pkgdev showkw - show package keywords


pkgdev showkw [–config CONFIG_FILE] [–domain DOMAIN] [-h] [–debug] [-q] [-v] [–color BOOLEAN] [-f FORMAT] [-c] [-s] [-u] [-o] [-p] [-a ARCH] [-r REPO] [target …]

Positional Arguments


extended atom matching of packages

Config Options

--config CONFIG_FILE

Load custom pkgdev scan settings from a given file.

Note that custom user settings override all other system and repo-level settings.

It’s also possible to disable all types of settings loading by specifying an argument of ‘false’ or ‘no’.

--domain DOMAIN

custom pkgcore domain to use for this operation

Base Options

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. To get more information see the related man page.


Enable debug checks and show verbose debug output.

-q, --quiet

Suppress non-error, informational messages.

-v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of various output.

--color BOOLEAN

Toggle colored output support. This can be used to forcibly enable color support when piping output or other situations where stdout is not a tty.

Output Options

-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT

Output table using specified tabular format (defaults to compressed, custom format).

Available formats: fancy_grid, fancy_outline, github, grid, html, jira, latex, latex_booktabs, latex_longtable, latex_raw, mediawiki, moinmoin, orgtbl, pipe, plain, presto, pretty, psql, rst, showkw, simple, textile, tsv, unsafehtml, youtrack

-c, --collapse

show collapsed list of arches

Arch Options

-s, --stable

show stable arches

-u, --unstable

show unstable arches

-o, --only-unstable

show arches that only have unstable keywords

-p, --prefix

show prefix and non-native arches

-a ARCH, --arch ARCH

select arches to display

Target Options

-r REPO, --repo REPO

repo to query (defaults to all ebuild repos)