pinspect - repository inspection interface


pinspect [-h] [–version] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–config CONFIG_PATH] {pkgsets,eapi_usage,license_usage,eclass_usage,mirror_usage,distfiles_usage,query,portageq,profile,digests} …

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


show this program’s version info and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

Config Options

--config CONFIG_PATH

use custom config or skip loading system config


report applets

pinspect eapi_usage - report of eapi usage for targeted repos


pinspect eapi_usage [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–no-final-summary] [–sort-by-name] [–first FIRST | –last LAST] [repo …]

Positional Arguments


repo(s) to inspect



disable outputting a summary of data across all repos


sort output by name, rather then by frequency

--first FIRST

show only the first N detail items

--last LAST

show only the last N detail items

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect license_usage - report of license usage for targeted repos


pinspect license_usage [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–no-final-summary] [–sort-by-name] [–first FIRST | –last LAST] [repo …]

Positional Arguments


repo(s) to inspect



disable outputting a summary of data across all repos


sort output by name, rather then by frequency

--first FIRST

show only the first N detail items

--last LAST

show only the last N detail items

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect eclass_usage - report of eclass usage for targeted repos


pinspect eclass_usage [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–no-final-summary] [–sort-by-name] [–first FIRST | –last LAST] [repo …]

Positional Arguments


repo(s) to inspect



disable outputting a summary of data across all repos


sort output by name, rather then by frequency

--first FIRST

show only the first N detail items

--last LAST

show only the last N detail items

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect mirror_usage - report of SRC_URI mirror usage for targeted repos


pinspect mirror_usage [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–no-final-summary] [–sort-by-name] [–first FIRST | –last LAST] [repo …]

Positional Arguments


repo(s) to inspect



disable outputting a summary of data across all repos


sort output by name, rather then by frequency

--first FIRST

show only the first N detail items

--last LAST

show only the last N detail items

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect distfiles_usage - report detailing distfiles space usage for targeted repos


pinspect distfiles_usage [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–no-final-summary | –no-repo-summary | –no-detail] [–sort-by-name] [–first FIRST | –last LAST] [–include-nonmirrored] [–include-restricted] [repo …]

Positional Arguments


repo(s) to inspect



disable outputting a summary of data across all repos


disable outputting repo summaries


disable outputting a detail view of all repos


sort output by name, rather then by frequency

--first FIRST

show only the first N detail items

--last LAST

show only the last N detail items


if set, nonmirrored distfiles will be included in the total


if set, fetch restricted distfiles will be included in the total

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query - auxiliary access to ebuild/repo info via portageq akin api


pinspect query [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] {best_version,env_var,get_profiles,get_repo_path,get_repos,has_version,mass_best_version} …

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support


query commands

pinspect query best_version - Return the maximum visible version for a given atom.

pinspect query best_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] atom

Positional Arguments

atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query env_var - return configuration defined variables.

pinspect query env_var [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] variable [variable …]

Positional Arguments

variable to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query get_profiles

pinspect query get_profiles [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] repo_id

Positional Arguments

repo_id to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query get_repo_path

pinspect query get_repo_path [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] repo_id

Positional Arguments

repo_id to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query get_repos

pinspect query get_repos [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN]

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query has_version - Return 0 if an atom is merged, 1 if not.

pinspect query has_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] atom

Positional Arguments

atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect query mass_best_version - multiple best_version calls.

pinspect query mass_best_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [–domain DOMAIN | –domain-at-root DOMAIN] atom [atom …]

Positional Arguments

atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

--domain-at-root DOMAIN

specify the domain to use via its root path

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq - portageq compatible interface to query commands


pinspect portageq [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] {best_version,envvar,envvar2,get_repo_news_path,get_repo_path,get_repos,has_version,mass_best_version,match} …

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support


portageq commands

pinspect portageq best_version - Return the maximum visible version for a given atom.

pinspect portageq best_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root atom

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq envvar - return configuration defined variables. Use envvar2 instead, this will be removed.

pinspect portageq envvar [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [root] variable [variable …]

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


variable to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq envvar2 - return configuration defined variables.

pinspect portageq envvar2 [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root variable [variable …]

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


variable to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq get_repo_news_path

pinspect portageq get_repo_news_path [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root repo_id

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


repo_id to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq get_repo_path

pinspect portageq get_repo_path [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root repo_id

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


repo_id to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq get_repos

pinspect portageq get_repos [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] [root]

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq has_version - Return 0 if an atom is merged, 1 if not.

pinspect portageq has_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root atom

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq mass_best_version - multiple best_version calls.

pinspect portageq mass_best_version [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root atom [atom …]

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect portageq match - shorthand for pquery –installed

pinspect portageq match [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–eapi ATOM_KLS] [–use USE] root atom

Positional Arguments

the domain that lives at root will be used


atom to inspect

--eapi ATOM_KLS

limit all operations to just what the given EAPI supports.

--use USE

override the use flags used for transititive USE deps- dev-lang/python[threads=] for example

Base Options
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

pinspect digests - identify what packages are missing digest info


pinspect digests [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [–domain DOMAIN] [repos …]

Positional Arguments


repo to inspect

Base Options

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


enable debugging checks

-q, --quiet

suppress non-error messages

-v, --verbose

show verbose output

--color BOOLEAN

enable/disable color support

Config Options

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation