Source code for pkgcore.fs.contents

contents set- container of fs objects

import os
import time
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter

from snakeoil.klass import alias_method, generic_equality
from snakeoil.osutils import normpath, pjoin

from . import fs

[docs] def change_offset_rewriter(orig_offset, new_offset, iterable): path_sep = os.path.sep offset_len = len(orig_offset.rstrip(path_sep)) # localize it. npf = normpath for x in iterable: # slip in the '/' default to force it to still generate a # full path still yield x.change_attributes( location=npf(pjoin(new_offset, x.location[offset_len:].lstrip(path_sep))) )
offset_rewriter = partial(change_offset_rewriter, "/")
[docs] def check_instance(obj): if not isinstance(obj, fs.fsBase): raise TypeError(f"'{obj}' is not a fs.fsBase deriviative") return obj.location, obj
[docs] class contentsSet(metaclass=generic_equality): """set of :class:`pkgcore.fs.fs.fsBase` objects""" __attr_comparison__ = ("_dict",) __dict_kls__ = dict def __init__(self, initial=None, mutable=True): """ :param initial: initial fs objs for this set :type initial: sequence :param mutable: controls if it modifiable after initialization """ self._dict = self.__dict_kls__() if initial is not None: self._dict.update(check_instance(x) for x in initial) self.mutable = mutable def __str__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ contents = ", ".join(map(str, self)) return f"{name}([{contents}])" def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ contents = ", ".join(map(repr, self)) # this should include the id among other things return f"{name}([{contents}])"
[docs] def add(self, obj): """ add a new fs obj to the set :param obj: must be a derivative of :obj:`pkgcore.fs.fs.fsBase` """ if not self.mutable: # weird, but keeping with set. raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__} is frozen; no add functionality") if not fs.isfs_obj(obj): raise TypeError(f"'{obj}' is not a fs.fsBase class") self._dict[obj.location] = obj
def __delitem__(self, obj): """ remove a fs obj to the set :type obj: a derivative of :obj:`pkgcore.fs.fs.fsBase` or a string location of an obj in the set. :raise KeyError: if the obj isn't found """ if not self.mutable: # weird, but keeping with set. raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__} is frozen; no remove functionality") if fs.isfs_obj(obj): del self._dict[obj.location] else: del self._dict[normpath(obj)]
[docs] def remove(self, obj): del self[obj]
[docs] def discard(self, obj): if fs.isfs_obj(obj): self._dict.pop(obj.location, None) else: self._dict.pop(obj, None)
def __getitem__(self, obj): if fs.isfs_obj(obj): return self._dict[obj.location] return self._dict[normpath(obj)] def __contains__(self, key): if fs.isfs_obj(key): return key.location in self._dict return normpath(key) in self._dict
[docs] def clear(self): """ clear the set :raise ttributeError: if the instance is frozen """ if not self.mutable: # weird, but keeping with set. raise AttributeError(f"{self.__class__} is frozen; no clear functionality") self._dict.clear()
@staticmethod def _convert_loc(iterable): f = fs.isfs_obj for x in iterable: if f(x): yield x.location else: yield x @staticmethod def _ensure_fsbase(iterable): f = fs.isfs_obj for x in iterable: if not f(x): raise ValueError(f"must be an fsBase derivative: got {x!r}") yield x
[docs] def difference(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = set(self._convert_loc(other)) return contentsSet( (x for x in self if x.location not in other), mutable=self.mutable )
[docs] def difference_update(self, other): if not self.mutable: raise TypeError(f"immutable type {self!r}") rem = self.remove for x in other: if x in self: rem(x)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): return contentsSet((x for x in other if x in self), mutable=self.mutable)
[docs] def intersection_update(self, other): if not self.mutable: raise TypeError(f"immutable type {self!r}") if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = set(self._convert_loc(other)) l = [x for x in self if x.location not in other] for x in l: self.remove(x)
[docs] def issubset(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = set(self._convert_loc(other)) return all(x in other for x in self._dict)
[docs] def issuperset(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = set(self._convert_loc(other)) return all(x in self for x in other)
[docs] def isdisjoint(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = set(self._convert_loc(other)) return not any(x in other for x in self._dict)
[docs] def union(self, other): c = contentsSet(other) c.update(self) return c
def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict.values()) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict)
[docs] def symmetric_difference(self, other): c = contentsSet(mutable=True) c.update(self) c.symmetric_difference_update(other) object.__setattr__(c, "mutable", self.mutable) return c
[docs] def symmetric_difference_update(self, other): if not self.mutable: raise TypeError(f"immutable type {self!r}") if not hasattr(other, "__contains__"): other = contentsSet(self._ensure_fsbase(other)) l = [] for x in self: if x in other: l.append(x) add = self.add for x in other: if x not in self: add(x) rem = self.remove for x in l: rem(x) del l, rem
[docs] def update(self, iterable): d = self._dict for x in iterable: d[x.location] = x
[docs] def iterfiles(self, invert=False): """A generator yielding just :obj:`pkgcore.fs.fs.fsFile` instances. :param invert: if True, yield everything that isn't a fsFile instance, else yields just fsFile instances. """ if invert: return (x for x in self if not x.is_reg) return filter(attrgetter("is_reg"), self)
[docs] def files(self, invert=False): """Returns a list of just :obj:`pkgcore.fs.fs.fsFile` instances. :param invert: if True, yield everything that isn't a fsFile instance, else yields just fsFile. """ return list(self.iterfiles(invert=invert))
[docs] def iterdirs(self, invert=False): if invert: return (x for x in self if not x.is_dir) return filter(attrgetter("is_dir"), self)
[docs] def dirs(self, invert=False): return list(self.iterdirs(invert=invert))
iterlinks = alias_method("itersymlinks") links = alias_method("symlinks")
[docs] def iterdevs(self, invert=False): if invert: return (x for x in self if not x.is_dev) return filter(attrgetter("is_dev"), self)
[docs] def devs(self, invert=False): return list(self.iterdevs(invert=invert))
[docs] def iterfifos(self, invert=False): if invert: return (x for x in self if not x.is_fifo) return filter(attrgetter("is_fifo"), self)
[docs] def fifos(self, invert=False): return list(self.iterfifos(invert=invert))
for k in ("file", "dir", "symlink", "dev", "fifo"): locals()[f"iter{k}s"].__doc__ = iterfiles.__doc__.replace( "fsFile", f"fs{k.capitalize()}" ) locals()[f"{k}s"].__doc__ = files.__doc__.replace( "fsFile", f"fs{k.capitalize()}" ) del k
[docs] def inode_map(self): d = defaultdict(list) for obj in self.iterfiles(): key = (, obj.inode) if None in key: continue d[key].append(obj) return d
[docs] def clone(self, empty=False): if empty: return self.__class__([], mutable=True) return self.__class__(iter(self._dict.values()), mutable=True)
[docs] def insert_offset(self, offset): cset = self.clone(empty=True) cset.update(offset_rewriter(offset, self)) return cset
[docs] def change_offset(self, old_offset, new_offset): cset = self.clone(empty=True) cset.update(change_offset_rewriter(old_offset, new_offset, self)) return cset
[docs] def iter_child_nodes(self, start_point): """Yield a stream of nodes that are fs entries contained within the passed in start point. :param start_point: fs filepath all yielded nodes must be within. """ if isinstance(start_point, fs.fsBase): if start_point.is_sym: start_point = else: start_point = start_point.location for x in self: cn_path = normpath(start_point).rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep # what about sym targets? if x.location.startswith(cn_path): yield x
[docs] def child_nodes(self, start_point): """Return a clone of this instance, w/ just the child nodes returned from `iter_child_nodes`. :param start_point: fs filepath all yielded nodes must be within. """ obj = self.clone(empty=True) obj.update(self.iter_child_nodes(start_point)) return obj
[docs] def map_directory_structure(self, other, add_conflicting_sym=True): """Resolve the directory structure between this instance, and another contentset, collapsing syms of self into directories of other. """ conflicts_d = {x: x.resolved_target for x in other.iterlinks()} # rebuild the targets first; sorted due to the fact that we want to # rewrite each node (resolving down the filepath chain) conflicts = sorted(contentsSet(self.iterdirs()).intersection(conflicts_d)) obj = self.clone() while conflicts: for conflict in conflicts: # punt the conflict first, since we don't want it getting rewritten obj.remove(conflict) subset = obj.child_nodes(conflict.location) obj.difference_update(subset) subset = subset.change_offset( conflict.location, conflict.resolved_target ) obj.update(subset) if add_conflicting_sym: obj.add(other[conflicts_d[conflict]]) # rebuild the targets first; sorted due to the fact that we want to # rewrite each node (resolving down the filepath chain) conflicts = sorted(contentsSet(obj.iterdirs()).intersection(conflicts_d)) return obj
[docs] def add_missing_directories(self, mode=0o775, uid=0, gid=0, mtime=None): """Ensure that a directory node exists for each path; add if missing.""" missing = (x.dirname for x in self) missing = set(x for x in missing if x not in self) if mtime is None: mtime = time.time() # have to go recursive since many directories may be missing. missing_initial = list(missing) for x in missing_initial: target = os.path.dirname(x) while target not in missing and target not in self: missing.add(target) target = os.path.dirname(target) missing.discard("/") self.update( fs.fsDir(location=x, mode=mode, uid=uid, gid=gid, mtime=mtime) for x in missing )
[docs] class OrderedContentsSet(contentsSet): def __init__(self, initial=None, mutable=False, add_missing_directories=False): contentsSet.__init__(self, mutable=True) self._dict = OrderedDict() if initial: self.update(initial) # some sources are a bit stupid, tarballs for example. # add missing directories if requested if add_missing_directories: self.add_missing_directories() self.mutable = mutable