
(Note that this is not a complete list)

  • Proper env saving/reloading. The ebuild is sourced once, and run from the env.

  • DISTDIR has indirection now. It points at a directory, ie, symlinks. to the files. The reason for this is to prevent builds from lying about their sources, leading to less bugs.

  • PORTAGE_TMPDIR is no longer in the ebuild env.

  • (PORTAGE_|)BUILDDIR is no longer in the ebuild env.

  • BUILDPREFIX is no longer in the ebuild env.

  • AA is no longer in the ebuild env.

  • inherit is an error in phases except for setup, prerm, and postrm. pre/post rm are allowed only in order to deal with broken envs. Running config with a broken env isn’t allowed, because config won’t work; installing with a broken env is not allowed because preinst/postinst won’t be executed.

  • binpkg building now gets the unmodified contents- thus when merging a binpkg, all files are there unmodified.