcheck pass self._maintainers = tuple(maintainers) self._upstreams = tuple( Upstream(e.get("type"), e.text) for e in chain.from_iterable(tree.findall("upstream")) if e.tag == "remote-id" ) # Could be unicode! self._longdescription = None for x in tree.findall("longdescription"): if x.get("lang", "en") != "en": continue longdesc = "".join(x.itertext()) if longdesc: self._longdescription = " ".join(longdesc.split()) break self._source = None # lang="" is property of <use/> self._local_use = mappings.ImmutableDict() for x in tree.findall("use"): if x.get("lang", "en") != "en": continue self._local_use = mappings.ImmutableDict( (e.attrib["name"], " ".join("".join(e.itertext()).split())) for e in x.findall("flag") if "name" in e.attrib ) break self._stabilize_allarches = tree.find("stabilize-allarches") is not None
[docs] class LocalMetadataXml(MetadataXml): __slots__ = () def _parse_xml(self): try: with open(self._source, "rb", 32768) as src: MetadataXml._parse_xml(self, src) except FileNotFoundError: self._maintainers = () self._upstreams = () self._local_use = mappings.ImmutableDict() self._longdescription = None self._source = None self._stabilize_allarches = False
[docs] class SharedPkgData: __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "metadata_xml", "manifest") def __init__(self, metadata_xml, manifest): self.metadata_xml = metadata_xml self.manifest = manifest
[docs] class ProjectMember(metaclass=klass.generic_equality): """Data on a single project member. :type email: C{unicode} object :ivar email: email address. :type name: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar name: full name :type role: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar role: role within the project. :type is_lead: C{bool} :ivar is_lead: whether the member is a project lead. """ __slots__ = ("email", "name", "role", "is_lead") __attr_comparison__ = ("email", "name", "role", "is_lead") def __init__(self, email, name=None, role=None, is_lead=None): if email is None: raise ValueError("email for project member must not be null") = email = name self.role = role self.is_lead = is_lead def __str__(self): if is not None: res = f"{} <{}>" else: res = if self.role is not None: return f"{res} ({self.role})" return res
[docs] class Subproject: """Data on a subproject. :type inherit_members: C{bool} :ivar inherit_members: whether the parent project inherits members from this subproject """ __slots__ = ("_ref", "inherit_members", "_projects_xml", "_project") def __init__(self, ref, projects_xml, inherit_members=None): if ref is None: raise ValueError("ref for subproject must not be null") self._ref = ref self.inherit_members = inherit_members self._projects_xml = projects_xml @klass.jit_attr def project(self): try: return self._projects_xml.projects[self._ref] except KeyError: logger.error(f"projects.xml: subproject {self._ref!r} does not exist") return None __getattr__ = klass.GetAttrProxy("project") __dir__ = klass.DirProxy("project")
[docs] class Project: """Data on a single project. :type email: C{unicode} object :ivar email: email address. :type name: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar name: full name :type url: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar url: project website URI :type description: C{unicode} object or C{None} :ivar description: full project description. :type members: C{tuple} of C{ProjectMember} :ivar members: project members :type subprojects: C{tuple} of C{Subprojects} :ivar subprojects: subprojects """ __slots__ = ("email", "name", "url", "description", "members", "subprojects") def __init__( self, email, name=None, url=None, description=None, members=(), subprojects=() ): if email is None: raise ValueError("email for project must not be null") = email = name self.url = url self.description = description self.members = tuple(members) self.subprojects = tuple(subprojects) def __str__(self): if is not None: res = f"{} <{}>" else: res = if self.url is not None: return f"{res} ({self.url})" return res @property def leads(self): """Project lead(s), if any.""" return tuple(m for m in self.members if m.is_lead) @property def recursive_members(self): """All project members, including members inherited from subprojects.""" subprojects = list( sp for sp in self.subprojects if sp.inherit_members and sp.project is not None ) subproject_emails = set( for sp in subprojects) # recursively collect all subprojects from which to inherit i = 0 while i < len(subprojects): for sp in subprojects[i].subprojects: if sp.project is None: continue if sp.inherit_members and not in subproject_emails: subprojects.append(sp) subproject_emails.add( i += 1 members = { m for m in self.members} for sp in (x for x in subprojects if x.inherit_members): for m in sp.members: if not in members: # drop lead bit m = ProjectMember(,, role=m.role, is_lead=False ) members[] = m return tuple(members.values())
[docs] class ProjectsXml: """projects.xml parsed results Attributes are set to -1 if unloaded, None if no entry, or the value if loaded. """ __slots__ = ("__weakref__", "_projects", "_source") def __init__(self, source): self._source = source @klass.jit_attr def projects(self): if self._source is not None: return self._parse_xml() return mappings.ImmutableDict() def _parse_xml(self, source=None): if source is None: source = self._source.bytes_fileobj() try: tree = etree.parse(source) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as e: logger.error(f"failed parsing projects.xml: {e}") return mappings.ImmutableDict() projects = {} for p in tree.findall("project"): kwargs = {} for k in ("email", "name", "url", "description"): kwargs[k] = p.findtext(k) members = [] for m in p.findall("member"): m_kwargs = {} for k in ("email", "name", "role"): m_kwargs[k] = m.findtext(k) m_kwargs["is_lead"] = m.get("is-lead", "") == "1" try: members.append(ProjectMember(**m_kwargs)) except ValueError: logger.error( f"project {kwargs['email']} has <member/> with no email" ) kwargs["members"] = members subprojects = [] for sp in p.findall("subproject"): try: subprojects.append( Subproject( ref=sp.get("ref"), inherit_members=sp.get("inherit-members", "") == "1", projects_xml=self, ) ) except ValueError: logger.error( f"project {kwargs['email']} has <subproject/> with no ref" ) kwargs["subprojects"] = subprojects projects[kwargs["email"]] = Project(**kwargs) return mappings.ImmutableDict(projects)
[docs] class LocalProjectsXml(ProjectsXml): __slots__ = () def _parse_xml(self): try: with open(self._source, "rb", 32768) as f: return super()._parse_xml(f) except FileNotFoundError: return mappings.ImmutableDict()
[docs] class Licenses(metaclass=WeakInstMeta): __inst_caching__ = True __slots__ = ( "_base", "_licenses", "_groups", "license_groups_path", "licenses_dir", "_repo_masters", "_license_instances", ) def __init__( self, repo, *repo_masters, licenses_dir="licenses", license_groups="profiles/license_groups", ): repo_base = repo.location object.__setattr__(self, "_base", repo_base) object.__setattr__( self, "license_groups_path", pjoin(repo_base, license_groups) ) object.__setattr__(self, "licenses_dir", pjoin(repo_base, licenses_dir)) object.__setattr__(self, "_repo_masters", repo_masters) self._load_license_instances() def _load_license_instances(self): l = [] for x in self._repo_masters: if isinstance(x, Licenses): l.append(x) elif hasattr(x, "licenses"): l.append(x.licenses) object.__setattr__(self, "_license_instances", tuple(l)) @klass.jit_attr_none def licenses(self): """Return the set of all defined licenses in a repo.""" try: content = listdir_files(self.licenses_dir) except EnvironmentError: content = () return frozenset(chain(content, *self._license_instances)) @klass.jit_attr_none def groups(self): """Return the mapping of defined license groups to licenses for a repo.""" try: d = read_dict(self.license_groups_path, splitter=" ") for k, v in d.items(): d[k] = set(v.split()) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: logger.error(f"failed reading parsing license_groups: {e}") d = {} except BashParseError as pe: logger.error(f"failed parsing license_groups: {pe}") d = {} for li in self._license_instances: for k, v in li.groups.items(): if k in d: d[k] |= v else: d[k] = v self._expand_groups(d) return mappings.ImmutableDict((k, frozenset(v)) for (k, v) in d.items()) def _expand_groups(self, groups): keep_going = True while keep_going: keep_going = False for k, v in groups.items(): if not any(x[0] == "@" for x in v): continue keep_going = True l = [] for v2 in v: if v2[0] == "@": v2 = v2[1:] if not v2 or v2 not in groups: logger.error( f"invalid license group reference: {v2!r} in {self}" ) continue elif v2 == k: logger.error( f"cyclic license group references for {v2!r} in {self}" ) continue l.extend(groups[v2]) else: l.append(v2) groups[k] = l
[docs] def refresh(self): self._load_license_instances() for li in self._license_instances: li.refresh() self._licenses = None self._groups = None
def __getitem__(self, license): if license not in self: for li in self._license_instances: with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): return li[license] raise KeyError(license) try: return open(pjoin(self.licenses_dir, license)).read() except FileNotFoundError: raise KeyError(license) def __len__(self): return len(self.licenses) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.licenses) def __contains__(self, license): return license in self.licenses
class _immutable_attr_dict(mappings.ImmutableDict): __slots__ = () mappings.inject_getitem_as_getattr(locals()) _KnownProfile = namedtuple( "_KnownProfile", ["base", "arch", "path", "status", "deprecated"] ) class Profiles(klass.ImmutableInstance): __slots__ = ("config", "profiles_base", "_profiles") __inst_caching__ = True def __init__(self, repo_config, profiles_base=None): object.__setattr__(self, "config", repo_config) profiles_base = ( profiles_base if profiles_base is not None else repo_config.profiles_base ) object.__setattr__(self, "profiles_base", profiles_base) @klass.jit_attr_none def profiles(self): return self.parse(self.profiles_base, self.config.repo_id) @staticmethod def parse(profiles_base, repo_id, known_status=None, known_arch=None): """Return the mapping of arches to profiles for a repo.""" l = [] fp = pjoin(profiles_base, "profiles.desc") try: for lineno, line in iter_read_bash(fp, enum_line=True): try: arch, profile, status = line.split() except ValueError: logger.error( f"{repo_id}::profiles/profiles.desc, " f"line {lineno}: invalid profile line format: " "should be 'arch profile status'" ) continue if known_status is not None and status not in known_status: logger.warning( f"{repo_id}::profiles/profiles.desc, " f"line {lineno}: unknown profile status: {status!r}" ) if known_arch is not None and arch not in known_arch: logger.warning( f"{repo_id}::profiles/profiles.desc, " f"line {lineno}: unknown arch: {arch!r}" ) # Normalize the profile name on the offchance someone slipped an extra / # into it. path = "/".join(filter(None, profile.split("/"))) deprecated = os.path.exists( os.path.join(profiles_base, path, "deprecated") ) l.append(_KnownProfile(profiles_base, arch, path, status, deprecated)) except FileNotFoundError: # no profiles exist pass return frozenset(l) def __len__(self): return len(self.profiles) def __iter__(self): yield from self.profiles def __getitem__(self, path): if path[0] == "/": path = path.lstrip(self.profiles_base).lstrip(os.sep) for p in self.profiles: if p.path == path: return p raise KeyError(path) def __contains__(self, path): if path[0] == "/": path = path.lstrip(self.profiles_base).lstrip(os.sep) for p in self.profiles: if p.path == path: return True return False def refresh(self): self._profiles = None def arches(self, status=None): """All arches with profiles defined in the repo optionally matching a given status.""" arches = [] for p in self.profiles: if status is None or status == p.status: arches.append(p.arch) return frozenset(arches) def get_profiles(self, status): """Yield profiles matching a given status.""" for p in self.profiles: if status == p.status or (status == "deprecated" and p.deprecated): yield p def create_profile(self, node, **kwargs): """Return profile object for a given, parsed profile entry.""" return profiles.OnDiskProfile(node.base, node.path, **kwargs)
[docs] class OverlayedProfiles(Profiles): __inst_caching__ = True __slots__ = ("_profiles_instances", "_profiles_sources") def __init__(self, *profiles_sources): object.__setattr__(self, "_profiles_sources", profiles_sources) self._load_profiles_instances() @klass.jit_attr_none def profiles(self): return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(self._profiles_instances))
[docs] def refresh(self): self._load_profiles_instances() for pi in self._profiles_instances: pi.refresh() Profiles.refresh(self)
def _load_profiles_instances(self): l = [] for x in self._profiles_sources: if isinstance(x, Profiles): l.append(x) elif hasattr(x, "profiles"): l.append(x.profiles) object.__setattr__(self, "_profiles_instances", tuple(l))
class RepoConfig(syncable.tree, klass.ImmutableInstance, metaclass=WeakInstMeta): """Configuration data for an ebuild repository.""" layout_offset = "metadata/layout.conf" default_hashes = ("size", "blake2b", "sha512") default_required_hashes = ("size", "blake2b") supported_profile_formats = ( "pms", "portage-1", "portage-2", "profile-bashrcs", "profile-set", ) supported_cache_formats = ("md5-dict", "pms") __inst_caching__ = True pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint( typename="repo_config", types={ "config_name": "str", "syncer": "lazy_ref:syncer", }, ) def __init__( self, location, config_name=None, syncer=None, profiles_base="profiles" ): super().__init__(syncer) object.__setattr__(self, "config_name", config_name) object.__setattr__(self, "external", (config_name is None)) object.__setattr__(self, "location", location) object.__setattr__(self, "profiles_base", pjoin(location, profiles_base)) try: self._parse_config() except OSError as e: raise repo_errors.InitializationError(str(e)) if not self.eapi.is_supported: raise repo_errors.UnsupportedRepo(self) def _parse_config(self): """Load data from the repo's metadata/layout.conf file.""" path = pjoin(self.location, self.layout_offset) data = read_dict( iter_read_bash( readlines(path, strip_whitespace=True, swallow_missing=True) ), source_isiter=True, strip=True, filename=path, ignore_errors=True, ) sf = object.__setattr__ sf(self, "repo_name", data.get("repo-name", None)) hashes = data.get("manifest-hashes", "").lower().split() if hashes: hashes = ["size"] + hashes hashes = tuple(iter_stable_unique(hashes)) else: hashes = self.default_hashes required_hashes = data.get("manifest-required-hashes", "").lower().split() if required_hashes: required_hashes = ["size"] + required_hashes required_hashes = tuple(iter_stable_unique(required_hashes)) else: required_hashes = self.default_required_hashes manifest_policy = data.get("use-manifests", "strict").lower() d = { "disabled": (manifest_policy == "false"), "strict": (manifest_policy == "strict"), "thin": (data.get("thin-manifests", "").lower() == "true"), "signed": (data.get("sign-manifests", "true").lower() == "true"), "hashes": hashes, "required_hashes": required_hashes, } sf(self, "manifests", _immutable_attr_dict(d)) masters = data.get("masters") _missing_masters = False if masters is None: if not self.is_empty: logger.warning( f"{self.repo_id} repo at {self.location!r}, doesn't " "specify masters in metadata/layout.conf. Please explicitly " 'set masters (use "masters =" if the repo is standalone).' ) _missing_masters = True masters = () else: masters = tuple(iter_stable_unique(masters.split())) sf(self, "_missing_masters", _missing_masters) sf(self, "masters", masters) aliases = data.get("aliases", "").split() + [ self.config_name, self.repo_name, self.pms_repo_name, self.location, ] sf(self, "aliases", tuple(filter(None, iter_stable_unique(aliases)))) sf( self, "eapis_deprecated", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("eapis-deprecated", "").split())), ) sf( self, "eapis_banned", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("eapis-banned", "").split())), ) sf( self, "eapis_testing", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("eapis-testing", "").split())), ) sf( self, "profile_eapis_deprecated", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("profile-eapis-deprecated", "").split())), ) sf( self, "profile_eapis_banned", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("profile-eapis-banned", "").split())), ) sf( self, "properties_allowed", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("properties-allowed", "").split())), ) sf( self, "restrict_allowed", tuple(iter_stable_unique(data.get("restrict-allowed", "").split())), ) sf(self, "sign_commits", data.get("sign-commits", "false").lower() == "true") v = set(data.get("cache-formats", "md5-dict").lower().split()) if not v: v = [None] else: # sort into favored order v = [f for f in self.supported_cache_formats if f in v] if not v: logger.warning("unknown cache format: falling back to md5-dict format") v = ["md5-dict"] sf(self, "cache_format", list(v)[0]) profile_formats = set(data.get("profile-formats", "pms").lower().split()) if not profile_formats: f"{self.repo_id!r} repo at {self.location!r} has explicitly " "unset profile-formats, defaulting to pms" ) profile_formats = {"pms"} unknown = profile_formats.difference(self.supported_profile_formats) if unknown: "%r repo at %r has unsupported profile format%s: %s", self.repo_id, self.location, pluralism(unknown), ", ".join(sorted(unknown)), ) profile_formats.difference_update(unknown) profile_formats.add("pms") sf(self, "profile_formats", profile_formats) @klass.jit_attr def known_arches(self): """All valid KEYWORDS for the repo.""" try: return frozenset(iter_read_bash(pjoin(self.profiles_base, "arch.list"))) except FileNotFoundError: return frozenset() @klass.jit_attr def arches_desc(self): """Arch stability status (GLEP 72). See for more details. """ fp = pjoin(self.profiles_base, "arches.desc") d = {"stable": set(), "transitional": set(), "testing": set()} try: for lineno, line in iter_read_bash(fp, enum_line=True): try: arch, status = line.split() except ValueError: logger.error( f"{self.repo_id}::profiles/arches.desc, " f"line {lineno}: invalid line format: " "should be '<arch> <status>'" ) continue if arch not in self.known_arches: logger.warning( f"{self.repo_id}::profiles/arches.desc, " f"line {lineno}: unknown arch: {arch!r}" ) continue if status not in d: logger.warning( f"{self.repo_id}::profiles/arches.desc, " f"line {lineno}: unknown status: {status!r}" ) continue d[status].add(arch) except FileNotFoundError: pass return mappings.ImmutableDict(d) @klass.jit_attr def use_desc(self): """Global USE flags for the repo.""" # todo: convert this to using a common exception base, with # conversion of ValueErrors... def converter(key): return (packages.AlwaysTrue, key) return tuple(self._split_use_desc_file("use.desc", converter)) @klass.jit_attr def use_local_desc(self): """Local USE flags for the repo.""" def converter(key): # todo: convert this to using a common exception base, with # conversion of ValueErrors/atom exceptions... chunks = key.split(":", 1) return (atom.atom(chunks[0]), chunks[1]) return tuple(self._split_use_desc_file("use.local.desc", converter)) @klass.jit_attr def use_expand_desc(self): """USE_EXPAND settings for the repo.""" base = pjoin(self.profiles_base, "desc") d = {} try: targets = listdir_files(base) except FileNotFoundError: targets = [] for use_group in targets: group = use_group.split(".", 1)[0] d[group] = tuple( self._split_use_desc_file( f"desc/{use_group}", lambda k: f"{group}_{k}", matcher=False ) ) return mappings.ImmutableDict(d) @klass.jit_attr def use_expand_sort(self): """Mapping of USE_EXPAND sorting keys for the repo.""" base = pjoin(self.profiles_base, "desc") d = {} try: targets = listdir_files(base) except FileNotFoundError: targets = [] for use_group in targets: group = use_group.split(".", 1)[0] use_expand = ( x[0] for x in self._split_use_desc_file( f"desc/{use_group}", lambda k: k, matcher=False ) ) d[group] = {use: i for i, use in enumerate(use_expand)} return mappings.ImmutableDict(d) def _split_use_desc_file(self, name, converter, matcher=True): line = None fp = pjoin(self.profiles_base, name) try: for line in iter_read_bash(fp): try: key, val = line.split(None, 1) key = converter(key) if matcher: yield key[0], (key[1], val.split("-", 1)[1].strip()) else: yield key, val.split("-", 1)[1].strip() except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"failed parsing {fp!r}, line {line!r}: {e}") except FileNotFoundError: pass except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"failed parsing {fp!r}: {e}") @klass.jit_attr def is_empty(self): """Return boolean related to if the repo has files in it.""" result = True try: # any files existing means it's not empty result = not listdir(self.location) if result: logger.debug(f"repo is empty: {self.location!r}") except FileNotFoundError: pass return result @klass.jit_attr def pms_repo_name(self): """Repository name from profiles/repo_name (as defined by PMS). We're more lenient than the spec and don't verify it conforms to the specified format. """ name = readfile(pjoin(self.profiles_base, "repo_name"), none_on_missing=True) if name is not None: name = name.split("\n", 1)[0].strip() return name @klass.jit_attr def repo_id(self): """Main identifier for the repo. The precedence order is as follows: repos.conf name, repo-name from metadata/layout.conf, profiles/repo_name, and finally a fallback to the repo's location for unlabeled repos. """ if self.config_name: return self.config_name # repo_name might not be parsed yet if failure occurs during init if repo_name := getattr(self, "repo_name", None): return repo_name if self.pms_repo_name: return self.pms_repo_name if not self.is_empty: logger.warning(f"repo lacks a defined name: {self.location!r}") return self.location @klass.jit_attr def updates(self): """Package updates for the repo defined in profiles/updates/*.""" updates_dir = pjoin(self.profiles_base, "updates") d = pkg_updates.read_updates(updates_dir, eapi=self.eapi) return mappings.ImmutableDict(d) @klass.jit_attr def categories(self): categories = readlines( pjoin(self.profiles_base, "categories"), True, True, True ) if categories is not None: return tuple(map(intern, categories)) return () @klass.jit_attr def profiles(self): return Profiles(self) @klass.jit_attr def base_profile(self): pms_strict = "pms" in self.profile_formats return profiles.EmptyRootNode(self.profiles_base, pms_strict=pms_strict) @klass.jit_attr def eapi(self): try: return self.base_profile.eapi except profiles.NonexistentProfile: return get_eapi("0") @klass.jit_attr def pkg_masks(self): """Package masks from profiles/package.mask.""" return frozenset(self.base_profile.masks[1]) @klass.jit_attr def pkg_deprecated(self): """Deprecated packages from profiles/package.deprecated.""" return frozenset(self.base_profile.pkg_deprecated[1]) class SquashfsRepoConfig(RepoConfig): """Configuration data for an ebuild repository in a squashfs archive. Linux only support for transparently supporting ebuild repos compressed into squashfs archives. """ def __init__(self, sqfs_file, location, *args, **kwargs): sqfs_path = pjoin(location, sqfs_file) object.__setattr__(self, "_sqfs", sqfs_path) object.__setattr__(self, "location", location) # if squashfs archive exists in the repo, try to mount it over itself if os.path.exists(self._sqfs): try: self._mount_archive() except PermissionError: if platform.uname().release < "4.18": raise repo_errors.InitializationError( "fuse mounts in user namespaces require linux >= 4.18" ) raise super().__init__(location, *args, **kwargs) def _pre_sync(self): if os.path.ismount(self.location): try: self._umount_archive() except repo_errors.InitializationError: pass def _post_sync(self): if os.path.exists(self._sqfs): self._mount_archive() def _failed_cmd(self, process, action): if process.returncode: stderr = process.stderr.decode().strip().lower() msg = f"failed {action} squashfs archive: {stderr}" if process.returncode == 1: raise PermissionDenied(self._sqfs, msg) else: raise repo_errors.InitializationError(msg) def _mount_archive(self): """Mount the squashfs archive onto the repo in a mount namespace.""" # enable a user namespace if not running as root unshare_kwds = {"mount": True, "user": not os.getuid() == 0} try: simple_unshare(**unshare_kwds) except OSError as e: raise repo_errors.InitializationError( f"namespace support unavailable: {e.strerror}" ) # First try using mount binary to automatically handle setting up loop # device -- this only works with real root perms since loopback device # mounting (losetup) doesn't work in user namespaces. p =["mount", self._sqfs, self.location], capture_output=True) if p.returncode == 0: return elif p.returncode not in (1, 32): # fail out if not a permissions issue (regular or loopback failure inside userns) self._failed_cmd(p, "mounting") # fallback to using squashfuse try: p = ["squashfuse", "-o", "nonempty", self._sqfs, self.location], capture_output=True, ) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise repo_errors.InitializationError( f"failed mounting squashfs archive: {e.filename} required" ) if p.returncode: self._failed_cmd(p, "mounting") def _umount_archive(self): """Unmount the squashfs archive.""" try: umount(self.location) return except FileNotFoundError as e: raise repo_errors.InitializationError( f"failed unmounting squashfs archive: {e.filename} required" ) except OSError as e: # fail out if not a permissions issue (regular or loopback failure inside userns) if e.errno not in (errno.EPERM, errno.EPIPE): raise repo_errors.InitializationError( f"failed unmounting squashfs archive: {e.strerror}" ) # fallback to using fusermount try: p =["fusermount", "-u", self.location], capture_output=True) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise repo_errors.InitializationError( f"failed unmounting squashfs archive: {e.filename} required" ) if p.returncode: self._failed_cmd(p, "unmounting")