Source code for pkgcore.fetch

functionality related to downloading files

__all__ = ("fetchable", "mirror", "default_mirror", "uri_list")

from itertools import zip_longest

from snakeoil.klass import generic_equality

[docs] class fetchable(metaclass=generic_equality): """class representing uri sources for a file and chksum information.""" __slots__ = ("filename", "uri", "chksums") __attr_comparison__ = __slots__ def __init__(self, filename, uri=None, chksums=None): """ :param filename: filename... :param uri: either None (no uri), or a sequence of uri where the file is available :param chksums: either None (no chksum data), or a dict of chksum_type -> value for this file """ self.uri = uri if uri is not None else () self.chksums = chksums if chksums is not None else {} self.filename = filename def __str__(self): chksums = ", ".join(self.chksums) return f"({self.filename!r}, {self.uri!r}, {chksums})" def __repr__(self): return "<%s filename=%r uri=%r chksums=%r @%#8x>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.filename, self.uri, self.chksums, id(self), ) def __lt__(self, other): return self.filename < other.filename def __hash__(self): return hash((self.filename, self.uri)) @property def upstream(self): """Return a new fetchable with all mirror URIs removed.""" uri_list = self.uri.remove_mirrors() return self.__class__(self.filename, uri=uri_list, chksums=self.chksums)
[docs] class mirror(metaclass=generic_equality): """uri source representing a mirror tier""" __attr_comparison__ = ("mirror_name", "mirrors") __slots__ = ("mirrors", "mirror_name") def __init__(self, mirrors, mirror_name): """ :param mirrors: list of hosts that comprise this mirror tier :param mirror_name: name of the mirror tier """ if not isinstance(mirrors, tuple): mirrors = tuple(mirrors) self.mirrors = mirrors self.mirror_name = mirror_name def __iter__(self): return iter(self.mirrors) def __str__(self): return f"mirror://{self.mirror_name}" def __len__(self): return len(self.mirrors) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.mirrors) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.mirrors[idx] def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__} mirror tier={self.mirror_name!r}>"
class unknown_mirror(mirror): """Unknown mirror tier.""" __slots__ = () def __init__(self, mirror_name): super().__init__(mirrors=(), mirror_name=mirror_name)
[docs] class default_mirror(mirror): __slots__ = ()
[docs] class uri_list: __slots__ = ("_uri_source", "filename", "__weakref__") def __init__(self, filename): self._uri_source = [] self.filename = filename
[docs] def add_mirror(self, mirror_inst, sub_uri=None): if not isinstance(mirror_inst, mirror): raise TypeError("mirror must be a pkgcore.fetch.mirror instance") if sub_uri is not None: self._uri_source.append((mirror_inst, sub_uri.lstrip("/"))) else: self._uri_source.append(mirror_inst)
[docs] def remove_mirrors(self): """Return a new URI source list after dropping all mirror-based URIs.""" uri_list = self.__class__(self.filename) uri_list._uri_source = tuple( x for x in self._uri_source if not isinstance(x, mirror) ) return uri_list
[docs] def add_uri(self, uri): self._uri_source.append(uri)
[docs] def finalize(self): self._uri_source = tuple(self._uri_source)
def __iter__(self): fname = self.filename i = 0 while i < len(self._uri_source): entry = self._uri_source[i] if isinstance(entry, str): yield entry elif isinstance(entry, tuple): # TODO: rewrite mirror handling to do this more transparently # collect all mirrors at the same priority mirrored = [] while True: m, sub_uri = entry uris = (f"{base_uri.rstrip('/')}/{sub_uri}" for base_uri in m) mirrored.append(uris) try: entry = self._uri_source[i + 1] except IndexError: break if not isinstance(entry, tuple): break i += 1 # iterate between different mirror groups for mirrored_uris in zip_longest(*mirrored): yield from filter(None, mirrored_uris) else: for base_uri in entry: yield f"{base_uri.rstrip('/')}/{fname}" i += 1 def __str__(self): uris = ", ".join(str(x) for x in self._uri_source) return f"file: {self.filename}, uri: {uris}" def __bool__(self): # implemented this way on the off chance an empty sublist is handed in for entry in self: return True return False def __len__(self): # we do it this way since each item may be a sublist, and to reuse # __iter__ count = 0 for entry in self: count += 1 return count
[docs] def visit_mirrors(self, invert=False, treat_default_as_mirror=True): def is_mirror(item): return isinstance(item, mirror) and treat_default_as_mirror == isinstance( item, default_mirror ) for item in self._uri_source: if isinstance(item, tuple): if invert != is_mirror(item[0]): yield item elif invert != is_mirror(item): yield item