Source code for pkgcore.resolver.pigeonholes

__all__ = ("PigeonHoledSlots",)

from ..restrictions import restriction

# lil too getter/setter like for my tastes...

[docs] class PigeonHoledSlots: """class for tracking slotting to a specific atom/obj key no atoms present, just prevents conflicts of obj.key; atom present, assumes it's a blocker and ensures no obj matches the atom for that key """ def __init__(self): self.slot_dict = {} self.limiters = {}
[docs] def fill_slotting(self, obj, force=False): """Try to insert obj in. :return: any conflicting objs (empty list if inserted successfully). """ l = self.check_limiters(obj) key = obj.key dslot = obj.slot l.extend(x for x in self.slot_dict.get(key, ()) if x.slot == dslot) if not l or force: self.slot_dict.setdefault(key, []).append(obj) return l
[docs] def get_conflicting_slot(self, pkg): for x in self.slot_dict.get(pkg.key, ()): if pkg.slot == x.slot: return x return None
[docs] def find_atom_matches(self, atom, key=None): if key is None: key = atom.key return list(filter(atom.match, self.slot_dict.get(key, ())))
[docs] def add_limiter(self, atom, key=None): """add a limiter, returning any conflicting objs""" if not isinstance(atom, restriction.base): raise TypeError( f"atom must be a restriction.base derivative: got {atom!r}, key={key!r}" ) # debug. if key is None: key = atom.key self.limiters.setdefault(key, []).append(atom) return self.find_atom_matches(atom, key=key)
[docs] def check_limiters(self, obj): """return any limiters conflicting w/ the passed in obj""" key = obj.key return [x for x in self.limiters.get(key, ()) if x.match(obj)]
[docs] def remove_slotting(self, obj): key = obj.key # let the key error be thrown if they screwed up. slots = self.slot_dict.get(key, ()) l = [x for x in slots if x is not obj] if len(l) == len(slots): raise KeyError(f"obj {obj} isn't slotted") if l: self.slot_dict[key] = l else: del self.slot_dict[key]
[docs] def remove_limiter(self, atom, key=None): if key is None: key = atom.key l = [x for x in self.limiters[key] if x is not atom] if len(l) == len(self.limiters[key]): raise KeyError(f"obj {atom} isn't slotted") if not l: del self.limiters[key] else: self.limiters[key] = l
def __contains__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, restriction.base): return obj in self.limiters.get(obj.key, ()) return obj in self.slot_dict.get(obj.key, ())