Config use and implementation notes

Using the manager

Normal use

To get at the user’s configuration:

from pkgcore.config import load_config
config = load_config()
main_repo = config.get_default('repo')
spork_repo = config.repo['spork']

Usually this is everything you need to know about the manager. Some things to be aware of:

  • Some of the managed sources of configuration data may be slow, so accessing a source is delayed for as long as possible. Some things require accessing all sources though and should therefore be avoided. The easiest one to trigger is config.repo.keys() or the equivalent list(config.sections(‘repo’)). This has to get the “class” setting for every available config section, which might be slow.

  • For the same reason the manager does not know what type names exist (there is no hardcoded list of them, so the only way to get that information would be loading all config sections). This is why you can get this:

    >>> load_config().section('repo') # typo, should be "sections"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    TypeError: '_ConfigMapping' object is not callable

    This constructed a dictlike object for accessing all config sections of the type “section”, then tried to call it.

Testcase use

For testing of high-level scripts it can be useful to construct a config manager containing hardcoded values:

from pkgcore.config import basics, central

config = central.ConfigManager([{
    'repo' = basics.HardCodedConfigSection({'class': my_repo,
                                            'data': ['1', '2']}),
    'cont' = basics.ConfigSectionFromStringDict({'class': '',
                                                 'ref': 'repo'}),

What this does should be fairly obvious. Be careful you do not use the same ConfigSection object in more than one place: caching will not behave the way you want. See Adding a config source for details.

Adding a configurable

You often do not really have to do anything to make something a valid “class” value, but it is clearer and it is necessary in certain cases.

Adding a class

To make a class available, do this:

from pkgcore.config import ConfigHint, errors

class MyRepo:

    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint({'cache': 'section_ref'},

    def __init__(self, repo):
        except SomeRandomException:
            raise errors.InstantiationError('eep!')

The first ConfigHint arg tells the config system what kind of arguments you take. Without it it assumes arguments with no default are strings and guesses for the other args based on the type of the default value. So if you have no default values or they are just None you should tell the system about your args.

The second one tells it you fulfill the repo “protocol”, meaning your instances will show up in load_config().repo.

ConfigHint takes some more arguments, see the api docs for details.

Adding a callable

To make a callable available you can do this:

from pkgcore.config.hint import configurable

@configurable({'cache': 'section_ref'}, typename=repo)
def my_repo(repo):
    # do stuff

configurable is just a convenience function that applies a ConfigHint.

Exception handling

If you raise an exception when the config system calls you it will catch the exception and wrap it in an InstantiationError. This is good for calling code since catching and printing those provides the user with a readable description of what happened. It is less good for developers since the raising of a new exception kills the traceback printed in debug mode. You will have a traceback that “ends” in the config code handling instantiation.

You can improve this by raising an InstantiationError yourself. If you do this the config system will be able to add the extra information needed for a user-friendly error message to it without raising a new exception, meaning debug mode will give a traceback leading right back to your code raising the InstantiationError.

Adding a config source

Config sources are pretty straightforward: they are mappings from a section name to a ConfigSection subclass. The only tricky thing is the combination of section references and caching. The general rule is “do not expose the same ConfigSection in more than one way”. If you do it will be collapsed and instantiated once for every way it is exposed, which is usually not what you want. An example:

from pkgcore.config import basics
from pkgcore.config.hint import configurable

def example():
    return object()

@configurable({'ref': 'section_ref'})
def nested(ref):
    return ref

multi = basics.HardCodedConfigSection({'class': example})

myconf = {
    'multi': multi,
    'bad': basics.HardCodedConfigSection({'class': nested, 'ref': multi})
    'good': basics.ConfigSectionFromStringDict({'class': 'nested',
                                                'ref': 'multi'})

If you feed this to the ConfigManager and instantiate everything “multi” and “good” will be identical but “bad” will be a different object. For an explanation of why this happens see the implementation notes in the next section.

You trigger a similar problem if you create a custom ConfigSection subclass that bypasses central’s collapse_named_section for named section refs. If you somehow get at the referenced ConfigSection and hand it to collapse_section you will most likely circumvent caching. Only use collapse_section for unnamed sections.

ConfigManager tries not to extract more things from this mapping than it has to. Specifically, it will not call __getitem__ before it needs to instantiate the section or needs to know its type. However it will iterate over the keys (section names) immediately to find autoloads. If this is a problem (getting those names is slow) then make sure the manager knows your config is “remote”.

Implementation notes

This code has evolved quite a bit over time. The current code/design tries among other things to:

  • Allow sections to contain both named and nameless/inline references to other sections.

  • Allow serialization of the loaded config.

  • Not do unnecessary work (if possibly not recollapse configs, definitely not trigger unnecessary imports, access configs unnecessarily, reinstantiate configs)

  • Provide both end-user error messages that are complete enough to track down a problem in a complex nested config and tracebacks that reach back to actual buggy code for developers.

Overview from load_config() to instantiated repo

When you call load_config() it looks up what config files are available (/etc/pkgcore/pkgcore.conf, ~/.config/pkgcore/pkgcore.conf, /etc/portage/make.conf) and loads them. This produces a dict mapping section names to ConfigSection instances. For the ini-format pkgcore.conf files this is straightforward, for make.conf this is a lot of work done in pkgcore.ebuild.portage_conf. I’m not going to describe that module here, read the source for details.

The ConfigSections have a pretty straightforward api: they work like dicts but get passed a string describing what “type” the value should be and a central.ConfigManager instance for reasons described later. Passing in this “type” string when getting the value is necessary because the way things like lists of strings are stored depends on the format of the configuration file but the parser does not have enough information to know it should parse as a list instead of a string. For example, an ini-format pkgcore.conf could contain:


We want to turn that auxdbkeys value into a list of strings in the ini file parser code instead of in the central.ConfigManager or even higher up because more exotic config sections may want to store this in a different way (perhaps as a comma-separated list, or even as “<el>DEPEND</el><el>RDEPEND</el>”. But there is obviously not enough information in the ini file for the parser to know this is meant as a list instead of a string with a space in it.

central.ConfigManager gets instantiated with one or more of those dicts mapping section names to ConfigSections. They’re split up into normal and “remote” configs which I’ll describe later, let’s assume they’re all “remote” for now. In that case no work is done when the ConfigManager is instantiated.

Getting an actual configured object out of the ConfigManager is split in two phases. First the involved config sections are “collapsed”: inherits are processed, values are converted to the right type, presence of required arguments is checked, etc. Everything up to actually instantiating the target class and actually instantiating any section references it needs. The result of this work is bundled in a CollapsedConfig instance. Actual instantiation is handled by the CollapsedConfig instance.

The ConfigManager manages CollapsedConfig instances. It creates new ones if required and makes sure that if a cached instance is available it is used.

For the remainder of the example let’s assume our config looks like this:



Running config.repo[‘spork’] runs config.collapse_named_section(‘spork’). This first checks if this section was already collapsed and returns the CollapsedConfig if it is available. If it is not in the cache it looks up the ConfigSection with that name in the dicts handed to the ConfigManager on instantiation and calls collapse_section on it.

collapse_section first recursively finds any inherited sections (just the “cache” section in this case). It then grabs the ‘class’ setting (which is always of type ‘callable’). In this case that’s “pkgcore.cache.flat_hash.database”, which the ConfigSection imports and returns. This is then wrapped in a config.basics.ConfigType. A ConfigType contains the information necessary to validate arguments passed to the callable. It uses the magic pkgcore_config_type attribute if the callable has it and introspection for everything else. In this case pkgcore.cache.flat_hash.database.pkgcore_config_type is a ConfigHint stating the “auxdbkeys” argument is of type “list”.

Now that collapse_section has a ConfigType it uses it to retrieve the arguments from the ConfigSections and passes the ConfigType and arguments to CollapsedConfig’s __init__. Then it returns the CollapsedConfig instance to collapse_named_section. collapse_named_section caches it and returns it.

Now we’re back in the __getattr__ triggered by config.repo[‘spork’]. This checks if the ConfigType on the CollapsedConfig is actually ‘repo’, and returns collapsedConfig.instantiate() if this matches.

Lazy section references

The main reason the above is so complicated is to support various kinds of references to other sections. Example:



Let’s say pkgcore.Spork has a ConfigHint stating the type of the “ref” argument is “lazy_ref:foon” (lazy reference to a foon) and its typename is “repo”, and pkgcore.Foon has a ConfigHint stating its typename is “foon”. a “lazy reference” is an instance of basics.LazySectionRef, which is an object containing just enough information to produce a CollapsedConfig instance. This is not the most common kind of reference, but it is simpler from the config point of view so I’m describing this one first.

When collapse_section runs on the “spork” section it calls section.get_value(self, ‘ref:repo’, ‘section_ref’). “lazy_ref” in the type hint is converted to just “ref” here because the ConfigSections do not have to distinguish between lazy and “normal” references. Because this particular ConfigSection only supports named references it returns a LazyNamedSectionRef(central, ‘ref:repo’, ‘foon’). This just gets handed to Spork’s __init__. If the Spork decides to call instantiate() on the LazyNamedSectionRef it calls central.collapse_named_section(‘foon’), checks if the result is of type foon, instantiates it and returns it.

The same thing using a dhcp-style config:

spork {
    class pkgcore.Spork;
    ref {
        class pkgcore.Foon;

In this format the reference is an inline unnamed section. When get_value(central, ‘ref:repo’, ‘foon’) is called it returns a LazyUnnamedSectionRef(central, ‘ref:repo’, section) where section is a ConfigSection instance for the nested section (knowing just that “class” is “pkgcore.Foon” in this case). This is handed to Spork.__init__. If Spork calls instantiate() on it it calls central.collapse_section(self.section) and does the same type checking and instantiating LazyNamedSectionRef did.

Notice neither Spork nor ConfigManager care if the reference is inline or named. get_value just has to return a LazySectionRef instance (LazyUnnamedSectionRef and LazyNamedSectionRef are subclasses of this). How this actually gets a referenced config section is up to the ConfigSection whose get_value gets called.

Normal section references

If Spork’s ConfigHint defines the type of its “ref” argument as “ref:foon” instead of “lazy_ref:foon” it gets handed an actual Foon instance instead of a LazySectionRef to one. This is built on top of the lazy reference code. For the ConfigSections nothing changes (the same get_value call is made). But the ConfigManager now immediately calls collapse() on the LazySectionRef, retrieving a CollapsedConfig instance (for the “foon”). This is handed to the CollapsedConfig for “spork”, and when this one is instantiated the referenced CollapsedConfig is also instantiated.

Miscellaneous details

The support for nameless sections means neither ConfigSection nor CollapsedConfig have a name attribute. This makes the error handling code a bit tricky as it has to tag in the name at various points, but this works better than enforcing names where it does not make sense (means lots of unnecessary duplication of names when dealing with dicts of HardCoded/StringBasedConfigSections).

The suppport for serialization of the loaded config means section_refs cannot be instantiated straight away. The object used for serialization is the CollapsedConfig which gives you both the actual values and the type they have. If the CollapsedConfig contained arbitrary instantiated objects serializing them would be impossible. So it contains nested CollapsedConfigs instead.

Not doing unnecessary work is done by caching in two places. The simple one is CollapsedConfig caching its instantiated value. This is pretty straightforward. The more subtle one is ConfigManager caching CollapsedConfigs by name. It is obviously a good idea to cache these (if we didn’t we would have to cache the instantiated value in the ConfigManager). An alternative would be caching them by their ConfigSection. This has the minor disadvantage of keeping the ConfigSection in memory, and the larger one that it may break caching for weird config sources that generate ConfigSections on demand. The downside of caching by name is we have to make sure nothing generates a CollapsedConfig for a named section in a way other than collapse_named_section (handing the ConfigSection to collapse_section bypasses caching).

This means a ConfigSection cannot return a raw ConfigSection from a section_ref get_value call. If it was a ConfigSection that central then collapsed and the reference was actually to a named section caching is bypassed.

The need for a section name starting with “autoload” is also there to avoid unnecessary work. Without this we would have to figure out the typename of every section. While we can do that without entirely collapsing the config we cannot avoid importing the “class”, which means load_config() would import most of pkgcore. That should definitely be avoided.