Source code for pkgcore.resolver.plan

__all__ = ("resolver_frame", "resolver_stack", "merge_plan")

import operator
import sys
from collections import deque
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain, filterfalse, islice

from snakeoil.compatibility import cmp, sort_cmp
from snakeoil.iterables import caching_iter

# XXX: hack; see insert_blockers
from ..ebuild import atom as _atom
from ..repository import filtered, misc, multiplex, util
from ..restrictions import packages, restriction, values
from . import state
from .choice_point import choice_point

limiters = set(["cycle"])

def dprint(handle, fmt, args=None, label=None):
    if None in limiters or label in limiters:
        if args:
            fmt = fmt % args

# iter/pkg sorting functions for selection strategy
pkg_sort_highest = partial(sorted, reverse=True)
pkg_sort_lowest = sorted

pkg_grabber = operator.itemgetter(0)

def highest_iter_sort(l, pkg_grabber=pkg_grabber):
    """Sort a list of packages from highest to lowest and prefer livefs.

    :param l: list of packages
    :param pkg_grabber: function to use as an attrgetter
    :return: sorted list of packages

    def f(x, y):
        c = cmp(x, y)
        if c:
            return c
        elif x.repo.livefs:
            if y.repo.livefs:
                return 0
            return 1
        elif y.repo.livefs:
            return -1
        return 0

    sort_cmp(l, f, key=pkg_grabber, reverse=True)
    return l

def downgrade_iter_sort(restrict, l, pkg_grabber=pkg_grabber):
    """Sort a list of packages from highest to lowest and prefer nonlivefs.

    :param l: list of packages
    :param pkg_grabber: function to use as an attrgetter
    :return: sorted list of packages

    def f(x, y):
        c = cmp(x, y)
        if x.repo.livefs:
            if y.repo.livefs:
                return c
            return -1
        elif y.repo.livefs:
            return 1
        elif restrict.match(x):
            if restrict.match(y):
                return 1
            return -1
        elif restrict.match(y):
            return 1
        return c

    sort_cmp(l, f, key=pkg_grabber, reverse=True)
    return l

def lowest_iter_sort(l, pkg_grabber=pkg_grabber):
    """Sort a list of packages from lowest to highest.

    :param l: list of packages
    :param pkg_grabber: function to use as an attrgetter
    :return: sorted list of packages

    def f(x, y):
        c = cmp(x, y)
        if c:
            return c
        elif x.repo.livefs:
            if y.repo.livefs:
                return 0
            return -1
        elif y.repo.livefs:
            return 1
        return 0

    sort_cmp(l, f, key=pkg_grabber)
    return l

class MutableContainmentRestriction(values.base):
    __slots__ = ("_blacklist", "match")

    def __init__(self, blacklist):
        sf = object.__setattr__
        sf(self, "_blacklist", blacklist)
        sf(self, "match", self._blacklist.__contains__)

[docs] class resolver_frame: __slots__ = ( "parent", "atom", "choices", "mode", "start_point", "dbs", "depth", "drop_cycles", "__weakref__", "ignored", "vdb_limited", "events", "succeeded", ) def __init__( self, parent, mode, atom, choices, dbs, start_point, depth, drop_cycles, ignored=False, vdb_limited=False, ): assert hasattr(dbs, "itermatch") self.parent = parent self.atom = atom self.choices = choices self.dbs = dbs self.mode = mode self.start_point = start_point self.depth = depth self.drop_cycles = drop_cycles self.ignored = False self.vdb_limited = vdb_limited = [] self.succeeded = None
[docs] def reduce_solutions(self, nodes): if isinstance(nodes, (list, tuple)):"reduce", nodes)) else:"reduce", (nodes,))) return self.choices.reduce_atoms(nodes)
def __str__(self): pkg = self.current_pkg if pkg is None: pkg = "exhausted" else: cpv = pkg.cpvstr pkg = getattr(pkg.repo, "repo_id", None) if pkg is not None: pkg = f"{cpv}::{pkg}" else: pkg = str(pkg) if self.succeeded is not None: result = ": %s" % (self.succeeded and "succeeded" or "failed") else: result = "" return "frame%s: mode %r: atom %s: current %s%s%s%s" % ( result, self.mode, self.atom, pkg, self.drop_cycles and ": cycle dropping" or "", self.ignored and ": ignored" or "", self.vdb_limited and ": vdb limited" or "", ) @property def current_pkg(self): """Return the package related to the resolver frame.""" try: return self.choices.current_pkg except IndexError: return None
[docs] class resolver_stack(deque): frame_klass = resolver_frame depth = property(len) current_frame = property(operator.itemgetter(-1)) _filter_ignored = staticmethod(partial(filterfalse, operator.attrgetter("ignored"))) # this *has* to be a property, else it creates a cycle. parent = property(lambda s: s) def __init__(self): = [] def __str__(self): return "resolver stack:\n %s" % "\n ".join(str(x) for x in self) def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, tuple(repr(x) for x in self))
[docs] def add_frame( self, mode, atom, choices, dbs, start_point, drop_cycles, vdb_limited=False ): if not self: parent = self else: parent = self[-1] frame = self.frame_klass( parent, mode, atom, choices, dbs, start_point, self.depth + 1, drop_cycles, vdb_limited=vdb_limited, ) self.append(frame) return frame
[docs] def add_event(self, event): if not self: else: self[-1].events.append(event)
[docs] def pop_frame(self, result): frame = self.pop() frame.succeeded = bool(result)
[docs] def slot_cycles(self, trg_frame, **kwds): pkg = trg_frame.current_pkg slot = pkg.slot key = pkg.key kwds["skip_trg_frame"] = True return ( frame for frame in self._cycles(trg_frame, **kwds) if key == frame.current_pkg.key and slot == frame.current_pkg.slot )
def _cycles(self, trg_frame, start=0, reverse=False, skip_trg_frame=True): if reverse: i = self._filter_ignored(reversed(self)) else: i = self._filter_ignored(self) if start != 0: i = islice(i, start, None) if skip_trg_frame: return (frame for frame in i if frame is not trg_frame) return i
[docs] def index(self, frame, start=0, stop=None): i = self if start != 0 or stop is not None: i = slice(i, start, stop) for idx, x in enumerate(self): if x == frame: return idx + start return -1
[docs] class merge_plan: vdb_restrict = packages.PackageRestriction( "repo.livefs", values.EqualityMatch(True) ) def __init__( self, dbs, per_repo_strategy, global_strategy=None, depset_reorder_strategy=None, process_built_depends=False, drop_cycles=False, debug=False, debug_handle=None, pdb_intercept=None, ): if debug: if debug_handle is None: debug_handle = sys.stdout self._dprint = partial(dprint, debug_handle) else: # don't run debug func when debugging is disabled self._dprint = lambda *args, **kwargs: None if not pdb_intercept: pdb_intercept = packages.AlwaysFalse elif not isinstance(pdb_intercept, packages.PackageRestriction): pdb_intercept = packages.AndRestriction(*pdb_intercept) self.pdb_intercept = pdb_intercept if not isinstance(dbs, (util.RepositoryGroup, list, tuple)): dbs = [dbs] if global_strategy is None: global_strategy = self.default_global_strategy if depset_reorder_strategy is None: depset_reorder_strategy = self.default_depset_reorder_strategy self.depset_reorder = depset_reorder_strategy self.all_raw_dbs = [misc.caching_repo(x, per_repo_strategy) for x in dbs] self.all_dbs = global_strategy(self.all_raw_dbs) self.default_dbs = self.all_dbs self.state = state.plan_state() vdb_state_filter_restrict = MutableContainmentRestriction(self.state.vdb_filter) self.livefs_dbs = multiplex.tree( *[ filtered.tree(x, vdb_state_filter_restrict) for x in self.all_raw_dbs if x.livefs ] ) self.insoluble = set() self.vdb_preloaded = False self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded = self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded_nonpreloaded self.drop_cycles = drop_cycles self.process_built_depends = process_built_depends self._debugging = debug if debug: self._rec_add_atom = partial( self._stack_debugging_rec_add_atom, self._rec_add_atom ) self._debugging_depth = 0 self._debugging_drop_cycles = False @property def forced_restrictions(self): return frozenset(self.state.forced_restrictions)
[docs] def reset(self, point=0): self.state.backtrack(point)
[docs] def notify_starting_mode(self, mode, stack): if mode == "pdepend": mode = "prdepends" self._dprint( "%s:%s%s: started: %s", ( mode, " " * ((stack.current_frame.depth * 2) + 12 - len(mode)), stack.current_frame.atom, stack.current_frame.choices.current_pkg, ), )
[docs] def notify_trying_choice(self, stack, atom, choices): self._dprint( "choose for %s%s, %s", (stack.depth * 2 * " ", atom, choices.current_pkg) ) stack.add_event(("inspecting", choices.current_pkg))
[docs] def notify_choice_failed(self, stack, atom, choices, msg, msg_args=()): stack[-1].events.append( ("choice", str(choices.current_pkg), False, msg % msg_args) ) if msg: msg = ": %s" % (msg % msg_args) self._dprint( "choice for %s%s, %s failed%s", (stack.depth * 2 * " ", atom, choices.current_pkg, msg), )
[docs] def notify_choice_succeeded(self, stack, atom, choices, msg="", msg_args=()): stack[-1].events.append(("choice", str(choices.current_pkg), True, msg)) if msg: msg = ": %s" % (msg % msg_args) self._dprint( "choice for %s%s, %s succeeded%s", (stack.depth * 2 * " ", atom, choices.current_pkg, msg), )
[docs] def notify_viable(self, stack, atom, viable, msg="", pre_solved=False): t_viable = viable and "processing" or "not viable" if pre_solved and viable: t_viable = "pre-solved" t_msg = msg and (" " + msg) or "" s = "" if stack: s = " for %s " % (stack[-1].atom) self._dprint( "%s%s%s%s%s", (t_viable.ljust(13), " " * stack.depth, atom, s, t_msg) ) stack.add_event(("viable", viable, pre_solved, atom, msg))
[docs] def load_vdb_state(self): for pkg in self.livefs_dbs: self._dprint("inserting %s", (pkg,), "vdb") ret = self.add_atom(pkg.versioned_atom) self._dprint("insertion of %s: %s", (pkg, ret), "vdb") if ret: raise Exception( "couldn't load vdb state, %s %s" % (pkg.versioned_atom, ret) ) self.vdb_preloaded = True self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded = self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded_preloaded
[docs] def add_atoms(self, restricts, finalize=False): if restricts: stack = resolver_stack() for restrict in restricts: state.add_hardref_op(restrict).apply(self.state) dbs = self.default_dbs for restrict in restricts: ret = self._add_atom(restrict, stack, dbs) if ret: return ret if finalize: # note via this being outside the recursion, backtracking # is excluded... inline it somehow. self.process_finalize() return ()
[docs] def process_finalize(self): pass
[docs] def add_atom(self, atom): """add an atom, recalculating as necessary. :return: the last unresolvable atom stack if a solution can't be found, else returns None if the atom was successfully added. """ return self.add_atoms([atom])
def _add_atom(self, atom, stack, dbs): ret = self._rec_add_atom(atom, stack, dbs) if ret: self._dprint("failed- %s", ret) return ret,[-1] return () def _stack_debugging_rec_add_atom(self, func, atom, stack, dbs, **kwds): current = len(stack) cycles = kwds.get("drop_cycles", False) reset_cycles = False if cycles and not self._debugging_drop_cycles: self._debugging_drop_cycles = reset_cycles = True if not reset_cycles: self._debugging_depth += 1 assert current == self._debugging_depth - 1 ret = func(atom, stack, dbs, **kwds) assert current == len(stack) assert current == self._debugging_depth - 1 if not reset_cycles: self._debugging_depth -= 1 else: self._debugging_drop_cycles = False return ret def _rec_add_atom(self, atom, stack, dbs, mode="none", drop_cycles=False): """Add an atom. :return: False on no issues (inserted succesfully), else a list of the stack that screwed it up. """ assert hasattr(dbs, "itermatch") limit_to_vdb = dbs == self.livefs_dbs matches = self._viable(stack, mode, atom, dbs, drop_cycles, limit_to_vdb) if matches is None: stack.pop_frame(False) return [atom] elif matches is True: stack.pop_frame(True) return None choices, matches = matches depth = stack.depth if stack: if limit_to_vdb: self._dprint( "processing %s%s [%s]; mode %s vdb bound", (depth * 2 * " ", atom, stack[-1].atom, mode), ) else: self._dprint( "processing %s%s [%s]; mode %s", (depth * 2 * " ", atom, stack[-1].atom, mode), ) else: self._dprint("processing %s%s", (depth * 2 * " ", atom)) ret = self.check_for_cycles(stack, stack.current_frame) if ret is not True: stack.pop_frame(ret is None) return ret failures = [] debugging = self._debugging last_state = None while choices: if debugging: new_state = choices.state if last_state == new_state: raise AssertionError( "no state change detected, " "old %r != new %r\nchoices(%r)\ncurrent(%r)\n" "bdepend(%r)\ndepend(%r)\nrdepend(%r)\npdepend(%r)\n" "idepend(%r)" % ( last_state, new_state, tuple(choices.matches), choices.current_pkg, choices.bdepend, choices.depend, choices.rdepend, choices.pdepend, choices.idepend, ) ) last_state = new_state additions = [] self.notify_trying_choice(stack, atom, choices) if not choices.current_pkg.built or self.process_built_depends: new_additions, failures = self.process_dependencies_and_blocks( stack, choices, "depend", atom, depth ) if failures: continue additions += new_additions new_additions, failures = self.process_dependencies_and_blocks( stack, choices, "bdepend", atom, depth ) if failures: continue additions += new_additions new_additions, failures = self.process_dependencies_and_blocks( stack, choices, "rdepend", atom, depth ) if failures: continue additions += new_additions # TODO: do we need a conditional for merging a pkg here? new_additions, failures = self.process_dependencies_and_blocks( stack, choices, "idepend", atom, depth ) if failures: continue additions += new_additions l = self.insert_choice(atom, choices) if l is False: # this means somehow the node already slipped in. # so we exit now, we are satisfied self.notify_choice_succeeded( stack, atom, choices, "already exists in the state plan" ) stack.pop_frame(True) return None elif l is not None: # failure. self.notify_choice_failed( stack, atom, choices, "failed inserting: %s", l ) self.state.backtrack(stack.current_frame.start_point) choices.force_next_pkg() continue new_additions, failures = self.process_dependencies_and_blocks( stack, choices, "pdepend", atom, depth ) if failures: continue additions += new_additions self.notify_choice_succeeded(stack, atom, choices) stack.pop_frame(True) return None self._dprint("no solution %s%s", (depth * 2 * " ", atom)) stack.add_event( ( "debug", "ran out of choices", ) ) self.state.backtrack(stack.current_frame.start_point) # saving roll. if we're allowed to drop cycles, try it again. # this needs to be *far* more fine grained also. it'll try # regardless of if it's a cycle issue if not drop_cycles and self.drop_cycles: stack.add_event( ("cycle", stack.current_frame, "trying to drop any cycles"), ) self._dprint("trying saving throw for %s ignoring cycles", atom, "cycle") # note everything is retored to a pristine state prior also. stack[-1].ignored = True l = self._rec_add_atom(atom, stack, dbs, mode=mode, drop_cycles=True) if not l: stack.pop_frame(True) return None stack.pop_frame(False) return [atom] + failures def _viable(self, stack, mode, atom, dbs, drop_cycles, limit_to_vdb): """ internal function to discern if an atom is viable, returning the choicepoint/matches iterator if viable. :param stack: current stack :type stack: :obj:`resolver_stack` :param mode: type of dependency (depend/rdepend) :type mode: str :param atom: atom for the current package :type atom: :obj:`pkgcore.ebuild.atom.atom` :param dbs: db list to walk :param drop_cycles: boolean controlling whether to drop dep cycles :param limit_to_vdb: boolean controlling considering pkgs only from the vdb :return: 3 possible; None (not viable), True (presolved), :obj:`caching_iter` (not solved, but viable), :obj:`choice_point` """ if self.pdb_intercept.match(atom): import pdb pdb.set_trace() choices = ret = None if atom in self.insoluble: ret = ((False, "globally insoluble"), {}) matches = () else: matches = self.state.match_atom(atom) if matches: ret = ((True,), {"pre_solved": True}) else: # not in the plan thus far. matches = caching_iter(dbs.itermatch(atom)) if matches: choices = choice_point(atom, matches) # ignore what dropped out, at this juncture we don't care. choices.reduce_atoms(self.insoluble) if not choices: # and was intractable because it has a hard dep on an # unsolvable atom. ret = ( (False, "pruning of insoluble deps " "left no choices"), {}, ) else: ret = ((False, "no matches"), {}) if choices is None: choices = choice_point(atom, matches) stack.add_frame( mode, atom, choices, dbs, self.state.current_state, drop_cycles, vdb_limited=limit_to_vdb, ) if not limit_to_vdb and not matches: self.insoluble.add(atom) if ret is not None: self.notify_viable(stack, atom, *ret[0], **ret[1]) if ret[0][0] == True: state.add_backref_op(choices, choices.current_pkg).apply(self.state) return True return None return choices, matches
[docs] def check_for_cycles(self, stack, cur_frame): """Check the current stack for cyclical issues. :param stack: current stack, a :obj:`resolver_stack` instance :param cur_frame: current frame, a :obj:`resolver_frame` instance :return: True if no issues and resolution should continue, else the value to return after collapsing the calling frame """ force_vdb = False for frame in stack.slot_cycles(cur_frame, reverse=True): if not any( f.mode == "pdepend" for f in islice(stack, stack.index(frame), stack.index(cur_frame)) ): # exact same pkg. if frame.mode in ("bdepend", "depend"): # ok, we *must* go vdb if not already. if frame.current_pkg.repo.livefs: if cur_frame.current_pkg.repo.livefs: return None # force it to vdb. if cur_frame.current_pkg.repo.livefs: return True elif ( cur_frame.current_pkg == frame.current_pkg and cur_frame.mode == "pdepend" ): # if non vdb and it's a post_rdeps cycle for the cur # node, exempt it; assuming the stack succeeds, # it's satisfied return True force_vdb = True break else: # should be doing a full walk of the cycle here, seeing # if an rdep becomes a dep. return None # portage::gentoo -> rysnc -> portage::vdb; let it process it. return True # only need to look at the most recent match; reasoning is simple, # logic above forces it to vdb if needed. break if not force_vdb: return True # we already know the current pkg isn't livefs; force livefs to # sidestep this."cycle", cur_frame, "limiting to vdb")) cur_frame.ignored = True return self._rec_add_atom( cur_frame.atom, stack, self.livefs_dbs, mode=cur_frame.mode, drop_cycles=cur_frame.drop_cycles, )
[docs] def process_dependencies_and_blocks( self, stack, choices, attr, atom=None, depth=None ): if atom is None: atom = stack.current_frame.atom if depth is None: depth = stack.depth depset = self.depset_reorder(getattr(choices, attr), attr) l = self.process_dependencies(stack, choices, attr, depset, atom) if len(l) == 1: self._dprint( "resetting for %s%s because of %s: %s", (depth * 2 * " ", atom, attr, l[0]), ) self.state.backtrack(stack.current_frame.start_point) return [], l[0] additions = l[0] return additions, []
[docs] def process_dependencies(self, stack, choices, mode, depset, atom): failure = [] ( additions, blocks, ) = ( [], [], ) cur_frame = stack.current_frame self.notify_starting_mode(mode, stack) for potentials in depset: failure = [] for or_node in potentials: if or_node.blocks: failure = self.process_blocker(stack, choices, or_node, mode, atom) if not failure: blocks.append(or_node) break else: failure = self._rec_add_atom( or_node, stack, cur_frame.dbs, mode=mode, drop_cycles=cur_frame.drop_cycles, ) if not failure: additions.append(or_node) break # XXX this is whacky tacky fantastically crappy # XXX kill it; purpose seems... questionable. if cur_frame.drop_cycles: self._dprint( "%s level cycle: %s: " "dropping cycle for %s from %s", (mode, cur_frame.atom, or_node, cur_frame.current_pkg), "cycle", ) failure = None break if cur_frame.reduce_solutions(or_node): # pkg changed. return [failure] continue else: # didn't find any solutions to this or block. cur_frame.reduce_solutions(potentials) return [potentials] else: # all potentials were usable. return additions, blocks
[docs] def process_blocker(self, stack, choices, blocker, mode, atom): ret = self.insert_blockers(stack, choices, [blocker]) if ret is None: return [] self.notify_choice_failed( stack, atom, choices, "%s blocker: %s conflicts w/ %s", (mode, ret[0], ret[1]), ) return [ret[0]]
def _ensure_livefs_is_loaded_preloaded(self, restrict): return def _ensure_livefs_is_loaded_nonpreloaded(self, restrict): # do a trick to make the resolver now aware of vdb pkgs if needed # check for any matches; none, try and insert vdb nodes. l = self.state.match_atom(restrict) if not l: # hmm. ok... no conflicts, so we insert in vdb matches # to trigger a replace instead of an install for pkg in self.livefs_dbs.itermatch(restrict): self._dprint("inserting vdb node for %s %s", (restrict, pkg)) c = choice_point(restrict, [pkg]) state.add_op(c, c.current_pkg, force=True).apply(self.state)
[docs] def insert_choice(self, atom, choices): # first, check for conflicts. # lil bit fugly, but works for the moment if not choices.current_pkg.repo.livefs: self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded(choices.current_pkg.slotted_atom) conflicts = state.add_op(choices, choices.current_pkg).apply(self.state) if conflicts: # this means in this branch of resolution, someone slipped # something in already. cycle, basically. # hack. see if what was inserted is enough for us. # this is tricky... if it's the same node inserted # (cycle), then we ignore it; this does *not* perfectly # behave though, doesn't discern between repos. # Note that virtual pkg conflicts are skipped since it's assumed # they are injected. virtual = ( any(not getattr(x, "package_is_real", True) for x in conflicts) or not choices.current_pkg.package_is_real ) if virtual or ( len(conflicts) == 1 and conflicts[0] == choices.current_pkg and ( conflicts[0].repo.livefs == choices.current_pkg.repo.livefs and atom.match(conflicts[0]) ) ): # early exit. means that a cycle came about, but exact # same result slipped through. return False self._dprint( "was trying to insert atom '%s' pkg '%s',\nbut '[%s]' exists already", (atom, choices.current_pkg, ", ".join(map(str, conflicts))), ) try_rematch = False if any(True for x in conflicts if isinstance(x, restriction.base)): # blocker was caught try_rematch = True elif not any(True for x in conflicts if not self.vdb_restrict.match(x)): # vdb entry, replace. if self.vdb_restrict.match(choices.current_pkg): # we're replacing a vdb entry with a vdb entry? wtf. print( "internal weirdness spotted- vdb restrict matches, " "but current doesn't, bailing" ) raise Exception( "internal weirdness- vdb restrict matches ", "but current doesn't. bailing- run w/ --debug", ) conflicts = state.replace_op(choices, choices.current_pkg).apply( self.state ) if not conflicts: self._dprint( "replacing vdb entry for '%s' with pkg '%s'", (atom, choices.current_pkg), ) else: try_rematch = True if try_rematch: # XXX: this block looks whacked. figure out what it's up to. l2 = self.state.match_atom(atom) if l2 == [choices.current_pkg]: # stop resolution. conflicts = False elif l2: # potentially need to do some form of cleanup here. conflicts = False else: conflicts = None return conflicts
[docs] def generate_mangled_blocker(self, choices, blocker): """converts a blocker into a "cannot block ourself" block""" # note the second Or clause is a bit loose; allows any version to # slip through instead of blocking everything that isn't the # parent pkg if blocker.category != "virtual": return blocker return packages.AndRestriction( blocker, packages.PackageRestriction( "provider.key", values.StrExactMatch(choices.current_pkg.key), negate=True, ignore_missing=True, ), )
[docs] def insert_blockers(self, stack, choices, blocks): # level blockers. was_livefs = choices.current_pkg.repo.livefs for x in blocks: if not was_livefs: self._ensure_livefs_is_loaded(x) rewrote_blocker = self.generate_mangled_blocker(choices, x) l = self.state.add_blocker(choices, rewrote_blocker, key=x.key) if l: # blocker caught something. yay. self._dprint( "%s blocker %s hit %s for atom %s pkg %s", (stack[-1].mode, x, l, stack[-1].atom, choices.current_pkg), ) if x.weak_blocker: # note that we use the top frame of the stacks' dbs; this # is to allow us to upgrade as needed. # For this to match, it's *only* possible if the blocker is resolved # since the limiter is already in place. result = self._rec_add_atom( packages.KeyedAndRestriction( restriction.Negate(x), _atom.atom(x.key), key=x.key ), stack, stack[0].dbs, ) if not result: # ok, inserted a new version. did it take care of the conflict? # it /may/ not have, via filling a different slot... result = self.state.match_atom(x) if not result: # ignore the blocker, we resolved past it. continue return x, l return None
[docs] def free_caches(self): for repo in self.all_raw_dbs: repo.clear()
# selection strategies for atom matches
[docs] def default_depset_reorder_strategy(self, depset, mode): for or_block in depset: vdb = [] non_vdb = [] if len(or_block) == 1: yield or_block continue for atom in or_block: if atom.blocks: non_vdb.append(atom) elif self.state.match_atom(atom): vdb.append(atom) elif atom in self.livefs_dbs: vdb.append(atom) else: non_vdb.append(atom) if vdb: yield vdb + non_vdb else: yield or_block
[docs] @staticmethod def default_global_strategy(dbs, atom): return chain(*[repo.itermatch(atom) for repo in dbs])
[docs] @staticmethod def just_livefs_dbs(dbs): return (r for r in dbs if r.livefs)
[docs] @staticmethod def just_nonlivefs_dbs(dbs): return (r for r in dbs if not r.livefs)
[docs] @classmethod def prefer_livefs_dbs(cls, dbs, just_vdb=None): """ :param dbs: db list to walk :param just_vdb: if None, no filtering; if True, just vdb, if False, non-vdb only :return: yields repos in requested ordering """ return chain(cls.just_livefs_dbs(dbs), cls.just_nonlivefs_dbs(dbs))
[docs] @classmethod def prefer_nonlivefs_dbs(cls, dbs, just_vdb=None): """ :param dbs: db list to walk :param just_vdb: if None, no filtering; if True, just vdb, if False, non-vdb only :return: yields repos in requested ordering """ return chain(cls.just_nonlivefs_dbs(dbs), cls.just_livefs_dbs(dbs))
[docs] @classmethod def prefer_highest_version_strategy(cls, dbs): return misc.multiplex_sorting_repo( highest_iter_sort, cls.prefer_livefs_dbs(dbs) )
[docs] @staticmethod def prefer_lowest_version_strategy(dbs): return misc.multiplex_sorting_repo(lowest_iter_sort, dbs)
[docs] @classmethod def prefer_downgrade_version_strategy(cls, restrict, dbs): return misc.multiplex_sorting_repo( partial(downgrade_iter_sort, restrict), cls.prefer_nonlivefs_dbs(dbs) )
[docs] @classmethod def prefer_reuse_strategy(cls, dbs): return multiplex.tree( misc.multiplex_sorting_repo(highest_iter_sort, cls.just_livefs_dbs(dbs)), misc.multiplex_sorting_repo(highest_iter_sort, cls.just_nonlivefs_dbs(dbs)), )