pconfig - configuration querying utility


pconfig [-h] [–version] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–config CONFIG_PATH] {classes,describe_class,uncollapsable,dump,configurables,dump-uncollapsed,package,world} …

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Show this program’s version information and exit.

When running from within a git repo or a version installed from git the latest commit hash and date will be shown.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

Config Options

--config CONFIG_PATH

The path to a custom pkgcore config file or portage config directory can be given to override loading the default system config.

Alternatively, an argument of ‘false’ or ‘no’ will skip loading the system config entirely if one exists.


configuration related subcommands

pconfig classes - list all classes referenced by the config


pconfig classes [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN]

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig describe_class - describe the arguments a class needs, how to use it in a config


pconfig describe_class [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] target_class

Positional Arguments


The class to inspect and output details about

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig uncollapsable - show configuration objects that could not be collapsed/instantiated


pconfig uncollapsable [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN]

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig dump - dump the entire configuration


pconfig dump [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [typename]

Positional Arguments


if specified, limit output to just config directives of this type (defaults to showing all types)

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig configurables - list registered configurables (may not be complete)


pconfig configurables [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [typename]

Positional Arguments


if specified, only output configurables of that type; else output all configurables

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig dump-uncollapsed - dump the configuration in a raw, uncollapsed form


pconfig dump-uncollapsed [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN]

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig package - invoke a packages custom configuration scripts


pconfig package [–domain DOMAIN] [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] query [query …]

Positional Arguments


restrictions/atoms; matching installed packages will be configured

Config Options

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

pconfig world - inspect and modify the world file


pconfig world [–domain DOMAIN] [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [-l] [-r REMOVE] [-a ADD]

Config Options

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

Command Modes

These options are directives for what to do with the world file. You can do multiple operations in a single invocation. For example, you can have –add x11-wm/fluxbox –remove gnome-base/gnome -l to add fluxbox, remove gnome, and list the world file contents all in one call.

-l, --list

List the current world file contents for this domain.

-r REMOVE, --remove REMOVE

Remove an entry from the world file. Can be specified multiple times.

-a ADD, --add ADD

Add an entry to the world file. Can be specified multiple times.