pkgcheck.checks package


Module contents

Core check classes.

class pkgcheck.checks.AsyncCheck(*args, results_q)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that schedules tasks to be run asynchronously.


alias of AsyncCheckRunner

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.Check(options, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Feed

Base template for a check.

  • scope – scope relative to the package repository the check runs under

  • source – source of feed items

  • known_results – result keywords the check can possibly yield

known_results = frozenset({})

Priority that affects order in which checks are run.


alias of SyncCheckRunner

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
property source
class pkgcheck.checks.GentooRepoCheck(*args)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that is only run against the gentoo repo by default.

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.GitCommitsCheck(*args)[source]

Bases: OptionalCheck

Check that is only run when explicitly enabled via the –commits git option.


alias of SequentialCheckRunner

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.MirrorsCheck(*args, use_addon)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that requires determining mirrors used by a given package.

required_addons = (<class 'pkgcheck.addons.UseAddon'>,)
scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.NetworkCheck(*args, net_addon, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AsyncCheck, OptionalCheck

Check that is only run when network support is enabled.

required_addons = (<class 'pkgcheck.addons.NetAddon'>,)
scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.OptionalCheck(options, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that is only run when explicitly enabled.

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.OverlayRepoCheck(*args)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that is only run against overlay repos.

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>
class pkgcheck.checks.RepoCheck(options, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Check

Check that requires running at a repo level.


Do cleanup and yield final results here.


alias of RepoCheckRunner

scope = <PackageScope desc='version' @0x7f0fc49b4890>

Do startup here.

exception pkgcheck.checks.SkipCheck(check, msg)[source]

Bases: PkgcheckUserException

Check failed to initialize due to missing dependencies or other situation.

Checks not explicitly selected will be skipped if they raise this during initialization.

pkgcheck.checks.init_checks(enabled_addons, options, results_q, *, addons_map=None, source_map=None)[source]

Initialize selected checks.