Source code for pkgcore.fs.fs

filesystem entry abstractions

import fnmatch
import stat
from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, realpath
from os.path import sep as path_seperator

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.chksum import get_chksums, get_handlers
from snakeoil.compatibility import cmp
from snakeoil.currying import post_curry, pretty_docs
from snakeoil.data_source import local_source
from snakeoil.mappings import LazyFullValLoadDict
from snakeoil.osutils import normpath, pjoin

# goofy set of classes representating the fs objects pkgcore knows of.

__all__ = ["fsFile", "fsDir", "fsSymlink", "fsDev", "fsFifo"]
__all__.extend(f"is{x}" for x in ("dir", "reg", "sym", "fifo", "dev", "fs_obj"))

# following are used to generate appropriate __init__, wiped from the
# namespace at the end of the module

_fs_doc = {
    "mode": """:keyword mode: int, the mode of this entry.  """
    """required if strict is set""",
    "mtime": """:keyword mtime: long, the mtime of this entry.  """
    """required if strict is set""",
    "uid": """:keyword uid: int, the uid of this entry.  """
    """required if strict is set""",
    "gid": """:keyword gid: int, the gid of this entry.  """
    """required if strict is set""",

def gen_doc_additions(init, slots):
    if init.__doc__ is None:
        d = """
:param location: location (real or intended) for this entry
:param strict: is this fully representative of the entry, or only partially
:raise KeyError: if strict is enabled, and not all args are passed in
        d = init.__doc__.split("\n")
    init.__doc__ = "\n".join(k.lstrip() for k in d) + "\n".join(
        _fs_doc[k] for k in _fs_doc if k in slots

class fsBase:
    """base class, all extensions must derive from this class"""

    __slots__ = ("location", "mtime", "mode", "uid", "gid")
    __attrs__ = __slots__
    __default_attrs__ = {}

        (x.replace("is", "is_"), False)
        for x in __all__
        if x.startswith("is") and x.islower() and not x.endswith("fs_obj")


    def __init__(self, location, strict=True, **d):
        d["location"] = normpath(location)

        s = object.__setattr__
        if strict:
            for k in self.__attrs__:
                s(self, k, d[k])
            for k, v in d.items():
                s(self, k, v)

    gen_doc_additions(__init__, __attrs__)

    def change_attributes(self, **kwds):
        d = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in self.__attrs__ if hasattr(self, x)}
        # split location out
        location = d.pop("location")
        if not location.startswith(path_seperator):
            location = abspath(location)
        d["strict"] = False
        return self.__class__(location, **d)

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # we would only get called if it doesn't exist.
        if attr not in self.__attrs__:
            raise AttributeError(self, attr)
        obj = self.__default_attrs__.get(attr)
        if not callable(obj):
            return obj
        return obj(self)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.location)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False
        return self.location == other.location

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def realpath(self, cache=None):
        """calculate the abspath/canonicalized path for this entry, returning
        a new instance if the path differs.

        :keyword cache: Either None (no cache), or a data object of path->
          resolved.  Currently unused, but left in for forwards compatibility
        new_path = realpath(self.location)
        if new_path == self.location:
            return self
        return self.change_attributes(location=new_path)

    def basename(self):
        return basename(self.location)

    def dirname(self):
        return dirname(self.location)

    def fnmatch(self, pattern):
        return fnmatch.fnmatch(self.location, pattern)

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        return cmp(self.location, other.location)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.location

class _LazyChksums(LazyFullValLoadDict):
    __slots__ = ()

[docs] class fsFile(fsBase): """file class""" __slots__ = ("chksums", "data", "dev", "inode") __attrs__ = fsBase.__attrs__ + __slots__ __default_attrs__ = {"mtime": 0, "dev": None, "inode": None} is_reg = True def __init__(self, location, chksums=None, data=None, **kwds): """ :param chksums: dict of checksums, key chksum_type: val hash val. See :obj:`snakeoil.chksum`. """ assert "data_source" not in kwds if data is None: data = local_source(location) kwds["data"] = data if chksums is None: # this can be problematic offhand if the file is modified # but chksum not triggered chf_types = kwds.pop("chf_types", None) if chf_types is None: chf_types = tuple(get_handlers()) chksums = _LazyChksums(chf_types, self._chksum_callback) kwds["chksums"] = chksums fsBase.__init__(self, location, **kwds) gen_doc_additions(__init__, __slots__) def __repr__(self): return f"file:{self.location}" data_source = klass.alias_attr("data") def _chksum_callback(self, chfs): return list(zip(chfs, get_chksums(, *chfs)))
[docs] def change_attributes(self, **kwds): if "data" in kwds and ( "chksums" not in kwds and isinstance(self.chksums, _LazyChksums) ): kwds["chksums"] = None return fsBase.change_attributes(self, **kwds)
def _can_be_hardlinked(self, other): if not other.is_reg: return False if None in (self.inode, return False for attr in ("dev", "inode", "uid", "gid", "mode", "mtime"): if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False return True
[docs] class fsDir(fsBase): """dir class""" __slots__ = () is_dir = True def __repr__(self): return f"dir:{self.location}"
class fsLink(fsBase): """symlink class""" __slots__ = ("target",) __attrs__ = fsBase.__attrs__ + __slots__ is_sym = True def __init__(self, location, target, **kwargs): """ :param target: string, filepath of the symlinks target """ kwargs["target"] = target fsBase.__init__(self, location, **kwargs) gen_doc_additions(__init__, __slots__) def change_attributes(self, **kwds): d = {x: getattr(self, x) for x in self.__attrs__ if hasattr(self, x)} d.update(kwds) # split location out location = d.pop("location") if not location.startswith(path_seperator): location = abspath(location) target = d.pop("target") d["strict"] = False return self.__class__(location, target, **d) @property def resolved_target(self): if"/"): return return normpath(pjoin(self.location, "../", def __cmp__(self, other): c = cmp(self.location, other.location) if c: return c if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return cmp(, return 0 def __str__(self): return f"{self.location} -> {}" def __repr__(self): return f"symlink:{self.location}->{}" fsSymlink = fsLink
[docs] class fsDev(fsBase): """dev class (char/block objects)""" __slots__ = ("major", "minor") __attrs__ = fsBase.__attrs__ + __slots__ __default_attrs__ = {"major": -1, "minor": -1} is_dev = True def __init__(self, path, major=-1, minor=-1, **kwds): if kwds.get("strict", True): if major == -1 or minor == -1: raise TypeError("major/minor must be specified and positive ints") if not stat.S_IFMT(kwds["mode"]): raise TypeError( "mode %o: must specify the device type (got %o)" % (kwds["mode"], stat.S_IFMT(kwds["mode"])) ) kwds["major"] = major kwds["minor"] = minor else: if major != -1: major = int(major) if major < 0: raise TypeError("major/minor must be specified and positive ints") kwds["major"] = major if minor != -1: minor = int(minor) if minor < 0: raise TypeError("major/minor must be specified and positive ints") kwds["minor"] = minor fsBase.__init__(self, path, **kwds) def __repr__(self): return f"device:{self.location}"
def get_major_minor(stat_inst): """get major/minor from a stat instance :return: major,minor tuple of ints """ return (stat_inst.st_rdev >> 8) & 0xFF, stat_inst.st_rdev & 0xFF
[docs] class fsFifo(fsBase): """fifo class (socket objects)""" __slots__ = () is_fifo = True def __repr__(self): return f"fifo:{self.location}"
def mk_check(name): return pretty_docs( post_curry(getattr, "is_" + name, False), extradocs=("return True if obj is an instance of :obj:`%s`, else False" % name), name=("is" + name), ) isdir = mk_check("dir") isreg = mk_check("reg") issym = mk_check("sym") isfifo = mk_check("fifo") isdev = mk_check("dev") isfs_obj = pretty_docs( post_curry(isinstance, fsBase), name="isfs_obj", extradocs="return True if obj is an fsBase derived object", ) del gen_doc_additions, mk_check