Source code for pkgcore.plugin

"""Plugin system, heavily inspired by twisted's plugin system."""

__all__ = ("initialize_cache", "get_plugins", "get_plugin")

# Implementation note: we have to be pretty careful about error
# handling in here since some core functionality in pkgcore uses this
# code. Since we can function without a cache we will generally be
# noisy but keep working if something is wrong with the cache.
# Currently we explode if something is wrong with a plugin package
# dir, but not if something prevents importing a module in it.
# Rationale is the former should be a PYTHONPATH issue while the
# latter an installed plugin issue. May have to change this if it
# causes problems.

import operator
import os.path
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from importlib import import_module

from snakeoil import mappings, modules
from snakeoil.compatibility import IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS
from snakeoil.fileutils import AtomicWriteFile, readlines_ascii
from snakeoil.osutils import ensure_dirs, listdir_files, pjoin, unlink_if_exists

from . import const, os_data
from .log import logger

_plugin_data = namedtuple("_plugin_data", ["key", "priority", "source", "target"])

PLUGIN_ATTR = "pkgcore_plugins"

CACHE_HEADER = "pkgcore plugin cache v3"
CACHE_FILENAME = "plugincache"

def _clean_old_caches(path):
    for name in ("plugincache2",):
            unlink_if_exists(pjoin(path, name))
        except EnvironmentError as e:
                "attempting to clean old plugin cache %r failed with %s",
                pjoin(path, name),

def sort_plugs(plugs):
    return sorted(plugs, reverse=True, key=lambda x: (x.key, x.priority, x.source))

def _process_plugins(package, sequence, filter_disabled=False):
    for plug in sequence:
        plug = _process_plugin(package, plug, filter_disabled)
        if plug is not None:
            yield plug

def _process_plugin(package, plug, filter_disabled=False):
    if isinstance(, str):
        plug = modules.load_any(
    elif isinstance(, int):
        module = modules.load_any(plug.source)
        plugs = getattr(module, PLUGIN_ATTR, {})
        plugs = plugs.get(plug.key, [])
        if len(plugs) <=
                "plugin cache for %s, %s, %s is somehow wrong; no item at position %s",
            return None
        plug = plugs[]
            "package %s, plug %s; non int, non string.  wtf?", package.__name__, plug
        return None

    if filter_disabled:
        if getattr(plug, "disabled", False):
            logger.debug("plugin %s is disabled, skipping", plug)
            return None
        f = getattr(plug, "_plugin_disabled_check", None)
        if f is not None and f():
            logger.debug("plugin %s is disabled, skipping", plug)
            return None

    return plug

def _read_cache_file(package, cache_path):
    """Read an existing cache file."""
    stored_cache = {}
    cache_data = list(readlines_ascii(cache_path, True, True, False))
    if len(cache_data) >= 1:
        if cache_data[0] != CACHE_HEADER:
                "plugin cache has a wrong header: %r, regenerating", cache_data[0]
            cache_data = []
            cache_data = cache_data[1:]
    if not cache_data:
        return {}
        for line in cache_data:
            module, mtime, entries = line.split(":", 2)
            mtime = int(mtime)
            # Needed because ''.split(':') == [''], not []
            if not entries:
                entries = set()
                entries = entries.replace(":", ",").split(",")

                if not len(entries) % 3 == 0:
                        "failed reading cache %s; entries field isn't "
                        "divisable by 3: %r",
                entries = iter(entries)

                def f(val):
                    if val.isdigit():
                        val = int(val)
                    return val

                entries = set(
                        key, int(priority), f"{package.__name__}.{module}", f(target)
                    for (key, priority, target) in zip(entries, entries, entries)
            stored_cache[(module, mtime)] = entries
    except Exception as e:
        logger.warning("failed reading cache; exception %s, regenerating.", e)

    return stored_cache

def _write_cache_file(path, data, uid=-1, gid=-1):
    """Write a new cache file."""
    cachefile = None
            cachefile = AtomicWriteFile(
                path, binary=False, perms=0o664, uid=uid, gid=gid
            cachefile.write(CACHE_HEADER + "\n")
            for (module, mtime), plugs in sorted(
                data.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0)
                plugs = sort_plugs(plugs)
                plugs = ":".join(
                    f"{plug.key},{plug.priority},{}" for plug in plugs
        except EnvironmentError as e:
            # We cannot write a new cache. We should log this
            # since it will have a performance impact.

            # Use error, not exception for this one: the traceback
            # is not necessary and too alarming.
                "Cannot write cache for %s: %s. " "Try running pplugincache.", path, e
        if cachefile is not None:

[docs] def initialize_cache(package, force=False, cache_dir=None): """Determine available plugins in a package. Writes cache files if they are stale and writing is possible. """ modpath = os.path.dirname(package.__file__) pkgpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(modpath)) uid = gid = -1 mode = 0o755 if cache_dir is None: if not force: # use user-generated caches if they exist, fallback to module cache if os.path.exists(pjoin(const.USER_CACHE_PATH, CACHE_FILENAME)): cache_dir = const.USER_CACHE_PATH elif os.path.exists(pjoin(const.SYSTEM_CACHE_PATH, CACHE_FILENAME)): cache_dir = const.SYSTEM_CACHE_PATH uid = os_data.portage_uid gid = os_data.portage_gid mode = 0o775 else: cache_dir = modpath else: # generate module cache when running from git repo, otherwise create system/user cache if pkgpath == sys.path[0]: cache_dir = modpath elif os_data.uid in (os_data.root_uid, os_data.portage_uid): cache_dir = const.SYSTEM_CACHE_PATH uid = os_data.portage_uid gid = os_data.portage_gid mode = 0o775 else: cache_dir = const.USER_CACHE_PATH # put pkgcore consumer plugins (e.g. pkgcheck) inside pkgcore cache dir if cache_dir in (const.SYSTEM_CACHE_PATH, const.USER_CACHE_PATH): chunks = package.__name__.split(".", 1) if chunks[0] != os.path.basename(cache_dir): cache_dir = pjoin(cache_dir, chunks[0]) # package plugin cache, see above. package_cache = defaultdict(set) stored_cache_name = pjoin(cache_dir, CACHE_FILENAME) stored_cache = _read_cache_file(package, stored_cache_name) if force: _clean_old_caches(cache_dir) # Directory cache, mapping modulename to # (mtime, set([keys])) modlist = listdir_files(modpath) modlist = set( x for x in modlist if os.path.splitext(x)[1] == ".py" and x != "" ) cache_stale = False # Hunt for modules. actual_cache = defaultdict(set) mtime_cache = mappings.defaultdictkey(lambda x: int(os.path.getmtime(x))) for modfullname in sorted(modlist): modname = os.path.splitext(modfullname)[0] # It is an actual module. Check if its cache entry is valid. mtime = mtime_cache[pjoin(modpath, modfullname)] vals = stored_cache.get((modname, mtime)) if vals is None or force: # Cache entry is stale. logger.debug( "stale because of %s: actual %s != stored %s", modname, mtime, stored_cache.get(modname, (0, ()))[0], ) cache_stale = True entries = [] qualname = ".".join((package.__name__, modname)) module = import_module(qualname) registry = getattr(module, PLUGIN_ATTR, {}) vals = set() for key, plugs in registry.items(): for idx, plug_name in enumerate(plugs): if isinstance(plug_name, str): plug = _process_plugin( package, _plugin_data(key, 0, qualname, plug_name) ) else: plug = plug_name if plug is None: # import failure, ignore it, error already logged continue priority = getattr(plug, "priority", 0) if not isinstance(priority, int): logger.error( "ignoring plugin %s: has a non integer priority: %s", plug, priority, ) continue if plug_name is plug: # this means it's an object, rather than a string; store # the offset. plug_name = idx data = _plugin_data(key, priority, qualname, plug_name) vals.add(data) actual_cache[(modname, mtime)] = vals for data in vals: package_cache[data.key].add(data) if force or set(stored_cache) != set(actual_cache): logger.debug("updating cache %r for new plugins", stored_cache_name) ensure_dirs(cache_dir, uid=uid, gid=gid, mode=mode) _write_cache_file(stored_cache_name, actual_cache, uid=uid, gid=gid) return mappings.ImmutableDict((k, sort_plugs(v)) for k, v in package_cache.items())
[docs] def get_plugins(key, package=None): """Return all enabled plugins matching "key". Plugins with a C{disabled} attribute evaluating to C{True} are skipped. """ if package is None: package = import_module(".plugins", __name__.split(".")[0]) cache = _global_cache[package] for plug in _process_plugins(package, cache.get(key, ()), filter_disabled=True): yield plug
[docs] def get_plugin(key, package=None): """Get a single plugin matching this key. This assumes all plugins for this key have a priority attribute. If any of them do not the AttributeError is not stopped. :return: highest-priority plugin or None if no plugin available. """ if package is None: package = import_module(".plugins", __name__.split(".")[0]) cache = _global_cache[package] for plug in _process_plugins(package, cache.get(key, ()), filter_disabled=True): # first returned will be the highest. return plug return None
def extend_path(path, name): """Simpler version of the stdlib's :obj:`pkgutil.extend_path`. It does not support ".pkg" files, and it does not require an (this is important: we want only one thing (pkgcore itself) to install the to avoid name clashes). It also modifies the "path" list in place (and returns C{None}) instead of copying it and returning the modified copy. """ if not isinstance(path, list): # This could happen e.g. when this is called from inside a # frozen package. Return the path unchanged in that case. return # Reconstitute as relative path. pname = pjoin(*name.split(".")) for entry in sys.path: if not isinstance(entry, str) or not os.path.isdir(entry): continue subdir = pjoin(entry, pname) # XXX This may still add duplicate entries to path on # case-insensitive filesystems if subdir not in path: path.append(subdir) # Global plugin cache. Mapping of package to package cache, which is a # mapping of plugin key to a list of module names. _global_cache = mappings.defaultdictkey(initialize_cache)