pkgdev bugs - Automatic bugs filer


pkgdev bugs [–config CONFIG_FILE] [–domain DOMAIN] [-h] [–debug] [–color BOOLEAN] [–api-key TOKEN] [–dot DOT] [–edit-graph] [–auto-cc-arches EMAIL] [–find-by-maintainer EMAIL] [–projects] [–filter-stablereqs] [–blocks BUG] [-s | -k] [-a ARCH] [–commits [tree-ish] | –staged [tree-ish]] [–git-remote REMOTE] [-p PROFILE] [–stabletime DAYS] [target …]

Positional Arguments


extended atom matching of packages


--api-key TOKEN

The Bugzilla API key to use for authentication. WARNING: using this option will expose your API key to other users of the same system. Consider instead saving your API key in a file named ~/.bugzrc in an INI format like so:

key = <your API key>

Another supported option is to save your API key in a file named ~/.bugz_token.

--dot DOT

path file where to save the graph in dot format


When this argument is passed, pkgdev will open the graph in the editor (either $VISUAL or $EDITOR) before filing bugs. The graph is represented in TOML format. After saving and exiting the editor, the tool would use the graph from the file to file bugs.

--auto-cc-arches EMAIL

Comma separated list of email addresses, for which automatically add CC-ARCHES if one of the maintainers matches the email address. If the package is maintainer-needed, always add CC-ARCHES.

--find-by-maintainer EMAIL

Comma separated list of email addresses, for which pkgdev will collect all packages maintained by.

Note that this flag requires to go over all packages in the repository to find matches, which can be slow (between 1 to 3 seconds).


Include packages maintained by projects, whose members include the emails of maintainers passed to --find-by-maintainer.

Note that this flag requires to fetch the projects.xml file from


Filter targets passed to pkgdev (command line, stabilization groups, maintainer search, stdin) for packages with active StableRequest result.

--blocks BUG

Collection of bug ids which should be blocked by newly created bugs. Only bugs created for passed targets would be blockers, excluding other bugs which were created as dependencies.

-s, --stablereq

File stable request bugs

-k, --keywording

File rekeywording bugs

--stabletime DAYS

An integer number of days before a package version is flagged by StableRequestCheck. Defaults to 30 days.

Config Options

--config CONFIG_FILE

Load custom pkgdev scan settings from a given file.

Note that custom user settings override all other system and repo-level settings.

It’s also possible to disable all types of settings loading by specifying an argument of ‘false’ or ‘no’.

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.


-a ARCH, --arches ARCH

Comma separated list of arches to enable and disable.

To specify disabled arches prefix them with ‘-’. Note that when starting the argument list with a disabled arch an equals sign must be used, e.g. -a=-arch, otherwise the disabled arch argument is treated as an option.

By default all repo defined arches are used; however, stable-related checks (e.g. UnstableOnly) default to the set of arches having stable profiles in the target repo.


Git repo support for various checks.

Pkgcheck can create virtual package repos from a given git repo’s history in order to provide more info for checks relating to stable requests, outdated blockers, or local commits. These virtual repos are cached and updated every run if new commits are detected.

Git repos must have a supported config in order to work properly. Specifically, pkgcheck assumes that the origin branch exists and tracks upstream.

Additionally, the origin/HEAD ref must exist. If it doesn’t, running git remote set-head origin master or similar for other branches will create it.

You can override the default git remote used for all git comparison using --git-remote.

--commits [tree-ish]

Targets are determined from the committed changes compared to a given reference that defaults to the repo’s origin.

For example, to scan all the packages that have been changed in the current branch compared to the branch named ‘old’ use pkgcheck scan --commits old. For two separate branches named ‘old’ and ‘new’ use pkgcheck scan --commits

--staged [tree-ish]

Targets are determined using all staged changes for the git repo. Unstaged changes and untracked files are ignored by temporarily stashing them during the scanning process.

--git-remote REMOTE

The git remote to be used for all operations by pkgcheck. The default value, and the recommended value is origin, but you can use any valid git remote name.


-p PROFILE, --profiles PROFILE

Comma separated list of profiles to enable and disable for scanning. Any profiles specified in this fashion will be the only profiles that get scanned, skipping any disabled profiles. In addition, if no profiles are explicitly enabled, all profiles defined in the target repo’s profiles.desc file will be scanned except those marked as experimental (exp).

To specify disabled profiles prefix them with - which removes the from the list of profiles to be considered. Note that when starting the argument list with a disabled profile an equals sign must be used, e.g. -p=-path/to/profile, otherwise the disabled profile argument is treated as an option.

The special keywords of stable, dev, exp, and deprecated correspond to the lists of stable, development, experimental, and deprecated profiles, respectively. Therefore, to only scan all stable profiles pass the stable argument to –profiles. Additionally the keyword all can be used to scan all defined profiles in the target repo.