Source code for pkgcore.package.conditionals

conditional attributes on a package.

Changing them triggering regen of other attributes on the package instance.

__all__ = ("make_wrapper",)

from copy import copy
from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter

from snakeoil.containers import LimitedChangeSet, Unchangable

from .base import wrapper

def _getattr_wrapped(attr, self):
    o = self._cached_wrapped.get(attr)
    if o is None or o[0] != self._reuse_pt:
        o = self._wrapped_attr[attr](
            getattr(self._raw_pkg, attr), self._configurable, pkg=self
        o = self._cached_wrapped[attr] = (self._reuse_pt, o)
    return o[1]

[docs] def make_wrapper( wrapped_repo, configurable_attribute_name, attributes_to_wrap=(), kls_injections={} ): """ :param configurable_attribute_name: attribute name to add, and that is used for evaluating attributes_to_wrap :param attributes_to_wrap: mapping of attr_name:callable for revaluating the pkg_instance, using the result instead of the wrapped pkgs attr. """ if configurable_attribute_name.find(".") != -1: raise ValueError( "can only wrap first level attributes, " "'obj.dar' fex, not '%s'" % (configurable_attribute_name) ) class PackageWrapper(wrapper): """Add a new attribute, and evaluate attributes of a wrapped pkg.""" __slots__ = ( "_unchangable", "_configurable", "_reuse_pt", "_cached_wrapped", "_disabled", "_domain", "repo", ) _wrapped_attr = attributes_to_wrap _configurable_name = configurable_attribute_name configurable = True def operations(self, domain, **kwds): return self._operations(domain, self, **kwds) locals()[configurable_attribute_name] = property(attrgetter("_configurable")) locals().update( (x, property(partial(_getattr_wrapped, x))) for x in attributes_to_wrap ) def __init__( self, pkg_instance, initial_settings=None, disabled_settings=None, unchangable_settings=None, ): """ :type pkg_instance: :obj:`pkgcore.package.metadata.package` :param pkg_instance: instance to wrap. :type initial_settings: sequence :param initial_settings: initial configuration of the configurable_attribute :type unchangable_settings: sequence :param unchangable_settings: settings that configurable_attribute cannot be set to """ if initial_settings is None: initial_settings = [] if disabled_settings is None: disabled_settings = [] if unchangable_settings is None: unchangable_settings = [] sf = object.__setattr__ sf(self, "_unchangable", unchangable_settings) sf( self, "_configurable", LimitedChangeSet(initial_settings, unchangable_settings), ) sf(self, "_disabled", disabled_settings) sf(self, "_reuse_pt", 0) sf(self, "repo", wrapped_repo) sf(self, "_cached_wrapped", {}) sf(self, "_domain", None) super().__init__(pkg_instance) def __copy__(self): return self.__class__( self._raw_pkg, self._configurable_name, initial_settings=set(self._configurable), disabled_settings=self._disabled, unchangable_settings=self._unchangable, attributes_to_wrap=self._wrapped_attr, ) def rollback(self, point=0): """rollback changes to the configurable attribute to an earlier point :param point: must be an int """ self._configurable.rollback(point) # yes, nuking objs isn't necessarily required. easier this way though. # XXX: optimization point object.__setattr__(self, "_reuse_pt", self._reuse_pt + 1) def commit(self): """Commit current changes. This means that those changes can be reverted from this point out. """ self._configurable.commit() object.__setattr__(self, "_reuse_pt", 0) def changes_count(self): """current commit point for the configurable""" return self._configurable.changes_count() def request_enable(self, attr, *vals): """internal function since configurable somewhat steps outside of normal restriction protocols, request_enable requests that this package instance change its configuration to make the restriction return True; if not possible, reverts any changes it attempted :param attr: attr to try and change :param vals: :obj:`pkgcore.restrictions.values.base` instances that we're attempting to make match True """ if attr not in self._wrapped_attr: if attr == self._configurable_name: entry_point = self.changes_count() try: list(map(self._configurable.add, vals)) object.__setattr__(self, "_reuse_pt", self._reuse_pt + 1) return True except Unchangable: self.rollback(entry_point) else: a = getattr(self._raw_pkg, attr) for x in vals: if x not in a: break else: return True return False entry_point = self.changes_count() a = getattr(self._raw_pkg, attr) try: for x in vals: for reqs in a.node_conds.get(x, ()): if reqs.force_True(self, attr, vals): break else: self.rollback(entry_point) return False except Unchangable: self.rollback(entry_point) return False object.__setattr__(self, "_reuse_pt", self._reuse_pt + 1) return True def request_disable(self, attr, *vals): """internal function since configurable somewhat steps outside of normal restriction protocols, request_disable requests that this package instance change its configuration to make the restriction return False; if not possible, reverts any changes it attempted :param attr: attr to try and change :param vals: :obj:`pkgcore.restrictions.values.base` instances that we're attempting to make match False """ if attr not in self._wrapped_attr: if attr == self._configurable_name: entry_point = self.changes_count() try: list(map(self._configurable.remove, vals)) return True except Unchangable: self.rollback(entry_point) else: a = getattr(self._raw_pkg, attr) for x in vals: if x in a: break else: return True return False entry_point = self.changes_count() a = getattr(self._raw_pkg, attr) try: for x in vals: for reqs in a.node_conds.get(x, ()): if reqs.force_False(self, attr, vals): break else: self.rollback(entry_point) return False except Unchangable: self.rollback(entry_point) return False object.__setattr__(self, "_reuse_pt", self._reuse_pt + 1) return True def __str__(self): return "config wrapped(%s): %s" % (self._configurable_name, self._raw_pkg) def __repr__(self): return "<%s pkg=%r wrapped=%r @%#8x>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._raw_pkg, self._configurable_name, id(self), ) def freeze(self): o = copy(self) o.lock() return o def lock(self): """ commit any outstanding changes and lock the configuration. """ self.commit() object.__setattr__(self, "_configurable", list(self._configurable)) if "operations_callback" in kls_injections: _operations = kls_injections.pop("operations_callback") locals().update(kls_injections) return PackageWrapper