pkgcheck.checks.stablereq module

class pkgcheck.checks.stablereq.StableRequest(slot, keywords, age, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: VersionResult, Info

Unstable ebuild with no changes for over 30 days.

property desc

Result description.

name = 'StableRequest'
class pkgcheck.checks.stablereq.StableRequestCheck(*args, git_addon)[source]

Bases: GentooRepoCheck

Scan for unstable ebuilds with no changes for over 30 days.

By default, only triggered for arches with stable profiles. To check additional arches outside the stable set specify them manually using the -a/–arches option.

Note that packages with no stable keywords won’t trigger this at all. Instead they’ll be caught by the UnstableOnly check.


Handle functionality against the passed in item.

known_results = frozenset({<class 'pkgcheck.checks.stablereq.StableRequest'>})
static mangle_argparser(parser)[source]

Add extra options and/or groups to the argparser.

This hook is always triggered, even if the checker is not activated (because it runs before the commandline is parsed).


parser – an C{argparse.ArgumentParser} instance.

required_addons = (<class 'pkgcheck.addons.git.GitAddon'>,)
scope = <PackageScope desc='package' @0x7f0fc49a7c10>