Source code for pkgcore.operations

operation templates for package/repository/data source objects

For new format implementations, new formats, and generally any new extension,
an operation class will likely have to be defined.  While the implementations
are a bit repetitive, the design of it is intentional to ensure that any
derivative will be forced to adhere to the pkgcore internal api.

Basically it's a crappy form of zope interfaces; converting to zope.interfaces
may occur down the line if dependencies can be kept as minimal as possible.

from functools import partial

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.currying import pretty_docs

from ..exceptions import PkgcoreException
from ..operations import observer as _observer

[docs] class OperationError(PkgcoreException): def __init__(self, api, exc=None): self._api = api self._exc = exc def __str__(self): if self._exc is not None: return str(self._exc) return f"unhandled exception in {self._api}"
[docs] class base: __required__ = frozenset() UNSUPPORTED = object() __casting_exception__ = OperationError def __init__(self, disable_overrides=(), enable_overrides=()): self._force_disabled = frozenset(disable_overrides) self._force_enabled = frozenset(enable_overrides) self._setup_api() def _get_observer(self, observer=None): if observer is not None: return observer return _observer.null_output() @klass.cached_property def raw_operations(self): return frozenset( x[len("_cmd_api_") :] for x in dir(self.__class__) if x.startswith("_cmd_api_") ) @klass.cached_property def enabled_operations(self): enabled_ops = set(self._filter_disabled_commands(self.raw_operations)) return frozenset(self._apply_overrides(enabled_ops)) def _apply_overrides(self, ops): ops.update(self._force_enabled) ops.difference_update(self._force_disabled) return ops @staticmethod def _recast_exception_decorator(exc_class, name, functor, *args, **kwds): try: return functor(*args, **kwds) except PkgcoreException as e: if isinstance(e, exc_class): raise raise exc_class(name, e) from e def _wrap_exception(self, functor, name): f = partial( self._recast_exception_decorator, self.__casting_exception__, name, functor ) return pretty_docs(f) def _setup_api(self): recast_exc = self.__casting_exception__ if recast_exc is None: f = lambda x, y: x else: f = self._wrap_exception for op in self.enabled_operations: setattr(self, op, f(getattr(self, "_cmd_api_%s" % op), op)) def _filter_disabled_commands(self, sequence): for command in sequence: obj = getattr(self, "_cmd_api_%s" % command, None) if not getattr(obj, "_is_standalone", False): if not hasattr(self, "_cmd_implementation_%s" % command): continue check_f = getattr(self, "_cmd_check_support_%s" % command, None) if check_f is not None and not check_f(): continue yield command
[docs] def supports(self, operation_name=None, raw=False): if not operation_name: if not raw: return self.enabled_operations return self.raw_operations if raw: return operation_name in self.raw_operations return operation_name in self.enabled_operations
[docs] def run_if_supported(self, operation_name, *args, **kwds): """invoke an operation if it's supported :param operation_name: operation to run if supported :param args: positional args passed to the operation :param kwds: optional args passed to the operation :keyword or_return: if the operation isn't supported, return this (if unspecified, it returns :obj:`base.UNSUPPORTED`) :return: Either the value of or_return, or if the operation is supported, the return value from that operation """ kwds.setdefault("observer", getattr(self, "observer", self._get_observer())) ret = kwds.pop("or_return", self.UNSUPPORTED) if self.supports(operation_name): ret = getattr(self, operation_name)(*args, **kwds) return ret
[docs] def is_standalone(functor): """decorator to mark a api operation method as containing the implementation This is primarily useful for commands that can contain all of the logic in the template class itself, rather than requiring a glue method to be provided """ functor._is_standalone = True return functor