Source code for pkgcore.repository.multiplex

repository that combines multiple repos together

__all__ = ("tree", "operations")

import os
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain
from operator import itemgetter

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.compatibility import sorted_cmp
from snakeoil.currying import post_curry
from snakeoil.iterables import iter_sort

from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from ..operations import repo as repo_interface
from . import errors, prototype

[docs] class operations(repo_interface.operations_proxy): ops_stop_after_first_supported = frozenset(["install", "uninstall", "replace"]) @klass.cached_property def raw_operations(self): return frozenset( chain.from_iterable( tree.operations.raw_operations for tree in self.repo.trees ) ) @klass.cached_property def enabled_operations(self): s = set( chain.from_iterable( tree.operations.enabled_operations for tree in self.repo.trees ) ) return frozenset(self._apply_overrides(s)) def _setup_api(self): for op in self.enabled_operations: setattr(self, op, partial(self._proxy_op, op)) def _proxy_op(self, op_name, *args, **kwds): ret = singleton = object() for tree in self.repo.trees: ops = tree.operations if not ops.supports(op_name): continue # track the success for return. ret2 = getattr(ops, op_name)(*args, **kwds) if ret is singleton: ret = ret2 else: ret = ret and ret2 if op_name in self.ops_stop_after_first_supported: return ret if ret is singleton: raise NotImplementedError(self, op_name) return ret
[docs] class tree(prototype.tree): """Repository combining multiple repos together. Args: trees (list): :obj:`pkgcore.repository.prototype.tree` instances Attributes: frozen_settable (bool): controls whether frozen is able to be set on initialization operations_kls: callable to generate a repo operations instance trees (list): :obj:`pkgcore.repository.prototype.tree` instances """ frozen_settable = False operations_kls = operations pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(types={"repos": "refs:repo"}, typename="repo") def __init__(self, *trees, repos=()): super().__init__() trees = trees + tuple(repos) for x in trees: if not hasattr(x, "itermatch"): raise errors.InitializationError( f"{x} is not a repository tree derivative" ) self.trees = trees def _get_categories(self): d = set() for x in self.trees: try: d.update(x.categories) except (errors.RepoError, KeyError): pass if not d: raise KeyError("failed getting categories") return tuple(d) def _get_packages(self, category): d = set() for x in self.trees: try: d.update(x.packages[category]) except (errors.RepoError, KeyError): pass if not d: raise KeyError(f"category {category!r} not found") return tuple(d) def _get_versions(self, package): d = set() for x in self.trees: try: d.update(x.versions[package]) except (errors.RepoError, KeyError): pass if not d: raise KeyError(f"category {package!r} not found") return tuple(d)
[docs] def path_restrict(self, path): """Create a package restriction from a given path within a repo. Args: path (str): file path, usually to an ebuild or binpkg Returns: package restriction Raises: ValueError: path doesn't conform to correct repo layout format or isn't within the repo """ for repo in self.trees: if path not in repo: continue try: return repo.path_restrict(path) except ValueError: raise raise ValueError(f"no repo contains: {path!r}")
[docs] def itermatch(self, restrict, **kwds): sorter = kwds.get("sorter", iter) if sorter is iter: return ( match for repo in self.trees for match in repo.itermatch(restrict, **kwds) ) # ugly, and a bit slow, but works. def f(x, y): l = sorter([x, y]) if l[0] == y: return 1 return -1 f = post_curry(sorted_cmp, f, key=itemgetter(0)) return iter_sort(f, *[repo.itermatch(restrict, **kwds) for repo in self.trees])
itermatch.__doc__ = prototype.tree.itermatch.__doc__.replace( "@param", "@keyword" ).replace(":keyword restrict:", ":param restrict:") def __iter__(self): return (pkg for repo in self.trees for pkg in repo) def __len__(self): return sum(len(repo) for repo in self.trees) def __contains__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, str): # check by repo id if obj in map(str, self.trees): return True # check by path path = os.path.realpath(obj) for repo in self.trees: try: repo_path = os.path.realpath(repo.location) except AttributeError: continue if path.startswith(repo_path): return True return False elif isinstance(obj, prototype.tree): return obj in self.trees else: for pkg in self.itermatch(obj): return True return False def __getitem__(self, key): for t in self.trees: try: p = t[key] return p except KeyError: pass # made it here, no match. raise KeyError(f"package {key} not found") def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, prototype.tree): if other not in self.trees: self.trees += (other,) return self elif isinstance(other, tree): return tree(*(self.trees + other.trees)) raise TypeError( f"cannot add {other.__class__.__name__!r} and {self.__class__.__name__!r} objects" ) def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, prototype.tree): if other not in self.trees: self.trees = (other,) + self.trees return self elif isinstance(other, tree): return tree(*(other.trees + self.trees)) raise TypeError( f"cannot add {other.__class__.__name__!r} and {self.__class__.__name__!r} objects" ) def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__} trees={getattr(self, 'trees', 'unset')!r} @{id(self):#8x}>" @property def pkg_masks(self): return frozenset(chain.from_iterable(repo.pkg_masks for repo in self.trees)) @property def location(self): return tuple(x.location for x in self.trees) @property def frozen(self): """bool: Repository mutability status.""" return all(x.frozen for x in self.trees)