
Current design doesn’t coalesce- expects that each atom as it’s passed in specifies the dbs, which is how it does it’s update/empty-tree trickery.

This isn’t optimal. Need to flag specific atoms/matches as “upgrade if possible” or “empty tree if possible”, etc; via this, we get coalescing behaviour. Specifically, if the targets are git[subversion] and subversion, we want both upgraded. So when resolving git[subversion] and encountering dev-util/subversion, we should aim for upgrading it per the commandline request.

Additional question- should we apply this coalescing awareness to intermediate atoms along the way resolution wise? specifically, the cnf/dnf solutions, grabbing those and stating “yeah, collapse to these if possible since they’re likely required” ?

resolver redesign

Hate to say it, but should go back to a specific ‘resolve’ method w/ the resolver plan object holding targets- reason being, we may have to backtrack the whole way.

config/use issues

need to find a way to clone a stack, getting a standalone config stack if possible for the resolver- specifically so it can do resets as needed, track what is involved (use dep forcing) w/out influencing preexisting access to that tree, nor being affected by said usage.