snakeoil.formatters module

Classes wrapping a file-like object to do fancy output on it.

class snakeoil.formatters.Formatter[source]

Bases: object

Abstract formatter base class.

The types of most of the instance attributes is undefined (depends on the implementation of the particular Formatter subclass).

  • bold – object to pass to write() to switch to bold mode.

  • underline – object to pass to write() to switch to underlined mode.

  • reset – object to pass to write() to turn off bold and underline.

  • wrap – boolean indicating we auto-linewrap (defaults to off).

  • autoline – boolean indicating we are in auto-newline mode (defaults to on).

bg(color: str | None = None) str[source]

Change background color.


color – color to change to. A default is used if omitted. if passed None, resets to the default color.


object representing changing the background to the requested color, if possible for this formatter.

error(message: None | str | Callable[[Formatter], None])[source]

Format a string as an error message.

fg(color: str | None = None) str[source]

Change foreground color.


color – color to change to. A default is used if omitted. if passed None, resets to the default color.


object representing changing the foreground to the requested color, if possible for this formatter.


Flush the underlying stream buffer.

title(string: None | str | Callable[[Formatter], None])[source]

Set the title to string

warn(message: None | str | Callable[[Formatter], None])[source]

Format a string as a warning message.

write(*args: None | str | Callable[[Formatter], None], **kwargs)[source]

Write something to the stream.

Acceptable arguments are:

  • Strings are simply written to the stream.

  • None is ignored.

  • Functions are called with the formatter as argument. Their return value is then used the same way as the other arguments.

  • Formatter subclasses might special-case certain objects.

Accepts wrap and autoline as keyword arguments. Effect is the same as setting them before the write call and resetting them afterwards.

Accepts first_prefixes and later_prefixes as keyword arguments. They should be sequences that are temporarily appended to the first_prefix and later_prefix attributes.

Accepts prefixes as a keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes and later_prefixes to the same value.

Accepts first_prefix, later_prefix and prefix as keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes, later_prefixes or prefixes to a one-element tuple.

The formatter has a couple of attributes that are useful as argument to write.

class snakeoil.formatters.PlainTextFormatter(stream: IO, width: int = 79, encoding: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: Formatter

Formatter writing plain text to a file-like object.

  • width – contains the current maximum line length.

  • encoding – the encoding unicode strings should be converted to.

  • first_prefix – prefixes to output at the beginning of every write.

  • later_prefix – prefixes to output on each line after the first of every write.


change bg color

Compatibility method- no coloring escapes are returned from it.

bold = ''

change fg color

Compatibility method- no coloring escapes are returned from it.


Flush the underlying stream buffer.

reset = ''
underline = ''
write(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write something to the stream.

Acceptable arguments are:

  • Strings are simply written to the stream.

  • None is ignored.

  • Functions are called with the formatter as argument. Their return value is then used the same way as the other arguments.

  • Formatter subclasses might special-case certain objects.

Accepts wrap and autoline as keyword arguments. Effect is the same as setting them before the write call and resetting them afterwards.

Accepts first_prefixes and later_prefixes as keyword arguments. They should be sequences that are temporarily appended to the first_prefix and later_prefix attributes.

Accepts prefixes as a keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes and later_prefixes to the same value.

Accepts first_prefix, later_prefix and prefix as keyword argument. Effect is the same as setting first_prefixes, later_prefixes or prefixes to a one-element tuple.

The formatter has a couple of attributes that are useful as argument to write.


Decorator to force a specific line wrapping state for the duration of invocation.

snakeoil.formatters.get_formatter(stream: IO, force_color: bool = False)[source]

TerminfoFormatter if the stream is a tty, else PlainTextFormatter.