Source code for pkgcore.pkgsets.filelist

pkgset based around loading a list of atoms from a world file

__all__ = ("FileList", "WorldFile")

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.fileutils import AtomicWriteFile, readlines_ascii

from .. import os_data
from ..config import errors
from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from ..ebuild import const
from ..ebuild.atom import atom
from ..log import logger
from ..package.errors import InvalidDependency

[docs] class FileList: pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(types={"location": "str"}, typename="pkgset") error_on_subsets = True def __init__(self, location, gid=os_data.portage_gid, mode=0o644): self.path = location self.gid = gid self.mode = mode # note that _atoms is generated on the fly. @klass.jit_attr def _atoms(self): try: s = set() for x in readlines_ascii(self.path, True): if not x or x.startswith("#"): continue elif x.startswith("@"): if self.error_on_subsets: raise ValueError( f"set {x} isn't a valid atom in pkgset {self.path!r}" ) logger.warning( "set item %r found in pkgset %r: it will be " "wiped on update since portage/pkgcore store set items " "in a separate way", x[1:], self.path, ) continue s.add(atom(x)) except InvalidDependency as exc: raise errors.ParsingError(f"parsing {self.path!r}", exception=exc) from exc return s def __iter__(self): return iter(self._atoms) def __len__(self): return len(self._atoms) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._atoms
[docs] def add(self, atom_inst): self._atoms.add(atom_inst)
[docs] def remove(self, atom_inst): self._atoms.remove(atom_inst)
[docs] def flush(self): f = None try: f = AtomicWriteFile(self.path, gid=self.gid, perms=self.mode) f.write("\n".join(str(x) for x in sorted(self._atoms))) f.close() except: if f is not None: f.discard() raise
[docs] class WorldFile(FileList): """Set of packages contained in the world file.""" pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(typename="pkgset") error_on_subsets = False def __init__(self, location=const.WORLD_FILE, gid=os_data.portage_gid, mode=0o644): FileList.__init__(self, location, gid=gid, mode=mode)
[docs] def add(self, atom_inst): self._modify(atom_inst, FileList.add)
[docs] def remove(self, atom_inst): self._modify(atom_inst, FileList.remove)
def _modify(self, atom_inst, func): if atom_inst.slot: for slot in atom_inst.slot: if slot == "0": new_atom_inst = atom(atom_inst.key) else: new_atom_inst = atom(atom_inst.key + ":" + slot) func(self, new_atom_inst) else: atom_inst = atom(atom_inst.key) func(self, atom_inst)