Source code for pkgcore.sync.rsync

__all__ = (

import os
import socket
import tempfile
import time
from itertools import islice

from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin

from ..config.hint import ConfigHint
from . import base

[docs] class rsync_syncer(base.ExternalSyncer): default_excludes = ["/distfiles", "/local", "/packages"] default_includes = [] default_conn_timeout = 15 default_opts = [ "--recursive", "--delete", "--delete-delay", "--perms", "--times", "--compress", "--force", "--links", "--safe-links", "--stats", "--human-readable", "--timeout=180", "--whole-file", # this one probably shouldn't be a default ] default_retries = 5 binary = "rsync" @classmethod def _parse_uri(cls, raw_uri): if not raw_uri.startswith("rsync://") and not raw_uri.startswith("rsync+"): raise base.UriError(raw_uri, "doesn't start with rsync:// nor rsync+") if raw_uri.startswith("rsync://"): return None, raw_uri proto = raw_uri.split(":", 1) proto[0] = proto[0].split("+", 1)[1] cls.require_binary(proto[0]) return proto[0], f"rsync:{proto[1]}" pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint( types={ "basedir": "str", "uri": "str", "conn_timeout": "str", "usersync": "bool", "compress": "bool", "excludes": "list", "includes": "list", "retries": "str", "opts": "list", "extra_opts": "list", "proxy": "str", }, typename="syncer", ) def __init__( self, basedir, uri, conn_timeout=default_conn_timeout, usersync=False, compress=False, excludes=(), includes=(), retries=default_retries, proxy=None, opts=(), extra_opts=(), ): uri = uri.rstrip(os.path.sep) + os.path.sep self.rsh, uri = self._parse_uri(uri) super().__init__(basedir, uri, default_verbosity=1, usersync=usersync) self.hostname = self.parse_hostname(self.uri) if self.rsh: self.rsh = self.require_binary(self.rsh) self.opts = list(opts) if opts else list(self.default_opts) self.opts.extend(extra_opts) if compress: self.opts.append("--compress") self.opts.append(f"--contimeout={int(conn_timeout)}") self.excludes = list(self.default_excludes) + list(excludes) self.includes = list(self.default_includes) + list(includes) self.retries = int(retries) self.use_proxy = proxy is not None if self.use_proxy: self.env["RSYNC_PROXY"] = proxy self.is_ipv6 = "--ipv6" in self.opts or "-6" in self.opts self.is_ipv6 = self.is_ipv6 and socket.has_ipv6
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_hostname(uri): return uri[len("rsync://") :].split("@", 1)[-1].split("/", 1)[0]
def _get_ips(self): if self.use_proxy: # If we're using a proxy, name resolution is best left to the proxy. yield self.hostname return af_fam = socket.AF_INET if self.is_ipv6: af_fam = socket.AF_INET6 try: for ipaddr in socket.getaddrinfo( self.hostname, None, af_fam, socket.SOCK_STREAM ): if ipaddr[0] == socket.AF_INET6: yield f"[{ipaddr[4][0]}]" else: yield ipaddr[4][0] except OSError as e: raise base.SyncError( f"DNS resolution failed for {self.hostname!r}: {e.strerror}" ) def _sync(self, verbosity): opts = list(self.opts) if self.rsh: opts.append("-e") opts.append(self.rsh) opts.extend(f"--exclude={x}" for x in self.excludes) opts.extend(f"--include={x}" for x in self.includes) if verbosity < 0: opts.append("--quiet") elif verbosity > 0: opts.extend("-v" for x in range(verbosity)) # zip limits to the shortest iterable ret = None for ip in islice(self._get_ips(), self.retries): cmd = [ self.binary_path, self.uri.replace(self.hostname, ip, 1), self.basedir, ] + opts ret = self._spawn(cmd) if ret == 0: return True elif ret == 1: raise base.SyncError("rsync command syntax error: {' '.join(cmd)}") elif ret == 11: raise base.SyncError("rsync ran out of disk space") # need to do something here instead of just restarting... # else: # print(ret) raise base.SyncError("all attempts failed")
class _RsyncFileSyncer(rsync_syncer): """Support syncing a single file over rsync.""" def __init__(self, path, uri): super().__init__(basedir=path, uri=uri) # override parent classes that always assume directory syncing self.basedir = path self.uri = uri
[docs] class rsync_timestamp_syncer(rsync_syncer): forcable = True forward_sync_delay = 25 * 60 # 25 minutes negative_sync_delay = 60 * 60 # 60 minutes def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.last_timestamp = self.current_timestamp()
[docs] def current_timestamp(self, path=None): """ :param path: override the default path for the timestamp to read :return: string of the timestamp data """ if path is None: path = pjoin(self.basedir, "metadata", "timestamp.chk") try: with open(path) as f: date, offset ="+", 1) date = time.mktime(time.strptime(date, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S ")) # add the hour/minute offset date += int(offset[:2] * 60) + int(offset[2:]) return date except (FileNotFoundError, NotADirectoryError): return None except ValueError: # malformed timestamp return None
def _sync(self, verbosity, force=False): doit = force or self.last_timestamp is None ret = None try: if not doit: # try to sync the timestamp file to check the delta with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as new_timestamp: timestamp_uri = pjoin(self.uri, "metadata", "timestamp.chk") timestamp_path = timestamp_syncer = _RsyncFileSyncer(timestamp_path, timestamp_uri) ret = timestamp_syncer._sync(verbosity) if not ret: doit = True else: delta = ( self.current_timestamp(timestamp_path) - self.last_timestamp ) if delta >= 0: doit = delta > self.forward_sync_delay else: doit = delta > self.negative_sync_delay if not doit: return True ret = super()._sync(verbosity) # force a reset of the timestamp self.last_timestamp = self.current_timestamp() finally: if ret: return ret # ensure the timestamp is back to the old try: timestamp_path = pjoin(self.basedir, "metadata", "timestamp.chk") if self.last_timestamp is None: os.remove(timestamp_path) else: with open(timestamp_path, "w") as f: f.write( time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(self.last_timestamp), ) ) except EnvironmentError: # don't care... pass return ret