Source code for pkgcore.operations.repo

repository modifications (installing, removing, replacing)

__all__ = (

from functools import partial

from snakeoil import klass
from snakeoil.currying import post_curry
from snakeoil.dependant_methods import ForcedDepends

from .. import operations as operations_mod
from ..exceptions import PkgcoreException
from ..log import logger
from ..package.mutated import MutatedPkg
from ..restrictions import packages
from ..sync import base as _sync_base
from . import observer as observer_mod
from . import regen

class fake_lock:
    def __init__(self):

    acquire_write_lock = acquire_read_lock = __init__
    release_read_lock = release_write_lock = __init__

[docs] class Failure(PkgcoreException): pass
[docs] class base(metaclass=ForcedDepends): stage_depends = {} def __init__(self, repo, observer): self.repo = repo self.underway = False = observer try: self.lock = getattr(repo, "lock") except AttributeError: raise if self.lock is None: self.lock = fake_lock()
[docs] def start(self, *args): self.underway = True self.lock.acquire_write_lock() return True
[docs] def finalize_data(self): raise NotImplementedError(self, "finalize_data")
[docs] def finish(self): self.lock.release_write_lock() self.underway = False return True
[docs] class install(base): stage_depends = { "finish": "_notify_repo_add", "_notify_repo_add": "finalize_data", "finalize_data": "add_data", "add_data": "start", } description = "install" def __init__(self, repo, pkg, observer): base.__init__(self, repo, observer) self.new_pkg = pkg def _notify_repo_add(self): self.repo.notify_add_package(self.new_pkg) return True def add_data(self): raise NotImplementedError(self, "add_data") def _update_pkg_contents(self, contents): self.new_pkg = MutatedPkg(self.new_pkg, {"contents": contents})
[docs] class uninstall(base): stage_depends = { "finish": "_notify_repo_remove", "_notify_repo_remove": "finalize_data", "finalize_data": "remove_data", "remove_data": "start", } description = "uninstall" def __init__(self, repo, pkg, observer): base.__init__(self, repo, observer) self.old_pkg = pkg def _notify_repo_remove(self): self.repo.notify_remove_package(self.old_pkg) return True def remove_data(self): raise NotImplementedError(self, "remove_data")
[docs] class replace(install, uninstall): stage_depends = { "finish": "_notify_repo_add", "_notify_repo_add": "finalize_data", "finalize_data": ("add_data", "_notify_repo_remove"), "_notify_repo_remove": "remove_data", "remove_data": "start", "add_data": "start", } description = "replace" def __init__(self, repo, oldpkg, newpkg, observer): # yes there is duplicate initialization here. uninstall.__init__(self, repo, oldpkg, observer) install.__init__(self, repo, newpkg, observer)
class sync_operations(operations_mod.base): def __init__(self, repository, disable_overrides=(), enable_overrides=()): self.repo = repository super().__init__(disable_overrides, enable_overrides) @operations_mod.is_standalone def _cmd_api_sync(self, observer=None, **kwargs): # often enough, the syncer is a lazy_ref syncer = self._get_syncer() self.repo._pre_sync() ret = syncer.sync(**kwargs) self.repo._post_sync() return ret def _get_syncer(self, lazy=False): syncer = getattr(self.repo, "_syncer", klass.sentinel) if syncer is klass.sentinel: # raw repo's vs non-raw; drive down to the raw repo. # see pkgcore.ebuild.repository for an example syncer = getattr(self.repo, "config", None) syncer = getattr(syncer, "_syncer", None) if not lazy and not isinstance(syncer, _sync_base.Syncer): syncer = syncer.instantiate() return syncer def _cmd_check_support_sync(self): syncer = self._get_syncer(lazy=True) if syncer is not None: return not self._get_syncer().disabled return False
[docs] class operations(sync_operations): def _disabled_if_frozen(self, command): if self.repo.frozen: logger.debug( "disabling repo(%r) command(%r) due to repo being frozen", self.repo, command, ) return not self.repo.frozen def _get_observer(self, observer=None): if observer is None: observer = observer_mod.repo_observer(observer_mod.null_output()) return observer def _cmd_api_install(self, pkg, observer=None): return self._cmd_implementation_install(pkg, self._get_observer(observer)) def _cmd_api_uninstall(self, pkg, observer=None): return self._cmd_implementation_uninstall(pkg, self._get_observer(observer)) def _cmd_api_replace(self, oldpkg, newpkg, observer=None): return self._cmd_implementation_replace( oldpkg, newpkg, self._get_observer(observer) ) def _cmd_api_install_or_replace(self, newpkg, observer=None): return self._cmd_implementation_install_or_replace( newpkg, self._get_observer(observer) ) def _cmd_implementation_install_or_replace(self, newpkg, observer=None): match = self.repo.match(newpkg.versioned_atom) if not match: return self.install(newpkg, observer=observer) assert len(match) == 1 return self.replace(match[0], newpkg, observer=observer) for x in ("install", "uninstall", "replace", "install_or_replace"): locals()["_cmd_check_support_%s" % x] = post_curry(_disabled_if_frozen, x) del x def _cmd_api_configure(self, pkg, observer=None): return self._cmd_implementation_configure( self.repo, pkg, self._get_observer(observer) ) def _cmd_implementation_clean_cache(self, pkgs=None): """Clean stale and invalid cache entries up.""" caches = [x for x in self._get_caches() if not x.readonly] if not caches: return if pkgs is None: pkgs = frozenset(pkg.cpvstr for pkg in self.repo) for cache in caches: cache_pkgs = frozenset(cache) for p in cache_pkgs - pkgs: del cache[p] @operations_mod.is_standalone def _cmd_api_regen_cache(self, observer=None, threads=1, **kwargs): cache = getattr(self.repo, "cache", None) if not cache and not kwargs.get("force", False): return sync_rate = getattr(cache, "sync_rate", None) try: if sync_rate is not None: cache.set_sync_rate(1000000) errors = 0 # Force usage of unfiltered repo to include pkgs with metadata issues. # Matches are collapsed directly to a list to avoid threading issues such # as EBADF since the repo iterator isn't thread-safe. pkgs = list(self.repo.itermatch(packages.AlwaysTrue, pkg_filter=None)) observer = self._get_observer(observer) for pkg, e in regen.regen_repository( self.repo, pkgs, observer=observer, threads=threads, **kwargs ): observer.error(f"caught exception {e} while processing {pkg.cpvstr}") errors += 1 # report pkgs with bad metadata -- relies on iterating over the # unfiltered repo to populate the masked repo pkgs = frozenset(pkg.cpvstr for pkg in self.repo) for pkg in sorted(self.repo._bad_masked): observer.error( f"{pkg.cpvstr}: {}" ) errors += 1 # remove old/invalid cache entries self._cmd_implementation_clean_cache(pkgs) return errors finally: if sync_rate is not None: cache.set_sync_rate(sync_rate) self.repo.operations.run_if_supported("flush_cache") def _get_caches(self): caches = getattr(self.repo, "cache", ()) if not hasattr(caches, "commit"): return caches return [caches] @operations_mod.is_standalone def _cmd_api_flush_cache(self, observer=None): for cache in self._get_caches(): cache.commit(force=True) def _cmd_api_manifest(self, domain, restriction, observer=None, **kwargs): observer = self._get_observer(observer) return self._cmd_implementation_manifest( domain, restriction, observer, **kwargs )
[docs] class operations_proxy(operations): # cache this; this is to prevent the target operations mutating resulting # in our proxy setup not matching the target. @klass.cached_property def raw_operations(self): return self.repo.raw_repo.operations @klass.cached_property def enabled_operations(self): s = set(self.raw_operations.enabled_operations) return frozenset(self._apply_overrides(s)) def _setup_api(self): for op in self.raw_operations.enabled_operations: setattr(self, op, partial(self._proxy_op, op)) def _proxy_op(self, op_name, *args, **kwargs): return getattr(self.raw_operations, op_name)(*args, **kwargs)